Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 508 Well, I'll take it off first...

Nei Wen approached the group of people in front while shouting. It was so dark that he couldn't tell who they were, but he could vaguely see that none of them had weapons. This is a good sign, and it shows that the other party's resistance is not very strong. .

Some time ago, Newen had been running around, maintaining order, suppressing rebellion, exterminating bandits, etc. He was extremely busy, but he had accumulated a lot of experience, at least a lot of experience in distinguishing right from wrong.

Some aristocratic landlords are very disgusting. They are obviously the ones who rob other people's things, their land and houses, and their wives and daughters, but they can produce a lot of evidence to prove that they are their things, and then let the text give them uphold justice.

In the past, the text would be very entangled because of this situation, but now it won't be the case. Lord Anthony taught him: the principle of a high degree of autonomy derived from a limited order @¥ @...|| # *¥[# ]% #

The characters in the latter part were because I didn’t understand the text, and finally Anthony had to sum it up for him—as long as people don’t die.

No matter who is right, it’s fine not to kill people, but it’s not okay to beat people. Anyway, you are reasonable, and I’ll deal with it after you’ve finished speaking.

This method of handling is super suitable for violent gangs like the Spirit Dragon Knights. Few of those Spirit Dragon Knights can be reasonable, but the maintenance principle is very suitable, as long as people don't die.

From this, it is derived that it is fine to do nothing, whoever strikes first will be responsible, whoever uses a weapon will be punished, etc. They used the least energy to maintain the limited order of a large territory.

Since then, Neiwen has begun to understand what limited order is, as long as there are no dead people, as long as the undead do not fight or use weapons, no matter how loud the order is, the order will not collapse, and the society will not be chaotic—except when there is no food.

As long as there is constant food and a limited order is maintained, all kinds of contradictions will be resolved or shelved in quarrels, concessions, and compromises.

Anthony once said to him earnestly: "It is impossible to be fair and just in this way, because what is fair and just requires professional knowledge to judge. Some things that many people take for granted or have been used to since ancient times are not necessarily Yes."

"As long as there is no chaos or collapse, everything can be restored. You can use the least number of people and maintain the most places. When the places are settled down, fed and clothed, safe and secure, everyone will have higher pursuits. At that time, we can train more judges with professional knowledge to judge knights and the like, and we can pursue fairness and justice."

After Anthony's explanation, Newen really understands the meaning of "limited order". Is the cemetery built by the king in each city just for this "limited order"?

After a period of 'practice', Newen has grown into a qualified referee. He will not listen one-sidedly, nor will he randomly define who is good and who is bad. He just wants to know if there are any dead people.

However, seeing that the group of people on the opposite side looked unarmed, he was much more relaxed, at least the trouble did not get out of hand.

A chubby little landlord chased after him, and said anxiously: "My lord, why should I be wronged? No one will wrong a bunch of stinky farmers. They are right. They killed my three servants and chopped off my guard." It’s their hands, it’s them, it’s right to grab them, it’s the ones you said will be beheaded, behead their heads.”

"Shut up!" Nei Wen was so angry that conflicts were aroused in this situation, and he simply didn't want to end it peacefully. Nei Wen really wanted to kill him first.

Just then, one of the group stood up and turned to face them.

Newen held down the handle of the sword vigilantly with one hand, and raised his voice: "Don't be nervous, please put down your weapon..."

Then a ball of white light lit up on the opposite palm, illuminating their group of people. Nevin's legs gave way and he almost fell to his knees on the ground, because he saw a bunch of scary guys.

The fat little landlord also asked in surprise: "My lord, why are you kneeling?"

There is no such thing as air traffic control in Newen, so he stooped and trotted in front of everyone, and asked in surprise, "Master Ange? Lord Anthony? Lord Duroken? Why are you here?"

Anthony nodded with a smile, patted him on the shoulder in relief and said, "Come here after dinner to refresh yourself, how come you are here?"

Shenbada was so upset that Newen almost didn't choke there. Fortunately, Anthony asked a question, otherwise he didn't know what to say, so he quickly said:

"A small landlord reported to us that his tenants rebelled and killed his servants and guards, so I came to see, my lord, have you seen those tenants?"

"It's me." Anthony replied.

"Huh?" Nevin froze for a moment.

"I killed the three servants of his family and cut off the hands of his guards." Anthony said generously.

"Oh, it turns out that it was you, Lord Anthony, who intervened. It must be because they did something unforgivable." Nevin said affirmatively.

Anthony said in embarrassment: "It seems that there is no such thing. They have borrowed money and owe rent."

Nevin looked at Anthony resentfully, and suddenly yelled loudly: "Oh, no, I have hypoglycemia, no no no, I'm going to pass out."

After speaking, he rolled his eyes and fell straight to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Negris and the little landlord were taken aback for a while, and Negris said in shock: "This is Newen? That upright and brave Newen? How come you are so slick with you now?"

Newen, who was 'fainted' on the ground, blushed, but it was so pitch black that no one could see it.

The little landowner was stunned for a while, and finally figured out what happened. He trembled all over, screamed, turned around and ran away. The 'referee' he invited was stunned by the person opposite.

But suddenly there was something extra on the ground, tripping the little landowner forward, a stone inexplicably moved to his forehead, cracked his head, and after a while, he fainted and buried his face in the soil Suffocated.

Anthony then shouted: "No, the guy you brought fell to his death. He fell and suffocated to death with his head on the stone."

Newen got up in a daze: "What? Did he fall to his death? No, I failed to protect him. I neglected my duty. Come on, someone, take his body back and return it to his family Bar."

In his heart, he slandered with resentment: he suffocated to death by smashing his head on a stone, how could this way of death make me happy! ? Teacher, you are embarrassing me...

A bone dragon fell from the air, and both the bone dragon and the knight saluted in this direction before picking up the little landlord's body and flying away.

After deceiving himself and acting out a scene, Newen asked in a low voice: "Master Anthony? What's going on?"

Anthony obviously wanted to judge him, and asked with a smile: "Guess what's going on?"

Nei Wen thought for a while and guessed: "Landlords lend usury and annex their fields, can't you stand to be brave?"

Anthony smiled and nodded: "How can I be so free, the one who was robbed is ours."

"Oh..." Neiwen understood, and he guessed right. He actually didn't really believe it when he said "be brave for righteousness". How can the adults be so idle, it must be that dead landlord who provoked them.

"Then I know, how to deal with it here?" Nevin asked.

Anthony asked back: "What are you going to do with it?"

Nevin thought about it seriously. Anthony taught him a lot. Although he has no official title, Nevin has long regarded Anthony as his teacher. The teacher's inquiries must be answered carefully and carefully.

After thinking for a while, Neiwen said: "There are three ways to deal with it. One is to ignore it, the son of the landlord's family will inherit the family business, and the people here will continue to be tenants in the future. However, thinking that my father died in this village, we will wait for us. After leaving, I am afraid that the villagers here will be exploited even more."

"The second is to move the village away, and the third is to move the landlord away."

Anthony glanced at Newen meaningfully, and nodded with relief: "Yes, you have considered it thoroughly, then do it according to your idea."

"Yes, my lord." Neiwen responded respectfully.

Negris was confused, and couldn't help asking: "Wait a minute, what kind of charades are you playing? Nevin, what are you going to do?"

Newen scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a sneer: "Remove the landlord. His family only has a few people, so it's easy to move out. There are so many people in this village, so moving out is too troublesome."

"No, Anthony said before that it is best to maintain the status quo if the productivity is not up to par. If you move the landlord's family away, aren't you afraid that the nearby landlords and aristocrats will come and annex the land?" Negris asked.

"No, no, there will be a distant nephew who has no inheritance rights, and he will inherit the family business and maintain the original stability." Nei Wen said.

"Hiss—what did Anthony teach you? Then how do you plan to move the landlord away? Will their family be so obedient?" Negris asked with teeth a bit gritty.

"I will be obedient. One night, a group of thieves broke into their house, tied up their family, stole all the money, and left a blackmail letter." Nei Wen said.

"Chambada, you're not the Nevin I know, what did Anthony teach you?" Negris was about to go crazy.

When we first met, Nei Wen was so upright, brave, just, and a little bit shy. How come he has become so black-bellied now, just like a copy of Anthony.

Anyway, it’s all over, and the text doesn’t care anymore, and said seriously: "The things taught by your lord are very practical. I used what he taught me to calm the chaos in more than sixty city-states. I was too naive before. Not only did it fail to stop the chaos, but it made it worse. Ideals may be false, but governance must be pragmatic."

"What you said makes sense." Negris was convinced. This guy not only learned Anthony's black belly, but also learned that set of theories, but it still made sense. Negris felt that he couldn't argue.

Anthony smiled gratifiedly. Nevin is a person with a great sense of justice, kind and upright, but sometimes he is too naive and idealistic. He does not know how to adapt to things, and often does bad things with good intentions.

If no one teaches him, then his integrity and kindness will easily turn into self-doubt in repeated failures, and finally completely lost.

However, if he can have an upright and kind heart and cooperate with flexible handling methods, then he will become a qualified consul.

Seeing him, Anthony was like seeing himself.

"By the way, what is Lord Ange doing?" Nevin asked curiously.

"The bloodline is awakened, this little guy is a dragon's minion, and my lord is going to let him awaken to become a dragonborn." Anthony said casually.

Neiwen's feet were weak, and he fell to his knees. Seeing everyone looking over in surprise, he quickly stood up tremblingly, and asked in a trembling voice, "Dragon... the dragon's minion awakened to become a dragonborn?"

"Yes, is there any problem?" Anthony asked puzzledly, then turned to Negris and asked, "Is there any problem? Is it difficult?"

Negris was also at a loss: "I don't know, I don't know dragon minions very well, is it difficult?"

For the dragon clan, the dragon descendants are the illegitimate sons of the indiscriminate dragons, and the minions are the dirt on their bodies. Who cares about some dirt.

"Hey." Nei Wen rubbed his hands and said with a shy face: "If it's not too difficult, can your lord help me awaken a few minions as well? Our Spirit Dragon Knights have a bunch of idiot minions. Just sleeping, I can’t do any work well.”

"No, do you know what is needed for awakening? It's so precious, don't even ask." Negris refused without saying a word.

Just kidding, the dragon god's blood is needed for awakening, and Ange has to go back and prick his fingers again, it hurts so much, don't even think about it.

"Uh, okay then." Nevin immediately shut his mouth tightly.

He has seen how extravagant people like Ange are. They take out all kinds of world branches and elf beans, and even they think it is precious. Nevin thinks that he might not be able to afford it if he sells himself, so he quickly dismissed this idea.

But Negris thought of another thing instead: "Speaking of which, your Spirit Dragon Knights should have a deep connection with dragons or undead creatures, right? Then do you have a powerful soul that you know? Can drive fifty or sixty The kind of Mi Julong?"

Nevin froze for a moment, blinked, and glanced at Anthony.

Anthony seemed to be attracted by something, and his eyes kept falling on the little dragon, as if he didn't hear what Negris said.

Neiwen suddenly realized, tidied his clothes, and his expression became very formal: "Is this kind of soul? I seem to know one, but I don't know what Master Naig needs this kind of soul for?"

However, Negris noticed Nevin and Anthony's little tricks, and couldn't help shouting: "Neven, you are not pure, you can exchange information with this kind of tricks? What kind of riddles are you playing? No, no, wait for me to find silver coins to follow You talk, so as not to be tricked by you, Sang Bada."

Anthony hurriedly said: "Don't, don't, I just said it's none of my business, let him do business. But if he wants to do business, let me deal with him."

Newen immediately made a bitter face: Teacher, you didn't mean that just now, it's over...

Anthony also made a bitter face: Then what can I do, Naiger called the profiteers over, so as not to trick you into selling pants?

Nei Wen grimaced: Well, I'll take off my pants first...

"The powerful soul I know is the founder of our Spirit Dragon Knights, Spirit Dragon Griffin."

Thank you rossby, Shu Moliang, for your reward

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