Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 513 We seem to have scared her

Said the Titans, they went back...

The amount of information in this sentence is so large that Anthony looked at each other in blank dismay: "Go back? Where are you going back?"

In fact, everyone has already guessed in their hearts, where did the Titan come from?

From the main plane, the most likely is to return to the main plane, and before the storm of faith came, Titan also conveyed a message through lightning: Thunder will return eventually.

So Titan must want to go back to the main plane, and Negris even analyzed why.

"Why did Titan run away? Isn't it because of His Majesty and the Church of Light? I even suspect that Titan came here with the exiled Lord of Light." Anthony analyzed.

"Now the world is changing and the situation is very different. His Majesty has also come to this world and re-established the Undead Empire. It is simply a lingering nightmare for those titans. At this time, their best choice What is it?" Anthony asked.

Duroken said: "Come here, I'll go back, I'll avoid you anyway."

"Yes, if there is another attack, it would be better to clean up all the gods on the main plane. Once the titans go back, they will be the strongest species on the main plane. So they notified the dwarves in advance and asked them to Protect the God of War and the God of Forging, and with the return of Thor, the Titan and the Dwarf will have three gods, and they will become the overlords of the main plane."

"Hiss—is the Titan so smart?" Negris asked bitterly.

"You're stereotyped. We were forgotten by the Dwarf King's Tonghammer pit?" The honest and honest stereotype of the dwarf made Anthony relax his vigilance, and was rarely tricked.

I brought good wine over there, not only was the other party drunk, but also repaired the God of War chessboard for them, and watched the records with them after repairing. If Master Ange hadn't confiscated his hammer, it would be a big loss.

Therefore, it is concluded that it is the best choice for the Titans to return to the main plane.

But Titan didn't know that there was a more perverted guy on the main plane, a pervert who could integrate all the powers of the Church of Light, magic stars, humans, elves, dragons, dwarves, and immortality.

"So, they went back to the main plane? How did they go back? Where did they go?" Negris asked.

Ange shook his head blankly. Obviously, it is impossible for this kind of information to spread through Thunder.

"Then we can only raise our vigilance on the main plane. Ange, please inform Di Luni later that he has been observing the changes in the void. Maybe Titan has been discovered by him before he returns to the main plane. ’” Negris said.

Stargazing is Di Luni's hobby. The astrology tower of the Academy of Stars is also the most advanced on the main plane. When the storm of faith struck, he also discovered it, but he lacked information and could not connect the astrology with specific events. Remind him and he will be able to connect the two himself.

Ange agreed, and Negris asked again: "What's in your hand?"

The iron javelin that Ange pulled out was found on the statue of Titan City under the sea. Its material is very special. Although it is made of iron, it has been soaked in the sea for so many years, but there is only a layer of rust on the surface. Is it stainless steel?

This is not the most miraculous thing, the most miraculous thing is that after being baptized by a wave of lightning, it was restored as new again.

When it is struck by lightning and the current is introduced into the ground, it can produce some lightning-type crops, such as lightning-strike wood, which can better assist the cultivation of hybrid titans like Ziku.

However, after comparison, it was found that the general lightning induction tower can also do this, so the important thing is the lightning, not the iron javelin, so Duroken designed it and asked the dwarves to build a set of more than 90 meters lightning induction tower. In a place where thunderstorms often occur, the iron javelin is left unused for Ziku and others to practice.

But now, the iron javelin six or seven meters long has disappeared and turned into a ball of lightning. What is this thing?

Ange shook it hard, and he 'handled' the lightning ball into a javelin. Ange looked at the javelin in his hand, tilted his head, and then took a step forward, leaning back with his upper body, his arms stretched, and his entire skeleton stretched backwards. It was like a bow, and then it was shot forward fiercely, and the javelin was thrown out.

In a very standard throwing posture, the javelin turned into a lightning thorn and slashed into the sky, disappearing in an instant.

Anthony Duroken's eyes widened, and he shouted in shock, "Did you see clearly? Did you see clearly?"

"No, no, I just saw a black line disappearing in a flash." Duroken also responded in shock.

Don't blame them for being shocked. Both Anthony and Duroken are two of the world's top powerhouses. One is the pope, and the other is the owner of the four vice halls of the Dormition Palace. They can't see the javelin clearly. Few people can see it.

A little yellow book flew up, and Negris roared: "Is it time to discuss this issue!? This dead skeleton threw the javelin away! Throw it away! Throw it away! Someone hurry up and pick it up!"

Then he turned to Ange and shouted: "Why are you throwing it into the sky? Are you going to pick it up?! Throw it up the mountain."

An Ge shook his head: "It will explode." He said while pressing his hands.

Will it explode? Will the iron javelin explode? Or...will it blow up the mountain?

Just as he was wondering, he saw a little electric light flashing from the center of An Ge's hands.

"Hiss, the thunder javelin, the real thunder javelin, the kind that throws it out and returns to your hand in an instant!" Duroken said in shock.

The Purple Skeleton Titan picked up a bunch of Thunder Javelins in the Goddess of Salvation's warehouse, but those are not real Thunder Javelins, but one-offs, so throw them away and they will be gone.

The real thunder javelin, according to the thunder titan, is made of the power of thunder, and it will come back when thrown, just like the one in Ange's hand.

There were more and more lightning lights, and soon they turned into lightning balls. Ange held it again, and the six or seven-meter-long iron javelin reappeared in his hand.

"You can return it after throwing it out? No need to pick it up? So amazing?" Negris was surprised.

It was so miraculous that Ange let go of his hand, and the iron javelin immediately shrank into a ball of lightning. This time, Ange squeezed the ball violently, and the ball of lightning was crushed. When he opened his hand again, the palm of his hand was empty.

"Packed up? Where did it go?" Negris asked in surprise.

An Ge pointed to his head, and the Thunder Javelin was taken into his soul in a very magical way, and he could pull it out at any time as long as he wanted to.

When Negris wanted to ask something, Ange suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the mountain ridge. At the halfway point of the mountain ridge in the distance, Abu Ke was floating quickly, and Griffin followed behind him, feeling complicated Looking at Ange and others.

After they approached, Negris said with some embarrassment: "Griffin, I'm sorry, I made such a big commotion, I hope I won't scare your people."

Griffin pursed his lips, hesitated for a moment, and said, "How do you pay?"

Negris, Anthony and Duroken were all stunned, only Nevin smiled awkwardly, this... this is too bad for words, no wonder they would say "Are you here to be buried?" talk.

Anthony laughed, and took a few steps forward: "Although the commotion was a little louder, but fortunately, the relic altar has been perfectly repaired and activated. How can it be convenient to pay for the repair cost?"

"Ah? Want to pay?" Griffin was startled: "I didn't ask you to fix it, and it's not my thing."

"Oh? It's not yours? Forget it, we'll take it away, my lord, we'll take it apart." Anthony waved his hand.

Thunder Titan's altar can receive information across a world. This is a treasure. I didn't want to leave it to Griffin, but I didn't expect the other party to be so cooperative. Now it's all right, the altar has become an ownerless thing.

Ange nodded and looked at Duroken.

Duroken pointed: "First dig a round pit two meters deep around the altar."

Ange looked at the little zombie.

The little zombie immediately turned into a hoe and dug a hole. It was like a large mud-churning structure. The soil was raised seven or eight meters high by it, and it dug forward, and soon it was along the altar. A circle of tunnels two meters deep was dug to surround the altar.

Duroken fell into the pit, made a magic circle along the bottom of the pit, and then said: "Okay, it's out of the reinforcement, and it can be transferred."

An Ge pressed both hands on the altar, and pressed hard, whoosh, the entire altar disappeared, and was pushed into the dimensional space by him, leaving only a large circular pit.

Fortunately, a dimensional space was created, otherwise there would be no way to collect such a large item, and it would definitely not be able to be put into the Palace of Rest. In the case of God's Domain, it would be too laborious to move it up first and then move it in.

During the whole process, Griffin watched silently, his mood fluctuated violently, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but he didn't intend to stop it.

Abuke floated over, poked her in confusion, and asked in a low voice, "Didn't you say you took the opportunity to provoke us and beat us up? Now is such a good opportunity, challenge..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Griffin anxiously: "When did I say such a thing, don't talk nonsense, no, you must have heard it wrong."

"Ah?" Mingming said on the way back, how could he hear it wrong.

"No, no, don't talk nonsense." Griffin denied repeatedly.

She was crazy to provoke her. Didn't she see what these people did? The valley was almost bombarded, and the javelin shot just now also made her tremble with fear.

Griffin didn't ask until Ange put away the altar, "Are you eating? I'll let someone cook."

The topic jumped so much that Anthony almost slipped.

Now everyone can be sure that this Griffin really can't speak, a bit like a social phobia patient racking his brains to think of topics, but he often becomes the king of silence.

Among the people present, only Anthony and Nevin needed to eat, but in this case, they were not in the mood to eat, so let's finish the matter first.

"You've been to see the petrified dragon, so did Abuk tell you why we're here?" Anthony asked.

Griffin answered the question and said, "What camp are you from? The Church of Light? Or the Undead Empire?"

Anthony glanced at her meaningfully, and answered the wrong question: "Our task now is to rescue His Majesty from the barrier of oblivion."

He didn't directly state his own camp, but called the undead king His Majesty. While answering Griffinian's question, he left more room for interpretation. In one sentence, he showed the old magic stick's speaking art.

However, Griffin obviously didn't see how high the 'art' was here, and he just breathed a sigh of relief. The Spirit Dragon Knights must not be able to defeat the Empire, although they have no affiliation with the Empire.

Now that everyone is on the same side, it's time to talk: "What do you want?" Griffinney asked.

"No no no, it's not what we want, the current situation is like this, we got a petrified dragon without an owner, we need a soul to drive him, Nevin is a good boy, so I first thought He said you might need a body, so we came here."

Having said that, Anthony paused, and asked solemnly: "What can you give?"

Griffin's expression changed suddenly, and her virtual face was a little distorted. Finally, she said, "I don't want that body anymore."


After more than ten kilometers away from the Dragon Tomb, Anthony suddenly realized: "We seem to have scared her."

Negris also responded: "It should be. I feel like she is like an undead who doesn't like to interact with people very much. She speaks straight and jumps a lot. Maybe Ange scared her."

"Yes, I guess she should be thinking in her heart: These people are so powerful, but they come here to give her a body on their own initiative, what are they trying to do? Will they be uneasy and kind? Forget it, I can't figure it out, it's so annoying Ah, no more." Duroken guessed.

Abuke also said: "When she came back, she was still very interested in the body, and said that she would provoke you to beat up and see who beat who, but after seeing you, she didn't admit that she had said such a thing, probably It was really scary."

Seeing that Ange had stretched out his hand to plant the land in the space, Negris became very angry and said loudly: "You scare people, do you hear me?!"

Angus nodded.

Anthony and Duroken laughed out loud: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm just scared, if I ask adults to talk to her, I'm sure she'll be angry."

Thinking of that scene, Negris laughed, but after laughing, he had to worry again: "Then what about the dragon corpse? Otherwise, Abuke, you'd better not reincarnate as a dragon soul warrior, return to your body and take care of yourself." Be an undead dragon."

Abuk shook his head resolutely.

An Ge suddenly said: "Alive, resurrected."

Others didn't understand the sudden sentence. Negris thought for a while, then took a breath: "You mean, transfer a consciousness into it and resurrect it into a living dragon? Just like Negris the White Throat? No, like blackface?"

Angus nodded.


On the Eternal Road, Ange's body moved, turned around and arched his body, his soul roared, and a message followed his roar, and spread to all souls with soul connections on the metaplane.

Thank you for the cute name Qian Qian, 13082830955, for your tip.

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