If there is no starburst magic circle in the sky, Anthony has dozens of ways to kill the Warlock Alliance, but the existence of the starburst magic circle is equivalent to hanging an indestructible sword over everyone's heads. There is no good way to deal with it.

This is a plane-level weapon. It can clean up all the gods across a world. If it bombards the ground at close range, its power will definitely be more terrifying. I have never seen an undead empire put its capital on the other side of the plane.

It can be seen from this that the starburst magic circle has the ability to attack undead creatures, not only against gods, and secondly, it has no ability to move.

If there is the ability to move, to move to the other side of the plane, the undead empire can only move underground.

The Undead Empire can still be moved underground, but Ange's field is not easy to move underground.

It is true that Ange also has the experience and technology of growing vegetables in the ground, but the yield is far inferior to the fertile soil on the ground, and it is too difficult for him to give up the farmland until he is forced to do so.

"So, the best way now is to arrest this god-making warlock and hold him here as a hostage, so that the Starburst Magic Circle will be afraid and dare not bombard it casually. But this is not necessarily safe, because the Warlock Alliance has The Twelve Coalitions, if they try their best to kill a god-builder and also destroy us, it will be troublesome, and we need to make various preparations."

Anthony quickly analyzed: "The god of life wants to ensure his own safety. It is best to extend the roots to farther places, and at the same time block the water channel under the pool. Even if he leaves, the pool will not dry up, and the river will not dry up." It will disappear, and at least the millions of acres of farmland and forest outside can be preserved.”

Angle nodded.

Anthony continued: "It's enough to keep the water pool. We must not continue to use this place, otherwise the Warlock Alliance will definitely stare at us every day, and it will be inconvenient to enter and exit, so we have to change a stronghold."

Negris and Duroken blinked and said in unison: "Starburst Canyon!"

Anger also nodded. Not far from Starburst Canyon is Little Dragon's hometown. There is a large area of ​​plains there, but it is quite barren and the crop yield is very low. Certain soil improvements are needed to grow things better.

How to improve it? First plant a batch of dodder velvet to improve the water retention of the soil, then use God's Domain to transport a batch of guano over there, and then let the black smoke ring spray ash, comprehensively improve it, um, you can also let Titan fertilize the field.

If the black smoke circle knows that changing the name will not escape the fate of Feitian, it is estimated that it will continue to be called Volcanic Ash.

Ange quickly fell into deep thought, planning how to develop a new land.

Seeing that Ange didn't object, Anthony continued, "The god-maker seems to have misunderstood our identities and thought we were the gods of life in another world. We can continue to pretend. Feiti, can you pretend to be an elf?"

Fetti shook his head, he wouldn't.

Ange took out a vine, pressed it on Feiti's body, and stimulated its growth. Soon, the vine wrapped Feiti's body like a vine.

"Uh, are there creatures like vines? What does it have to do with treants? Can't they hide it from the Warlock Alliance? They have been fighting against the undead empire for more than a thousand years. If they didn't smell Fei Ti's death, they would have perished a long time ago." Many times," Negris said.

Ange took out the Heart of Life again and stuffed it into Feiti's vine-wrapped chest cavity. Immediately, a powerful vitality surged out.

"Tsk tsk tsk, no one will recognize that it's a skeleton now, it's really abnormal, you can give the heart of life casually." Negris complained about the old tree.

The old tree said slowly: "It doesn't matter, my tree core weighs several thousand tons, which is not much bitten off by insects, and it will grow back the next day."

"..." There was an unspeakable silence, and finally everyone unanimously decided to skip this topic.

Shambada, the heart of life that weighs thousands of tons, can grow well the next day. No wonder the God of Life always says 'part of nature', and has such a strange attitude towards life and himself, because it is nature.

Fei Ti moved his skeleton and found that the vines on his body did not affect his movements, so he nodded.

Anthony turned to the cave and shouted: "Dorok, your wings have grown, can you fly? Fly up, fly around the warlock ladder, attract the attention of the ladder, don't get too close."

Dorok came out of the cave, nodded solemnly, fluttered his wings and flew out from the gap in the shade of the tree, stretched his neck, and let out a loud dragon cry, everyone could hear a trace of excitement from the dragon dragon , this is the first time that Dorok has used his own wings to fly into the sky.

The appearance of Dorok made Rudyard a little flustered: "Golden dragon? An adult golden dragon? Why is there a golden dragon here? Didn't the dragon clan move away?"

The golden dragon circled around Rudyard and the warlock ladder from a distance, and Rudyard had to focus part of his attention on Dorok.

"Fei Ti prepares, just in case, I prepare, Duroken, can you send me up? God of life, can you throw us up?" Anthony asked.

Although everyone has the ability to fly, only Fei Ti can quickly approach the enemy. The others fly slowly and cannot encircle and intercept the enemy in the air. If they are held back by the enemy, then what they have to face is a warlock ladder And hundreds of airships to speed off.

Five bare trees grew up from the ground, growing taller and taller, but there was a vine that involved them, and the taller and taller trunks had to bend, bent into a huge arc, and collapsed tightly. The vines pulling it seemed to be snapped at any moment.

If it breaks, everything on the canopy will be thrown into the sky.

Anthony and Duroken hurriedly stood on one of the trees, Ange and the little angel and the little zombie each stood on one tree, and Negris glanced at the remaining tree, pretending not to see it, and raised his neck high.

"Okay, get ready, uh, wait a minute, no, it's the spiritual abyss Lechner, his spiritual touch is very strong, we may not be able to get close." Anthony said anxiously.

I saw a semi-circular egg in the warlock ladder, surrounded by twelve airships, slowly approaching the god-making warlock Rudyard.

Rudyard said angrily: "Are you still so afraid of death? Are you afraid of hitting twelve airships?"

Lechner sneered: "You don't even know what I encountered. I don't think it's safe for twelve ships. I almost didn't come back alive in Magic Star City this time."

"Oh? What did you touch?" Rudyard asked curiously.

"It's too troublesome to say, go back and buy me a drink and we'll talk slowly. Do you know any powerful followers? Introduce some to me, or have some quick strengthening methods, give me a few new Juggernauts Strengthen it to protect me." Lechner pointed to a nearby airship.

On the airship, several strong and powerful human swordsmen looked around vigilantly. One of them was chewing some kind of dried dried fruit, and at the same time cast his eyes curiously.

Rudyard said angrily: "You're cheating on me again, didn't you take away all the good things I have?"

Lenaxi smiled. He and Rudyard have such a good relationship. You don’t need to be polite to take something, because he will do his best to help the other party if something happens to him. He came here in person without seeing it this time. .

"What's underneath? It's the tree of life in the God Realm, as you said last time?" Reinash asked.

"Yes, the tree of life is a huge tree with great research value. I heard that there can only be one tree of life in a plane. This place was originally a desolate mountain range. In just half a year, it has grown into a forest. There is Baili Woye, it must be a miracle of the God of Life, we have to catch it." Rudyard said a little excitedly.

"Oh, so how do we start now?" Reinash asked.

"Try it first, let the warlock ladder go down and have a look." Rudyard said.

"Okay." Reinash responded, turned his head and said something to the communicator, and the three rings of the warlock ladder in the sky slowly rose.

Rudyard, Lenaci and the others involuntarily looked up at the ladder, as did the others.

At this moment, a strong fighting spirit broke out. Rudyard looked down and saw a dazzling fighting spirit stabbing at him on the airship.

"The Sword of Truth!?" Rudyard yelled, crushing all the defensive magic weapons in one breath, and at the same time a phantom flashed from behind and entered his body.

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