Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 521: The Singularity That Births the God of Light

Rudyard's body first became extremely pale, as if he had lost all the blood quickly, and continued to wither, and his eyes also lost their luster. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, most people would probably think they were dead. Dead bodies for days.

A holy light shrouded Rudyard's body.

The next moment, Rudyard took a deep breath: "Hey—" Then the eyes regained their vitality, and the skin returned to blood, as if reborn from death.

This scene of turning from life to death, and from death to life, stunned everyone, and Negris asked in shock: "What did you do?"

Inhaling desperately, Rudyard's eyes changed from cloudy to clear, and he focused on the surrounding objects, but when he saw the surrounding situation clearly, he screamed in horror: "Why are you still here? Are you talking to me? What have you done?!"

Ange tilted his head and said, "I will protect him."

Negris gasped: "You protect him? How do you protect him? He didn't ask you for protection."

Ange pulled out his other hand, raised both hands flat, and a circle appeared behind him, forming a complete equal holy frame with his raised hands. At this time, Ange's voice was once again stirred by divine power Come on:

"The god of scales, the god rank suppresses, I, protect him."

A sentence that was so ordinary that ordinary people couldn't understand it reverberated in everyone's ears because of the agitation of divine power.

The constant reverberation creates an extremely majestic, powerful, and shocking effect, as if someone stuffed you into a loudspeaker circle and shouted.

Negris understood in an instant: "You mean, your Godhead of Libra suppressed his Godhead of Truth, so you took the job of Asylum?"

Angus nodded.

"Is this okay?" Negris was dumbfounded, can this kind of job be taken?

However, after being shocked, it seems reasonable to deduce it backwards. Rudyard's God of Truth is a false god grafted on the system of the gods of light. Since there is a system, it naturally has a rank, otherwise it will be a mess.

As an old-fashioned god of light, the God of Libra must have a higher rank than the God of Truth. Even regardless of the rank of God, Ange's divine power is many times higher than that of the God of Truth.

What's more, Ange has done a lot of "stealing" things, even believers can rob, why can't they rob the job of protecting believers?

And only Ange can grab it, other gods, even if they are stronger than Ange, can't do it, because they are not from the same god system.

After deriving the whole process, Negris almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, looked at Rudyard and said, "You are too unlucky."

" are the God of Libra?!" Rudyard said tremblingly.

He didn't need to answer, because the ring of scales behind Anger was the best answer, so he turned his gaze to Anthony after speaking: "So, you are that Pope Anthony?"

Anthony spread his hands calmly.

"So, this authentic church that popped up all of a sudden, the Church of Light that has signed so many agreements with Cabrera, is from the God Realm?" Rudyard asked tremblingly.

"Yes, so I am the real one. I am the bright and orthodox Pope of the God Realm, the Pope, St. Anthony." Anthony replied with a smile.

"I'll just say it, I'll just say it, how could two seraphs and a pope hide so deeply, as if they never existed, but suddenly popped up one day, if the Church of Light has this ability to hide, we The Warlock Alliance has been overthrown a long time ago, so that is the case, but why did you mix with undead creatures?" Rudyard asked curiously.

Anthony is a bit dumbfounded, isn't Rudyard too curious? At this time, he kept asking, didn't he realize that his escape failed?

"I know, so I have to take this opportunity to ask clearly, otherwise I won't be able to die in peace. You probably won't let me leave alive? I already know so many secrets of yours." Rudyard said frankly.

Anthony kind of likes this guy. He is full of curiosity about the unknown, has a strong desire to explore and seek knowledge, and is full of adventurous spirit. He doesn't even care about his own life or death.

"It's not impossible. In fact, we don't have any hatred. None of you died by our hands, and none of us died by your hands, right?" Anthony said with a smile.

Rudyard blinked and asked in disbelief, "Will you let me go?"

Anthony laughed: "Let you go, will the Starburst Magic Circle immediately turn around and bombard you down?"

At this moment, most people will definitely pat their chests and promise 'no, no, absolutely no', but Rudyard is obviously a smart person, and immediately said: "I will stay here and not go anywhere. If you have life restrictions Rings and the like, you can also put them on for me."

Really interesting, Anthony smiled, took out a life ban ring and put it on him.

The forbidden ring of life controls his life at any time, and Ange can 'shelter' his consciousness. Whether it is body or consciousness, he can't get out of control.

After finishing all this, Anthony let him go and threw his communicator back to him: "Okay, now you can contact your companions and tell them that you are safe here, and ask them not to do anything dangerous. Things, otherwise it will bring you danger, and then we will talk about the death warlock."

Rudyard immediately frowned reluctantly.

Anthony saw what he was resisting at a glance, and immediately persuaded: "If you don't explain the situation to us, then we will definitely not provide you with experimental materials. Do you know how this black liquid comes from? ?"

"How come?" Rudyard asked subconsciously.

"This can't be said, it's a secret." Anthony said with a smile.

Rudyard vomited blood. He said this sentence when he was prevaricating Anthony not long ago, but he didn't expect to return it right away.

But that's right, if you want to do an experiment, you need materials, but if your core idea is exposed, and the other party has enough materials, will you complete the experiment before you?

While struggling, Anthony suddenly took out a communicator. After checking it, he pointed at Rudyard and activated the forbidden ring of life.

Rudyard froze immediately, his eyes lost their luster.

Only then did Anthony turn to Anger and report: "It's the Alliance of Warlocks. They must be looking for me at this time about the capture of Rudyard, but why did they contact me? What does it matter to me that Rudyard was captured?"

"Has your identity been exposed?" Negris asked.

"No, my identity has been exposed. They will arrest Monica immediately. Everyone, please keep quiet. Let me ask what you want from me," Anthony said.

After receiving the message, the voice of Cabrera, the Eye of Reality, came from inside: "Your Majesty Anthony, may I ask, do you know the God of Life?"

"The God of Life?" Anthony asked hesitantly, "The God of Life in the God Realm?"

Cabrera sighed: "So you also read Heroes of the God Realm? That would be great, yes, it is the God of Life, the World Tree, which claims that only one World Tree can grow in a world, and the World Tree of Life god."

Anthony "hesitantly" for a moment, did not say that he knew or did not know, but asked, "What happened?"

Cabrera immediately caught Anthony's 'hesitation', and immediately asked: "You know it, don't you? Or, you have some special way to convey information to it, right?"

Anthony hemmed and hawed: "Probably...maybe...should...maybe..."

Cabrera said eagerly: "No matter what method you use, please help us convey a message: Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings. We don't want to offend the God of Life. Please release Rudyard and don't hurt him."

Anthony asked in a 'serious' tone: "What happened?"

Cabrera quickly explained the matter, and after Anthony finished listening, he tried to conclude: "That is to say, Rudyard discovered the location of the God of Life, summoned the warlock ladder, and prepared to attack the God of Life?"

"No no no." Cabrera quickly denied: "Misunderstanding, just a misunderstanding, Rudyard just summoned the warlock ladder, and has no intention of attacking the God of Life."

Luthor, who was listening next to him, couldn't help but cocked his mouth. Obviously, it was Rudyard who said, "Go down and see", and he took the risk.

Anthony followed his words: "Well, I understand, it's a misunderstanding, and then?"

"Then? Then I hope that the God of Life will release Rudyard." Cabrera thought about it.

"Hehe." Anthony couldn't bear Cabrera's pretending to be stupid, and said lazily, "We don't know the God of Life."

"Ah? You just said clearly..."

"Probably...maybe...should...maybe...don't know." Anthony completed what he said just now.

Cabrera was silent, and Anthony didn't hang up the communication, waiting there quietly.

After a while, Cabrera's voice sounded again, and there seemed to be some noise behind him: "What do you want."

"It's not what I want, but what can I get if I help spread the word? As for what you want me to spread, what you are willing to pay for the understanding of the God of Life, that's up to you, maybe the God of Life has a bad temper. Well, if I pass a word casually, it will let him go?" Anthony said slowly.

Negris and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. Was this posture intended to kill two fish?

There was another long silence, and after a while, Cabrera said: "Holy Light Singularity, we can hand Holy Light Singularity to you, although it is useless, it is of great importance to you. As for the God of Life, we don’t know what it needs, and all we know about it comes from…”

Anthony was no longer in the mood to listen to the latter words. He and Negris Duroken looked at each other with horror.

Holy light singularity? In that legend, the first ray of holy light erupted, which gave birth to the god of light, and the singularity of the holy light was in the hands of the Warlock Alliance?

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