Ange and his party have already moved to Tabama City near Starburst Canyon through the teleportation array. According to the local aboriginal language, Tabama is also called Falling Star.

Anthony walked in front, and said as he walked: "We can't occupy that piece of land. If we occupy it, the Warlock Alliance will definitely associate the God of Life with us, and it will be easy to be exposed after a long time. But what they did is a reminder. Me, on the edge of the dead line, there should be a place that the starburst magic circle can't blast."

After a pause, Anthony went on to say: "They chose there, in fact, there is another purpose, which is to lead the god of life to the undead empire. They must think that life and death must be natural enemies. If the god of life can fight against undead creatures conflict, so much the better."

"It's a pity." Anthony looked back at the two pieces of green on Anger's shoulders, and complained: "They didn't expect that the God of Immortality and the God of Life would coexist."

It is the young sapling that lives in symbiosis with Ang, but now the old tree puts all its energy on the young sapling, which is almost the same as symbiosis.

"Moreover, we can even find a territory within the dead line. Don't forget, we have a bunch of high-ranking undead creatures here, quietly occupying a piece of land in the name of the Temple of the Undead, and no one can find it, right?" Anthony said .

"Yes, yes, yes." Negris agreed, and then looked at An Ge quietly, and found that he was not so resistant anymore.

The God of Life was not interested in Linaxi's proposal to replace people with fertile land, but the God of Immortality was so interested, he wanted to leave immediately, and he was unwilling to let him go.

Anthony's long speech is mainly for Anger, telling him that there is no need to fall into the trap, hey, we have a lot, now it seems that it should be appeased.

A pair of catching balls was held in Fetti’s hands, and the electric glow in the balls was not happy: “You guys never finished, you caught me from so far away, and then threw me aside, talking about what kind of land As for farming, I am a mighty titan, so is it not as important as farming?"

Everyone nods.

"Uh, what do you mean?" This uniform reaction immediately stunned Kronos.

"It's not as good as farming, of course farming is important, and the main reason for bringing you back is to farm." Negris said with a poking heart.

"Planting land? Can I still farm land? How?" Kronos's first reaction was this, which is really ridiculous. He is a majestic Thunder Titan, but he can still farm land?

Negris said angrily, "What else can you do if you don't farm the land?"

"Fight! Thunder destroys everything!" Kronos said in a deep voice.

"Hehe, who can you beat here?" Negris asked with a smile.

Knoss looked at Fetti, then at Ange, and then looked back and forth at the little angel, the little zombie, Anthony, Negris, etc., and finally said hesitantly: "You?"

"Hey." Negris leaned over and sprayed Knox with a mini dragon's breath.

"Bastard, if you have the guts to let me out, damn it, if you have the ability to take the trap away, I will electrocute you, little fat dragon." Knoss roared angrily.

"Hehe, I took out the book of brass, you don't even have the ability to fight back, but why should I fight you, heh - spray you to death." The little yellow dragon sprayed Knoss full of dragon breath again. kill him.

After Negris finished playing, Anthony asked: "Knoss, why are you the only one going back? What about the others? It seems that your level is quite low. How did you rank Thunder Titans? I Remember that the highest is the Titan God King, and then the Titan God Race, that is, the Golden Titan, has a physical body."

"You are a semi-energy Thunder Titan, you should be the lowest-level Titan, why? Those big shots sent you to die and explore the way?" Anthony asked curiously.

The rest of the people's hearts suddenly thumped, good guy, can the relationship between the Titans be separated?

Sure enough, Knoston fell silent for a moment.

Anthony's spirit was refreshed, and there was a lot of fun. For the old magic stick, sowing discord and verbal traps was a basic operation. He was constantly looking for the enemy's psychological weakness, breaking the enemy's defense with the least cost, and then asking for the information he needed.

It's just that I didn't ask specifically now, because he never thought that Titans could use sobering words inside, and since there was an opening to take advantage of, Anthony immediately took advantage of the situation:

"Looks like I got it right. A low-level titan like you is probably just a consumable among the titan clan. It's most suitable for exploring the way. Now that you can't go back, those titans should realize the danger. What will happen next? What to do? Send another low-level Titan to explore the way?"

The lightning ball shrank into a ball, silent.

"You are so weak, your relatives and friends are probably low-level Titans, right? Next time we will send two or three low-level Titans to explore the way, and then they were captured by Fei Ti. I don't know if you have seen it. There is another Lord of Mourning, that guy is even more vicious, in case you accidentally beat your friend to death..."

"Shut up!" The lightning ball roared.

"Okay, shut up, actually, you can tell me about the situation. I'll let Harvey take it easy and don't blow them up. I don't know if you have seen that there are elves among the people who rounded you up. Dragons, dwarves, half-breed titans, and the Church of Light, star magicians, humans, skeletons, etc., the main plane has united, and you titans have no chance." Anthony said he wanted to shut up, but his words were even more embarrassing. Heart.

The closed electric ball shrank into a ball.

"You must have been chased away by the undead king. I found your ruins in a beautiful valley. Were there still humans enshrining you at that time? Those humans changed the cave you lived in into a mausoleum, do you know? Did you also throw a dragon skull in it, and that dragon skull has given birth to a dragon soul called Griffin." Anthony said ramblingly.

"I can imagine how hastily you fled from your habitat at the beginning. Where did you go after that? Are you wandering in the void? There is really no other way, and you want to go back to the main plane to try your luck? After all, the gods were destroyed and immortality The king has come to this world again, and no one on the main plane can resist the Titan."

"Unexpectedly, right? After wandering in the void for thousands of years, I only found out after returning to the main plane that there has been united by more powerful beings. The undead and the light have joined forces, the elves and the dragons stand side by side, and the dwarves, who claim to have the blood of the Titans Oh dwarves, even they have turned their backs on you."

"Are those Titan Protoss willing? Certainly not. Even if the last low-level Titan dies, they will not give up the main plane easily. Then all the low-level Titans will die. Will there be your friends and relatives in it?" Anthony's voice was as soft as a breeze.

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