Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 540 Soul hanging toilet

Duroken rolled his eyes at it, and said angrily: "You also know your bad taste, so why don't you change it? Now you dare to make fun of us."

When Duroken was first resurrected, he still maintained a superficial politeness towards it, always addressing it by honorific titles.

But with more and more pranks by Negris, it is difficult for Duroken to be polite to it. Now he always scolds him, stalks him, and rolls his eyes because he is angry with him.

Same goes for Anthony.

Negris refused without thinking: "No, this is my only pleasure, I can't change it, don't let me play tricks on you, what's the point of me."

Sang Bada, now he can't beat people, and he can't curse at people. They have learned to be as poisonous as Lightning Mouth one by one, and the only fun is to play tricks on people.

Duroken rolled his eyes angrily, and if he had the ability to move the main body away from Ange, he would play tricks on others, to see if everyone would tie it up and stuff it under the box.

Undoubtedly, An Ge was playing tricks on people, or he was probing. This was the first time he encountered an opponent whose casting speed could barely catch up with him. He wanted to test the opponent's limit, but he did not expect that the opponent would be so Props coming soon.

The twenty-four Shadow Bolts were indeed beyond Ange's limit. He now casts about twenty shots a second, but the Shadow Bolts he swept over were still knocked out one by one, because he still had four spirit touches.

Watching the twenty-four Shadow Arrows being exploded by Anger one by one, Hayden froze in place, muttering, "How is it possible? How is it possible? How can you be faster than me? How is it possible?"

Not counting the four spiritual touches, he also saw Ange cast twenty holy light missiles, which had already crushed him. Under normal circumstances, his highest frequency of casting spells was only twelve rounds. The wave just now was to activate the potential Now, who is the turret?

In the past, Hayden was vaguely complacent about this nickname, but now it feels a little harsh.

With both hands out, another row of shadow arrows was wiped out by him: "You are so fast, I don't believe you can last, how long can you keep like this! How long!"

A steady stream of shadow arrows blasted past, and a minute later, Hayden exhausted all his strength, stopped abruptly, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Ange couldn't hold back, and fired two holy light missiles, but found that there was no target. He quickly stretched out his hand to probe, and crushed the fired holy light missiles in the air.

And beside him, there are still more than 20 holy light missiles surrounding him at this moment. This is already his speed, but it is still unavoidable.

The body of Hayden who fell to the ground spread out, leaving only a heart of soul smashed to the ground, breathing out the breath of death feebly.

Ange walked over and poked it, then looked at Negris and the others in a daze.

The protective barriers were removed, and everyone surrounded them.

Negris said in disbelief: "He...has passed out? Are you kidding me? He's an undead."

Duroken, Anthony, and Fetti, who had just returned, also looked at each other in blank dismay: "Can undead creatures... be unconscious?"

Everyone felt a little unbelievable, even absurd. Undead creatures do not have the self-protection mechanism of human beings. How could they be unconscious? This is still an undead without a body. Could it be an act?

Anthony said: "I don't feel like I'm pretending, but more like angry. I'm so angry that I refuse to accept this reality. Why don't I just exhaust all my energy and pass out?"

"This..." Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they were stabbing at the beholder—opened their eyes, it turns out that undead creatures can also fall into a coma.

Everyone looked at it for a while, and then Ange took out a dozen soul crystals and stuffed them into the heart of the soul.

The soul heart instinctively began to decompose the soul crystal, sweeping away the soul energy inside, and after absorbing more than a dozen of them, the soul heart remained unchanged.

Anthony and Negris looked at each other, and suddenly said: "Oh, it seems that he is really dead, and there is only one soul heart left. What should we do?"

Negris said: "Give me, give me, I'll hang it in my special toilet, and poop here, the air doesn't circulate, it's too smelly, the heart of the soul has the effect of disinfecting, it's most suitable to hang it in the toilet .”

Before he could finish speaking, he saw the heart of the soul quickly melt into a cloud of smoke, barely condensing Hayden's shape.

Negris suddenly sighed in disappointment: "Oh, so it's not dead, what a pity." Hayden was so angry that he glared at it viciously.

Anthony cast out the holy light and grabbed the smoke.

Hayden consumed a lot of soul energy, and without the ability to resist, he was caught aside and tortured. Hayden answered all Anthony's questions.

After asking all the interesting questions, Anthony gave Hayden two choices: "Either consecrate your soul, or die." After glancing at Negris, he added: "The remnant soul hangs in the toilet."

Hayden was about to cry with anger from these vicious guys, and said angrily: "I am a subject of the Lord of Death, and I have no soul to dedicate. You can kill if you want."

"Are you a subject of the Lord of Annihilation?" This result made Anthony suddenly interested: "What is the name of the Lord of Annihilation?"

Ever since they learned that the Undead King was trapped by the Nirvana Barrier, Anthony and Yinbi have tried their best to collect all the information about the Nirvana Warlock, but all the information is very little, some of which cannot be verified, and they do not know whether it is true It was conjectured by someone.

Anyway, this Nirvana Warlock is very mysterious. They only know that there is such a person, and that his strength is very powerful, and his status is even higher than that of the Twelve Joint Warlocks, but no one even knows his name.

In the past, many people didn't even pay attention to this necromancer who didn't even have a name. It wasn't until he trapped the undead king that everyone realized that he was an existence comparable to the undead king.

However, it doesn't make sense to know it. One is in the sky and the other is underground, and their life forms are completely different. It is very difficult to send undercover spies.

The undercover agents who were finally placed did not have access to too confidential information. Even now, not only Anthony and Silver Coins, but even Gust of the Undead Council did not know the details of the Necromancer.

Anthony had tested the Eye of Truth and the God Maker before, but he couldn't ask anything. Who would have thought that he would capture a subject of the Death Warlock now? That's great, it's impossible for the people not to know the name of their 'King', right?

Hayden made up his mind not to speak again.

"If you don't tell me, we'll really hang you up in the toilet—Huh?!" Before Anthony could finish speaking, he felt something was wrong, and a tyrannical idea projected onto Hayden.

Anthony only felt a strong force coming from behind, An Ge pushed him aside with one hand, stepped forward, and scales rolled all over his body——Dragon God Transformation.

At the same time, everyone felt that the time around them slowed down, and everything turned into slow motion, so slow that it seemed to be freezing. Only Ange's fist was a line faster than slow motion. He blasted at Hayden.

Thank you Bingxin Lotus for your rewards. Thank you Baishoububuzhao, Akaqirov, General Ling Xuanyi, for your reward.

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