Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 549 Compensate him for the Starburst Array

The League of Warlocks quarreled violently before reconnecting with Anthony.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, 30 million expeditionary troops? What about Chinese cabbage? Logistics, transportation, equipment, organization, etc., just transporting 30 million people is an impossible thing, Cabrera, you've been fooled." Linahi said loudly.

Before Cabrera could answer, Rudyard had already said: "No, it's possible. Don't forget about the spirit beans. If there are a lot of spirit beans in the God Realm, then most of the logistical problems will be solved. As for the transportation, The God of Life can come here, not to mention ordinary humans, they must have mastered one or even several methods of teleportation."

Rudyard had already been released by erasing key memories, but he couldn't forget the various materials he saw at the Shentan of Life, so he voluntarily ran back to be a prisoner.

However, An Ge and the others had already moved away, and only Dorok was still entrenched there, not afraid of revealing any secrets, so his freedom was not restricted.

Now facing the invasion of 30 million jihadists, everyone hastened to call him back, because there are not many joint warlocks who can still make decisions now.

Cabrera the Eye of Truth, Loloka the Pure Water, Lechner the Spiritual Abyss, Rudyard the God-Constructor, and Hayden the Void Specter, but Hayden's soul stone was broken, so it is probably already fierce. Dorje is less.

Except for the five joint warlocks, among the remaining seven, three died in battle, and four were trapped in the barrier of death with the Lord of Death.

So, if Rudyard doesn't come back, there will only be three left... No, Lolok will just say 'I'm not pure' by the side, and won't make decisions.

With two joint warlocks facing such a major event as the 30 million God Realm Expeditionary Army, the decisions made, let alone whether they are useful, even they themselves feel guilty.

On the contrary, because of his personality, Rudyard is very good at making big decisions. After making a decision, he will go all out to execute it. Even death can't frighten him, let alone hesitation. He is a very executive powerful decision makers.

In addition, Lechner only listens to Rudyard's words. In this situation where there is no leader, it is most appropriate to let Rudyard make the decision.

Sure enough, when Rudyard expressed his conjecture, Lechner immediately listened to it, frowned and said: "Even if half of the logistics are solved, a 30 million expeditionary force is too much, and they are not undead creatures. Randomly summon tens of millions? This is tantamount to emptying out a generation of people from the God Realm."

Rudyard said: "Even if there are not 30 million, only 3 million, or even only 300,000, as long as they are transferred, it will be a big trouble. They are not undead creatures. Anyone with an IQ to drive a speeding airship, Or other flying equipment, and even according to legend, the Church of Light also has void flying fortresses like the Fortress of Heaven, they pose a greater threat to us than undead creatures."

Lenaxi and Cabrera thumped in their hearts at the same time. They were frightened by the number of 30 million at the beginning, so they didn't think about it carefully. Terrible numbers, even if the Warlock Alliance can't be destroyed, it can still bring them heavy losses.

Three hundred thousand is already a headache, what about three million? What if the other party didn't brag, and the figure of 30 million is also true?

Oh my god, didn't you say that the ruler of the God Realm is an undead creature? Why is the Church of Light so powerful?

Lechner thought of this, and said hesitantly: "Is it possible that the other party doesn't even have 300,000 people? Doesn't it mean that the God Realm was also conquered by undead creatures? What if the people in these churches were driven out by undead creatures? And then bragging that there are so many people to scare us?"

Rudyard nodded. "It's possible. You've met them. What kind of people do you think they are?"

Rudyard had actually seen it, but his memory had been wiped and he couldn't remember what happened.

Recalling the situation at the time, Lechner took a deep breath: "It's so unpredictable, I can't see through them, but I feel that they can easily see through me."

"If this is the case, then the other party may not be just talking about the number casually. Even if they are bragging, they are bragging with a basis. Then what do you think they will brag about?" Rudyard asked.

Everyone looked at each other, and after a while, Cabrera said: "If it were me, I would brag based on the maximum number of people I can mobilize. Even if I can't send so many people, at least there must be. If I brag, I will blow eight ladders, not 800,000 people, because the league doesn't have that many people."

Rudyard analyzed: "The communication is dialed by you, so they don't have time to make up a reasonable number, so this number must be accessible to them in daily life, and it is a reasonable number. If you are a small Lord, would you make up this number? Thinking about it, it seems outrageous, this Anthony should be able to mobilize tens of millions of people."

Although it is unbelievable, it is reasonable. After all, it is the Pope of Light. It is not impossible to mobilize tens of millions of people. Even if they can't all go on an expedition and send 1%, the Warlock Alliance can't bear it.

"Then what should we do now?" Cabrera became distressed: "They believed that we attacked the God Realm with starbursts, and they came to settle accounts with us. They either went to war or apologized and compensated. They have already sent 30 million of this The numbers are on the table, so it’s not something you can just pay away.”

Rudyard sneered, goblins are always so stingy, and at this time they still want to 'just pay for something to get rid of'? What about dreaming?

What is the Church of Light? Believe in the religion of light. What did Starburst unleash? The storm of belief, the storm of belief is aimed at gods, and now they have blasted other gods, and want to dismiss them casually?

Maybe it’s because there is no God in this world, and people don’t understand what God means to the church, so that’s why they have this idea.

Rudyard even suspects that Anthony's so-called apology is just smoke, because the most regular consequence of blasphemy is jihad.

Just when everyone was at a loss, a huge stone slab suddenly floated in from the outside.

This stone slab is extremely huge, fully ten meters long, five meters wide, and one meter thick.

It slowly moved in, and the moment they saw it appear, everyone in the joint meeting, including Rudyard and Cabrera, knelt down on one knee: "See you host."

A phantom appeared on the slate, and a voice sounded in everyone's heart: "Contact the Church of Light and tell them that if my request is fulfilled, I will compensate him with the Starburst Array."

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