Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 569 Wait for me, I'll go back and get the money

On the way to the Immortal Temple, a team of chariots and horses came. There were black undead horses and a mighty soul armored lich, guarding a carriage. In the carriage was a brass dragon and a pink and cute little girl. girl.

Ren Gust would never have imagined that the Supreme Holy Spirit, who was still fanning six wings and planting things on the cliff not long ago, suddenly transformed into an ordinary caravan behind the dead line.

With the experience of infiltrating last time, everyone's mentality can be said to be more calm this time, because last time, they discovered that the undead empire behind the dead line is not as barren and dead as the outside world said.

There are many towns where intelligent creatures live here, and many creatures that are very rare outside can be seen everywhere.

Along the way, everyone has seen half-dragons, trolls, goblins, dwarves, tauren, cavemen, and of course, humans are the most numerous.

It is no different from the outside. The towns are surrounded by farmland and water conservancy, and there are roads connecting the towns, and they are very high-grade and well-maintained roads.

"These roads are comparable to the main roads between the two main cities outside. It is really costly." Anthony said enviously.

Negris poked his head out of the car window, and responded with great sympathy: "Yes, I found that the roads that belong to His Majesty's sphere of influence seem to be well built, such as the Abyss of Rest, the world transfer station leading to Han The golden roads of Ice City and Demon Valley were built more than a thousand years ago, and they are still flat and solid, but the Abyss of Rest is always windy."

"It's the same here. The road is straight and wide. If you look at the road outside, the road from Beifeng City to the outside can only pass a carriage, and in some places, there will be wrong cars. If it is a plain, the road will be poor. , Rainy days are full of mud, sunny days are full of dirt.”

Speaking of this, Negris suddenly thought of one thing: "By the way, you borrowed the Great Demon King Yuangungun to build the road. How long has it been?"

Anthony quickly looked at Ange and reported: "The road from Stromgarde, Iron Sand City to Drogo City has been repaired, and we can't bear the construction cost of the next road, so Silver Coin has formed a team responsible for repairing it." The Chamber of Commerce in Lulu, called the Passepartout Chamber of Commerce, invited the rulers of various cities to visit."

"Mainly visit the section from Iron Sand Castle to Drogo City. First, let the heavy carriage loaded with iron sand run back and forth, and then let Yuan Gun Gun roll twice on the spot. Everyone is very interested. Wait for the silver coins and then report the cost. Many People sign on the spot."

"I have to say that the quoted price of silver coins is indeed very low, which is almost the cost price. However, he said that he does not rely on road construction to make money. He asked everyone to pay the intention gold first, and whoever pays first will build whose road section first, and then use these intentions Jin went to buy building materials, carts and horses in the towns along the road, and then released news to increase the price of building materials and transportation costs, and earned back the profits just by doing this.”

"That's not to mention, he also induced a competitor, a chamber of commerce called Hei Soil, to make the other party mistakenly think that he lacks soul crystals, and may not be able to drive Yuan Gun Gun, so that the other party will not hesitate to borrow money to buy all the soul crystals on the market. The price of soul crystals has increased several times."

"Then he sold the soul crystals while pretending to be poor. After the opponent ran out of liquidity, he called people from the opponent's business firm and creditors who lent money to the Black Soil Chamber of Commerce to reveal all the soul crystals he owned. Bring down the price of the soul crystal on the spot."

"The Black Soil Chamber of Commerce is insolvent, and the soul crystals bought at a high price can't be sold at the original price. The creditors are so frightened that they want to urinate blood and rush to press for debts, but the Black Soil Chamber of Commerce has no money to repay the debts."

"In the end, the silver coins said to buy their debts at a 50% discount. Those creditors were overjoyed and transferred their debts one after another. If the Black Soil Chamber of Commerce can't pay the debts, then the Chamber of Commerce will have to go bankrupt and liquidate, debt restructuring, haha..."

"Silver coins have earned a century-old chamber of commerce of the opponent with just one intention gold. These profiteers have too many tricks to make money." Anthony shook his head and sighed.

Even Anthony sighed like this, and Negris was even more stunned when he heard it. It actually understands business knowledge, but it doesn't know that it can play like this: "Bada, profiteer."

At this moment, Ange, who was walking in front, suddenly pulled out his hand, pointed to a house at the intersection ahead and asked, "Heiyang, is this it?"

Everyone was stunned and looked up, only to see a simple two-storey stone house at a corner of the three-way intersection on the roadside, with a dilapidated signboard hanging on it-the mobile station of the Black Soil Chamber of Commerce.

Negris stared at the signboard for a while, then suddenly said: "Heiyang, don't you mean Xiyang? This is the chamber of commerce of the empire?"

"Uh, it's very possible, let's go and have a look." Anthony said.

In front of the stone house, a human death mage just happened to come out of it and was about to close the door when he saw Ange and his party.

The death mage said apologetically, "Oh, I'm sorry, travelers from afar, the inn will be closed, and we can't provide entertainment. If you need drinking water, the well is there, and you can take whatever you want."

On this occasion, Anthony was undoubtedly the one who came forward. He raised his hat and said politely: "Oh, that's really unfortunate. Dear mage, when will the inn reopen?"

The death mage said embarrassingly: "I've let you down. The inn won't be open again. Our chamber of commerce has gone bankrupt and we can no longer maintain the inn. In the future, you should be more careful when traveling on this trade route."

"Ah? This is really a sad thing. Unemployment in the middle age is terrible. I hope you can find a better job as soon as possible." Anthony said regretfully.

Unexpectedly, the death mage shook his head: "Don't be sad, travelers from afar, it's just that the chamber of commerce went bankrupt. It is a lucky thing that I can finally leave this desolate place, bless me, and wish you a safe journey.”

"Uh...then I wish you a salary increase every year." Anthony smiled awkwardly, and then asked: "Acquisition and salary increase? Is this Passepartout Chamber of Commerce so good? I heard that it was acquired before, and I am afraid of those The old employees are dissatisfied, and they often dismiss the old employees and recruit new ones.”

"Hey, why are you dissatisfied? The chamber of commerce is not ours. Whoever buys it has nothing to do with us. The reason for dissatisfaction must be the decrease in salary. If it is a salary increase, who would be dissatisfied?"

"However, I heard that the Silver Chamber of Commerce has issued an internal announcement that employees cannot be fired, and all employees will be retained with a salary increase. They will go back to report, and then re-arrange positions. They say that skilled personnel are wealth or something. It sounds like what a good boss would say. .” The necromancer said happily.

"Oh, that is indeed a good boss. You are so lucky. I wish you success in your work and don't bother you. Go back." Anthony raised his hat and saluted.

But seeing those signs, Anthony couldn't help but asked again: "I would like to ask one more question, why is it called a mobile station?"

"Ah? Hahaha, many people have asked this question. It was not convenient to show it before, but I just have to leave today, so I will show you it again. Please step back a little bit." The death mage said.

After everyone retreated a certain distance, the death mage clapped his hands, stomped his feet, and quickly chanted a spell.

I saw that the double-storey stone house moved rumblingly, turned into a rock giant, and climbed up by itself.

The death mage stretched his fingers into his mouth, blew hard, and blew a whistling soul.

A skeleton horse's head suddenly sprang out from the ground, shaking the dirt on its body, and quickly got up.

The death mage rode on the bone horse, greeted the rock giant, waved goodbye to everyone, and walked slowly to the distance. A desolate but melodious song spread throughout the wilderness——

Travelers in the distance, don’t worry, the stops along the way are just strange stations, and the end of the journey is the warm hometown——

Travelers in the distance, don’t be sad, the companions on the road are travellers, after all, only a warm hometown can have a companion’s soul——

It's just that the death mage who walked away didn't notice at all that the sign he hung on the stone house disappeared at some point.

Holding the signboard, Ange recalled the death mage's spell, and then recited it. Amidst the rumbling sound, the stones on the side of the road rolled up and formed a giant rock giant.

Negris covered his face angrily: "It's too big, too big, do you want to attack the city? Think again, how tall is the rock giant? What kind of mage can summon such a huge rock giant? The truth mage ?"

"Oh." Ang had no choice but to withdraw most of his magic power, keeping the rock giant at a height of six meters.

Feiti shook his head and said, "No, those rocks have been transformed. Some special method should be used to infuse them with the breath of death. So in essence, they are not rock giants, but more like undead giants, which belong to undead magic."

"Oh, I just said it's a bit weird, that mage's level is not very high, how could he summon such a big rock giant." Negris suddenly realized.

But Ange didn't bother to do it anymore, so he hung the sign on the rock giant and drove it forward.

In this way, disguised as a mobile post station, Ange and his party walked more smoothly than last time, and soon came to the location of the Temple of the Immortal. From a distance, everyone saw a group of exuberant holy fire in the ruins of the temple burning in.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay: "What's going on? Isn't the temple deserted? Why was the holy fire lit? What should I do? Detour?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a little boy emerged from the grass on the side of the road. When he saw Ange and his party from a distance, his eyes lit up, and he shouted excitedly: "Stay station, oh my god, it's great, finally there is a post station here!" Yes, I want to buy candy and snacks, my mother wants to buy needlework, wait for me, I will go back and get the money."

After the little boy shouted, Sa Yazi ran towards the temple.

Negris and the others were stunned. This scene seemed a bit wrong. What happened?

Thank you for the cooked geese, for your reward.

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