Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 582 Use the temple to strengthen the soul?

"Death stick..." Negris murmured enviously and enviously. I got it back, and made a high-sounding excuse.

"Plant a tree to show your piety in the land of immortality. This tree is called a jujube tree. This one is also called a jujube tree. Do you know why it is called a jujube tree? It will bear green dates, but this These are not ordinary green dates, this is the crystallization of your beliefs."

"Think about it, in the desolate and endless undead land, when you are hungry and sleepy, a green jujube tree suddenly appears in the distance. Green dates, for you to eat, what does that mean?"

"This means guidance, redemption, approval, the person who planted the jujube tree is guiding, your beliefs are redeemed, and you are approved by the immortal god."

"Now, the tree you planted piously may in the future guide those lost souls, redeem their bodies, and let their souls return to the land of peace."

Before Anthony finished fooling around, those devout believers couldn't hold back anymore, and stretched out their hands one after another: "I will plant and I will plant. There are sixteen people in my family. I want sixteen trees. How much is it? Give you the money."

Anthony quickly refused: "No, no, no money, no money."

The believer with a familiar face said angrily: "How can there be no money? These saplings don't need money? It doesn't cost money to transport them? It's not for you. I dedicated it to the immortal god to show my pious token. If you don't take it, you will stop me from offering to the immortal god."

"Ah? Don't dare, I'll take it." Just like that, Anthony said "reluctantly", and was stuffed with a big bucket of money, and the jujube branches with finger lengths under his feet were looted.

When Anthony managed to get out, Negris had already pulled him, and said contemptuously: "Unconscionable death stick, these believers are all poor people, how dare you still have the nerve to search them? How dare you ask Duroken to give them to you?" Are you in charge?"

Anthony looked it up and down, and sighed first: "You are also a god."

"Oh, what do you mean? You despise me? If you don't tell me clearly today, I will... I will... I will write you in the book, saying that you raped twenty sows." Negris After hesitating for a while, I finally thought of the only way to threaten Anthony.

This powerless threat made Anthony laugh on the spot, but he still explained:

"Do you think that these rich and leisurely people who drag their families to tens of hundreds of kilometers away to participate in a celebration similar to a shopping festival are poor people? Hehe, you have never seen a really poor person. A really poor person can't even leave the village where he was born."

"People who can come out to participate in the celebration are definitely not poor people. There is nothing embarrassing about taking their money. This is the third distribution of wealth. Use the money they collect here to subsidize those who are really poor and inspire those who are poor." The belief of the poor is the most reasonable."

"Hey, I used to do this all the time, but I often couldn't continue halfway through the work. Those damn moths didn't subsidize the poor people with the money they collected, and subsidized all of them themselves, raising a bunch of fat-brained people. guy."

Negris immediately seized the opportunity and said: "Then you still do it like this? Are you not afraid that all the skeleton knights will be made up for you?"

"Hehe, do you think the adults will blame them?" Anthony asked back.

Negris froze for a moment, thought for a while, and couldn't help applauding. From the moment Ange dominated the soul network, a relatively fair state has been created, because the habit of dead skeletons is equivalent to exchange.

His understanding of equivalents is different from that of normal people. His understanding is based on what was produced in the original Lich Dungeon. Food, disease, and talent are equivalent to beliefs. Whoever dedicates his beliefs to him will give them food and treatment.

As for those wealth, status, power, beauty, etc., he will not respond at all, which means that if you are too poor to eat or sick to have money for treatment, the god of immortality will take care of you.

Chambada, this is the most equal god for all the poor and sick.

Hey, no, Ange still bears the godhead of the god of equality and scales, he is the most equal god.

As for those rich and rich people, if they are starving to death, or sick enough to wake up, he will respond, but if they pray for promotion and wealth, Anger will definitely not hear it, he will filter it out Lost.

With Ange in charge, there is no fear that this chain of belief will be interrupted. Rich people donate their property and beliefs to gain peace of mind. Property and belief become Ange's strength in farming.

The things grown are distributed to those poor families, and their beliefs can be harvested, and they can also be stored for use in disaster relief in disaster years, and then the victims’ beliefs can be harvested.

This is the complete belief chain that the Gods of Light have always imagined. Unfortunately, they underestimated the greed of human nature, and the chain was broken when it reached the stage of wealth transfer. The wealth was not transferred to the poor, and it was all lost by priests, priests, and paladins. The subsidy went to himself.

Priests and priests are also very clear that the consequences of breaking the chain of belief may be that everyone has no food to eat, but human nature is like this, no food is a matter of the future, and it is serious to eat until you are full today.

Even those who are upright have concerns: if others are greedy for my integrity, they will be more powerful than me, thus eliminating me. Instead of doing this, it is better for me to be greedy and powerful first, and when I need integrity later, Can also be upright.

"Human nature makes this kind of thing a game where whoever is not greedy loses." Anthony sighed.

Negris also sighed, and was about to say something, when there was a burst of cheers in the distance: "It's green, it's green on the head!"

"What's green?" Everyone squeezed over to take a look, and saw a jujube branch that had just been inserted in a hole on the ground, and a little green bud appeared on the branch.

A fat middle-aged man knelt on the ground, pointed at the jujube branch excitedly, and shouted loudly: "It's green, it's green, it's really green."

Anthony immediately said aloud: "Oh! God, my lord! This respected gentleman, you are so pious. Your belief has been heard by the immortal god. You have planted a tree in the immortal land. Jujube tree, what a miraculous and great cause this is, I want to set up a monument for you to commemorate your deeds for the admiration of future generations."

"Ah? Really? Is it really okay? My lord, please use the best stone, it doesn't matter how expensive it is, please engrave my name big." The obese middle-aged man held his hands excitedly. Anthony's hand.

With an example in front of them, the believers who got the jujube branches scattered, walked along the pre-dug holes on both sides of the road, inserted them all the way, and knelt down to pray, praying that the immortal god could feel their own Faith, listen to your own voice.

Ange, who was reclaiming a new land in the distance, heard the phrase "Immortal God, please accept my dedication and let my jujube tree germinate" from time to time, and then a huge wave of soul flames rushed over.

Let jujube trees germinate, is there such a good thing? If it's other prayers, Ange has to think about it. There's no need to think about this kind of thing. Even if no one prays, when he looks back and sees the branches along the way, he will let them germinate.

Therefore, all jujube trees germinated without exception. If the belief is firm, the germination will be faster. If the belief is not firm, then kneeling longer will always make the jujube tree germinate.

Not only can it germinate, but it will grow very well in the future, because after taking control of the Temple of the Undead, Ange discovered a function, the temple can attract the breath of death in a wide range, including the soil that has been soiled on the ground, not only It may replenish the energy of the temple, and it can also make the undead land a fertile field.

Ange tilted his head. If so, then by putting his soul on the holy flame of the undead, can he use the entire temple to strengthen his soul?

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