Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 596: The True Usage of the Mysteries

"Is it possible that the evil god is the Lord of Nirvana, so he wanted this skeleton, so he exchanged it with the starburst circle." Negris guessed.

"Is it necessary? If he is an evil god, then he has the ability to mass-produce the Lord of Mourning. Why use the starburst circle to replace the skeleton?" Anthony asked.

"Maybe he lacks a body, and there is only one mourning skeleton in this world?" Negris guessed.

"The lack of a body will trap Locke. If he doesn't lack a body, wouldn't he be invincible?" Fetti said.

Everyone hesitated, they couldn't make this decision, they could only turn to Ange.

Ange tilted his head blankly.

"We're asking you, whether to change or not. Are you distracted from farming again and didn't hear what we were discussing?" Negris was annoyed, and the dead skeleton must have diverted his attention again.

An Ge nodded: "Change."

"Uh, did you not listen to our analysis? If it were replaced by him, then the Lord of Nirvana would probably have a new body and become a very powerful existence." Negris felt that the dead skeleton must have not listened. , Quickly pick the key points and say it again.

"Strong? Mourning? Killed." An Ge said.

The others cheered up and looked at each other for a while, Negris nodded: "That's right, how powerful can it be? Even..."

I didn't say the following words, but everyone understood that even if he was "as strong as His Majesty", An Ge would not necessarily lose.

Fettidu Luoken and Anthony have all seen the undead king. The king's soul is boundless, but Ang's soul is also boundless.

Judging from the fact that Ange can only drive the hands of the black crystal body, the king's soul is far stronger than Ange, but don't forget, Ange has six or seven godheads in his body, and the number of divine skills is so great that any enemy can Headache.

In a real fight, the Undead King might not be able to hold Ange down, so how strong can the Lord of Nirvana be after he gets the body of purple gold? Mourning skeletons?

As long as it is not strong enough to be an undead king, there is nothing to be afraid of.

As for what Ange can do with the Starburst Array?

"I can grow vegetables." An Ge said.

"Grow a head!" Negris said angrily: "We can launch a storm of faith to others."

Duroken poured cold water on it first: "Don't think so well, the Warlock Union took out the starburst magic circle to replace it, it must be because there is something wrong with the starburst magic, and it is a very serious problem, look at it in the past few months , clearly said to bombard the ones in the barrier of oblivion, but there has been no energy storage, I am very worried now, whether the starburst magic circle is still capable of launching."

Negris didn't take it seriously: "Isn't there still you, what other spectacle can stump the king of alchemy."

One sentence made Duroken speechless. He is the king of alchemy, but not the god of alchemy. How can he guarantee that he can handle the starburst circle that he has never seen before.

"At least it can ensure that the starburst will not fall on our heads, otherwise it will be too uncomfortable to be on guard all day." Negris said again.

"?" The God of Life exuded doubts, emerging from Ange's shoulder.

How can I be on guard all day long? when it doesn't exist? If there was any movement in the starburst circle, it would have notified everyone.

He offends people at every turn. If Ange hadn't covered him, Xiao Huanglong would have been beaten by the shroud.

Next, everyone carefully studied the situation of the death breath spewing, and finally let Duroken find the switch of the death breath spewing.

"Here, there should have been something that blocked the air. The air in the farm enchantment was blocked inside and couldn't get out until the adults stirred the wind of rest and took away part of the breath of death here, causing the pressure on both sides to increase. Balance, the things here will fall, and the air rushes in and emerges from the bottom of the dead breath liquid, triggering its rapid gasification, so it is sprayed out." Duroken explained.

"What is it?" Negris asked.

"It might be a stone. It should have fallen into the liquid of death's breath nearby. Get someone to go down and touch it to see if you can touch it." Duroken said.

Ange stretched out four spiritual touch points, dipped into the resting liquid, and found seven or eight large stones. When the ninth stone was reached, Duroken suddenly said: "Stop, it should be it , try to see if you can get it stuck in."

I saw a circle of smooth extrusion marks on the stone, which was about the same size as the hole.

Ange used his mental touch to stick to it, adjusted the direction, and pulled it up, and it just happened to be stuck in the passage, and it fit perfectly.

"It should be it, big cat, go out and have a look, has the breath of death stopped?" Duroken said.

The big cat ran to the large space outside, hoarded it on the ground, and soon turned into a fat cat again, and nodded vigorously.

"That's it. Originally, the liquid of death's breath was piled up, and there was a force that oppressed it, causing it to block the passage. Your lord's wind of rest blew away part of it, which probably caused the surge of the liquid of death's breath, causing the It loosened and slipped off, because it sank in the liquid of death's breath, everyone didn't notice it, and all ignored it." Duroken explained.

Negris said inconceivably: "Such a serious thing as the gushing death breath is blocked by only one stone? Isn't your majesty too childish?"

"Smart arrangements often only require the simplest means to achieve, but this is probably done by Locke, who loves to use brute force, and this stone is obviously screwed in by him." Duroken said.

Anthony said: "The real cleverness is these farm barriers. Without multiple stacked farm barriers, it is impossible to generate air here to trigger the rapid vaporization of the death-breathing liquid."

When Duroken heard this, he straightened his head proudly. This Anthony can really talk, and the farm enchantment was also his invention.

At this moment, Duroken felt something tugging at his feet, looked down, and saw the big cat paw angrily pressing on the ground in front of him.

"Uh, you want a reward? Just because I asked you to go out and take a look?" Duroken was a little confused.

"Wow~" the big cat said it as a matter of course, equivalent exchange, understand?

"Uh, okay, okay, can a dimensional badge do it?" Duroken had to bleed to send the big cat away.

After finding the reason, Ange pushed the boulder away again, letting it roll into the death breath liquid, and the death breath gushing started again.

This is part of the plan, let the death breath fill the ground within the dead line first, and then check where the death breath is particularly thin, so as to find the evil god.

"Let's go, restore the place, let's get out of here." Negris greeted, and suddenly thought of something: "Put in the liquid of death breath and go."

It is also used to say that it has already started to install.

Ange stuffed the book of brass into the dimensional space, and then Negris saw a large pit of death breath liquid. Ange dug a large pit in the dimensional space and filled at least dozens of tons of death breath The liquid goes in.

In order to prevent the liquid of death breath from dispersing, An Ge dug a pit with a big bottom and a small mouth, and the exit was directly covered.

Go back to the Temple of the Undead, put Kent down, and then teleport to Beifeng City. As soon as you leave the teleportation array, you see silver coins.

"Silver coins? Why are you here?" Negris asked.

The silver coin is too busy, and he can't wait to split it in half to use it. He should have no time to go back to North Wind City. According to him, the business foundation here is too poor, which is not conducive to his performance.

"Hello, my lord, hello my lord, it's like this, the harvest season is coming soon, and I'm arranging the rush and purchase of grain." Yin Coin explained.

"The harvest season is here?" Anthony was the first to say in surprise: "That's really great, the famine can finally pass."

During this period of time, the famine has not stopped, and the food shortage is rigid. It is not the shortage caused by regional imbalances and untimely transportation. The food stock is indeed not enough for all intelligent creatures in the entire plane.

However, thanks to Ange's Elf Bean Rapeseed Cake, plus the full relief from the Warlock Alliance and the Undead Empire, there was no large-scale starvation incident.

However, sporadic famines still occur from time to time, and sometimes it is not uncommon for entire villages to starve to death.

Anthony didn't have tens of thousands of soldiers, and he didn't have thousands of capable administrators. He couldn't do anything by himself. It would take several years to travel the entire plane by himself, and he couldn't do anything.

Only when there is a big harvest in the harvest season, will the famine be completely over, or even more cruelly, when some people starve to death, the famine will end if there is less demand for this part of food, and nature will use the most ruthless way , let the biological chain reach a balance.

"Soon, in another week, the crops in North Wind City will be harvested. As for other places, the crops planted are different, and the temperature and climate are also different, but the staple food will be harvested within the next two weeks. "

"Because of the Alliance of Warlocks and the Immortal Empire, today's harvest is bumper. This year, two super typhoons, one flood that affected the main grain-producing area, and one drought were all eliminated by their magicians and alchemists." Silver coins excitedly Speaking of.

Negris widened his eyes: "Such a big deal?"

The most powerful point of esoteric magic is that it can induce celestial phenomena. Like Di Luni, when he intercepted the dragons, he used his own esoteric magic—Typhoon Sky.

But the typhoon of Di Luni is different from the typhoon formed by the weather by several orders of magnitude. Now, the Warlock Alliance and the Undead Empire have used human power to eliminate the two typhoons?

This means that they have at least released more than one esoteric magic of the level of Typhoon Tian.

After explaining the details to the silver coin, Anthony couldn't help sighing: "It's too shocking. This should be the real usage of the esoteric meaning, preventing floods and droughts, rainfall and fertilization, and helping production, so that there will be no more hunger disasters in the world."

With the cooperation of the two major forces, at least not to disrupt each other, the grain harvest in this planting season has been extremely bumper, and the year-on-year increase has even more than doubled. As long as some man-made disasters do not occur, the famine that lasted for more than half a year is really over.

After heaving a sigh of relief, Anthony couldn't help thinking about something else, turned to Ange and said, "My lord, how about we also hold a Spring Breeze Cup Grain Competition here?"

Negris was taken aback: "Are you crazy? You are not afraid that your identity will be exposed, and the starburst circle will be bombarded down?"

Anthony smiled slightly: "What is my identity? The Pope of the Illuminati Church, Saint Anthony, just happened to have a bunch of bones that the necromancers wanted, so they probably wouldn't bombard me."

Thank you Erpiedan, domineering werewolf, for your reward.

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