When that idea came out, Ange had already put away the magic circle that he rubbed his hands, and the other party only saw a large ball of elf beans.

There are too many elf beans. Without the intermediate link of elf bean vines, the transformed beans are even more than those planted in the last storm of faith. They are rubbed by cat hair. Guess what? They actually stuck together.

The shrunken big cat was flopping in the elf beans, crawling in and out, crawling in and out, with a happy smile on his face.

Confused, he spun around the ball of elf beans, then spun around Ange and the others, and finally landed on Locke: "Old Bones, where is my energy?"

Locke spread his hands: "What energy? I don't know."

"..." The scene was unspeakably dead silent, and everyone was shocked by Locke's ability to pretend to be stupid.

Locke suddenly thought of something: "You are the evil god, how do you know this is me?"

"Don't, don't, don't call me evil god. It's too vulgar and has no style at all. Just call me DeRosa the Prowler." DeRosa said in a disgusted tone, as if he didn't like the title of evil god.

Then he said: "Don't be stupid, I know you, and I know you know me, where is my energy? Where did you get it? Impossible, you can also consume the power of faith? How can you have this energy?" ability?"

The second half of the sentence is more like a soliloquy.

"How dare you underestimate me?!" Locke was angry, jumped over and punched the energy group.

The energy group instantly condensed a phantom of a wall. This wall seemed endless, with no end in sight, but only a small piece in front of Locke was condensed.

boom! With a loud noise, Locke flew back at a faster speed, and was about to hit the wall of the main control room with a crackling sound. But at this moment, the main control room has been buried by the spirit beans, if it hits it, the spirit beans will definitely be thrown into the air.

At the moment Locke was about to hit the Elf Bean, a huge claw stuck out and sent Locke flying horizontally.

The big cat emerged from the pile of elf beans, stared fiercely at the surroundings, and slowly licked its paws while staring, as if it would fight desperately to anyone who dared to touch its beans.

"..." There was an unspeakable silence, and after a long time, DeRosa's voice sounded: "Are the cats in your world so fierce?"

As soon as the words were finished, a little girl had already jumped on the elf beans, picked up the big cat's hind legs and shook it, shaking out piles of elf beans.

"..." It seems to be quite fierce, forget it, where did I just say it? DeRosa quickly returned to the original topic: "Old Bones of Nirvana, this is your avatar, can you use the barrier of Nirvana? I'm not afraid of you if I don't need it. Where is my energy? Give it back to me quickly. "

Negris, Duroken, and Anthony looked at each other, but there was a very important message in this sentence.

The Nirvana is Locke's enchantment. It used to have no name, so when hearing the Nirvana, no one will associate it with Locke, but everyone knows the function of the Nirvana, that is Quiet all energy.

In Locke's enchantment, all energy cannot be released, and its function is somewhat similar to that of the forbidden magic field, but the forbidden magic field can only confine elements, but the nirvana barrier can annihilate all energy, even divine power.

However, the Nirvana Barrier can't kill those inseparable powers, such as the Holy Frame of Equality, the Fist of Beauty, and the conception of the eyes, and it can't kill the battle energy in the swordsman's body.

If you don't have the ability to restrain it, you can only fight it head-on. However, head-to-head close combat with a mourning skeleton... probably only...

In the barrier of oblivion, Locke, who is almost invincible in melee combat, has the upper hand, and only Battle Angel, who is also good at fighting, can hold it a few times.

So, now you know why the barrier of extinction can trap the enemy. In the void, the power cannot be released, and no matter how hard you use it, you can only spin around in place.

DeRosa never confronted Locke, because Locke's Annihilation Barrier just restrained it, and it would be wiped out as soon as it was released.

But now, Locke in front of him is just a clone, obviously does not have the ability to cast the barrier of death.

Locke spread his hands: "I don't know, maybe I was eaten by a cat. The people you have been bewitching me these years have never dared to meet me. Why are you so bold now and dare to question me? Because I can't let go now Annihilation enchantment?"

"Otherwise? Who would be afraid of you without the barrier of oblivion? The undead master picked the most suitable defender, which caused me to wander in my mind for more than a thousand years. Where did you get my energy? ? I managed to save it." DeRosa complained.

Everyone was shocked, the undead master? Guardian? Mind wandering? The amount of information is huge.

The master of the undead is undoubtedly His Majesty, and it is His Majesty who kept Locke here, that is to say, this De Rosa has seen His Majesty.

"Where did the king go? What did you do to the king!" Locke asked immediately.

DeRosa said in a somewhat helpless tone: "Who can do anything to your king? It's fine if he doesn't do anything to us. He took away the Ten Thousand Realms Tree and is now planting a 'world'. Wait for him to If the world is planted, we will be in trouble, hurry up and give me back my energy."

Click! Myriad Worlds Divine Tree? Anger and the others invariably thought of the God-reaching Tree planted in the Pool of Life. Luthor once said that he had seen something called the Tree of Ten Thousand Worlds in knight novels, which looked very similar to the Tree of God.

Could it be that there really is such a thing as the Myriad Worlds Divine Tree in the world? Every fruit is a world?

Ask Luther, Luther, huh? Where's Luther? Sang Bada and forgot him again.

Judging by De Rosa's tone, could it be that they have suffered at His Majesty's hands, and His Majesty has snatched away the Ten Thousand Realms Sacred Tree? Ready to grow the world?

Ange, who had been hunched over from boredom, straightened his spine all of a sudden: Wang is planting a 'world'?

Anthony couldn't bear it anymore, he patted his chest, and holy light flowed from his body: "Hello, Master DeRosa, do you know me?"

DeRosa's thoughts turned around Anthony's body, and said lightly: "You don't have what I need, don't talk to me."

"???" There were a few big question marks in Anthony's head. What does this mean? This is the first time Anthony has encountered such a guy who won't let him speak. How can he use his verbal strength?

Thinking of this, Anthony laughed: "Hehe, I wonder what Master DeRosa needs? Tell me, maybe we have it."

"Haha, I have wandered here for thousands of years with my mind, what can there be here? Except for a group of unbelievers, I need the power of faith, divine power, and collective will. Do you have any...?"

Before he finished speaking, Ange turned out the Brass Book and took out a blank godhead.

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