The Snake of Doom was dumbfounded, and repeated the process of 'the fist is hardened—that's the master—the target was shifted—the wrong person was stared at'.

"Beautiful Fist? What did you knock out?" Negris and Anthony both saw what Ang had done, and surrounded him curiously.

An Ge said: "I don't realize it." While talking, he punched the little fat snake again—rebirth.

The little fat snake convulsed, shrank into a ball, stretched to the extreme, and then suddenly relaxed, and then a snot bubble appeared from its nose.

Negris gasped: "Is this...alive? Unconscious? You took 'unconsciousness' as a defect and knocked it out with a punch? That's okay? How is it possible? How can unconsciousness be considered a kind of defect? defect?"

Negris has a sense of the collapse of the world view. Although the magic is very unreasonable, it is too unreasonable. It is understandable to knock out the "original" defects, but now it is the original "no" Defects are eliminated, what is this operation?

"Can't you?" Ange tilted his head in a daze, and looked at the little fat snake again.

Boo——With a soft sound, the snot bubble of the little fat snake burst, and then slowly inhaled, and then another snot bubble slowly swelled up, and the little fat snake came to life.

The Snake of Doom's heart was about to melt, his eyes were full of love, and he wanted to roll up the little fat snake, but Ange stopped him: "Crispy, don't touch it."

Negris quickly translated: "It's too fragile, don't touch it, be careful not to hurt it."

"Oh oh oh." The snake of doom has no hands or feet, but at this moment its state is just right to be described as being at a loss.

It may not be appropriate to have children at old age. After all, no one will have children until they are 600,000 years old. In terms of age alone, it is several times older than the old tree.

I wanted to get closer, but didn't dare, and suddenly remembered that it was so cold here, would the little fat snake catch a cold, and should I cover it with a quilt, but then I thought, would the quilt be too hot, my child should not be afraid of the heat, All kinds of thoughts came flooding in, making him at a loss what to do.

Anthony shook his head and quickly diverted its attention: "This is considered conscious? Didn't you say that consciousness cannot be cultivated?"

The snake of doom's attention was immediately diverted: "It shouldn't be counted. It can only be said that this body is alive. It is not certain whether it can be conscious. Even if it is conscious, you can't judge whether it was cultivated or bestowed by the supreme law. of."

"Uh, something that cannot be verified cannot be called a law. Shouldn't the law be the truth everywhere? If there is no way to prove it casually, how do you know it is the supreme law?" Anthony asked puzzled.

"Because that's what the will of the void said." The snake of doom said.

Anthony's heart skipped a beat: "Void Will?"

"Yes, it is the will of the void, the supreme will of the void." The snake of doom said.


In the depths of the void, a fat worm was slowly chrysalis, slowly opened its mouth, and slowly bit down on the empty place in front of it, as if it had bitten something. Chewing with satisfaction.

The whole process is very slow, so slow that if you don't fast forward, ordinary people can't even notice the bug's movement, and because there is no reference object, everyone can't see the size of the bug.

Until a certain moment, the worm suddenly tilted its head, because it heard the will of the void: "Caveworm, let the abyss mouth come over."

"Gu——" the fat cave worm uttered a strange syllable, and then opened its big mouth. After a while, a humanoid creature flew out of the cave worm's big mouth.

It wasn't until this humanoid creature appeared that there was a reference object, and the size of the cave worm could be compared. If the humanoid creature had the size of a normal human, then the cave worm's mouth was equivalent to a plane. All the creatures on the main plane gathered together, and none of them could fill this big mouth.

The cave worm is obviously not interested in this kind of humanoid creature that can't even fill the gaps between its teeth. After spitting it out, it began to chrysalis crawl to other places.

The humanoid creature saluted Void, and said respectfully, "Will of Void, are you looking for me?"

"Someone broke the supreme law and created a new consciousness, you go find him and destroy him." A voice came from the heart of the humanoid creature.

"Someone broke the supreme law again? Who is it?" The humanoid creature suddenly had a headache. Why did someone break the supreme law again? Is the Supreme Law so easy to break?

Why use 'again'? Because the last guy who broke the Supreme Law is still alive, and now he can't do anything to him.

"What about the undead master?" the humanoid creature asked.

Will of the Void was silent for a while, and said: "What the undead master broke was the second supreme law—consciousness cannot be plundered, this one broke the first supreme law—consciousness cannot be created, this threat is greater, destroy him first. "

"Yes, at your will, what should I call this 'he'?" the humanoid asked.

There is actually no need to ask for a title. Whether it is called "he" or "it", it is just a code name, but the humanoid creature still needs to ask, so that more information can be obtained from the will of the void.

For example, the title of "Undead Master" was revealed by the will of the void. From the title, it can be known that the other party is related to the undead creature, so that you can search for it with a goal, and you can find the other party soon.

It's just a pity that the other party came to the door faster than him, which made him very passive, and now there is no way to eliminate the undead master.

But anyway, it's good to have more information.

Will of the Void hesitated, which is rare: "I heard a lot of confusing information, including immortality, planting, harvest, redemption, knowledge, equal scales... It seems that a bunch of gods have joined forces to break the Supreme Law, but the clearest one is the Goddess of Beauty, maybe It is this beauty god who is in charge, destroy her."

The humanoid creature was shocked, it couldn't even determine the will of the void? But after hearing a bunch of god names, he felt a lot more relaxed.

If the gods joined forces, things would not be so troublesome, just break them down individually.

On the contrary, if one can break the supreme law by one's own strength, it must be more difficult to deal with than a bunch of gods, and at least it must be at the level of the undead master.

Of course, there are more difficult things to deal with, such as so many god names belonging to one person, but the possibility of this is almost zero.

"Okay, follow your will." The humanoid creature saluted again, turned and flew towards the cave worm.

The cave worm sensed his movement, and reluctantly opened its mouth wide, allowing him to fly in.

When it reappeared, the humanoid creature had come to another void, and in front of it was a chaotic surface that looked like a large plate. The fog accumulated in the center, forming a circle, but a plane was thrown out around it, like the center of a large disc. Put a circle.

He habitually calls it the Chaos Surface, which is what everyone calls it, but the correct name should be the accretion disk.

The humanoid creature opened its big mouth towards the direction of chaos. When he opened his mouth, everyone knew why he was called the big mouth of the abyss. His mouth was wider than his body, and there were no teeth in his mouth. organization, but a dark darkness with no end in sight.

Following his shout, a piece of black mist gushed out of the chaotic mist, and it flew over slowly. When the black mist approached, he could finally see it clearly. What is this fog? It is clearly a large group of people. biology.

Each has a black body, black wings, and black light wings.

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