Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 793 Was your arm bone removed from somewhere else?

The chaotic mist poured in continuously from the outside, flowing along the ground, until it entered the range covered by the light, it suddenly accelerated, and fell into the light spot with a 'swish'.

"Sure enough, the light spots are indeed attracting the fog of chaos, but it's strange that they are blocked from the outside." Negris lowered his head and looked up from the bottom.

Everyone moved closer, and there was no space below, the king pulled the cover away, and suddenly, the light of the spot was reflected in all directions.

The mist around the platform began to roll, and stopped flowing along the ground. It was thrown directly at the spot where the light was located. The speed of the surge was a little faster, and several vortices were pulled out immediately, as if it was about to form a tornado.

Ange immediately took out another piece of black cloth and covered the light spot again.

Without the light spots, the fog returned to calm and stopped surging.

Anger adjusted some black cloth so that the light could shine through at the bottom, so the fog returned to its original appearance and flowed along the ground.

When the black cloth is lifted, the mist surges; when the black cloth is covered, the mist is calm; if a little bit is leaked, the mist flows.

After repeating this several times, Anger summed up the law: "Light orientation, direct sunlight, acceleration, scattering, flow, no light, no motion."

After speaking, Ange raised another hand, and the palm of the palm shone with a holy light, which turned into a long beam of light and shone into the mist outside.

However, the chaotic mist didn't react at all to this holy light, instead it scattered the straight beams of light, and soon scattered a large expanse of whiteness.

Negris understood it, and said suspiciously: "It's not an insect. Why do they have phototaxis and only respond to light spots? They are not phototaxis, but the light of pure water."

This light was pressed out by two pure water elves with pure water and sealed in a solidified space.

"Where did your light spot come from? Is it the ancient divine light?" the king asked in shock.

He has never seen anything that can attract the fog of chaos, if there is, it is only the ancient divine light that he has never seen before.

"I don't know, it's also the first time we discovered this phenomenon. We used pure water to press out this light spot." Negris said.

"Why do you have so many good things? Even if he can't attract the fog of chaos, he is still a very good light source. Alas, with it, I can really grow things, and I don't have to keep showing these flowers and plants. "The king said with some envy.

"Ah, the reason why you have these flowers and plants is because you can't grow real things here?" Negris asked in surprise.

"Of course, there is no light, how can I grow things? I don't want to add light to them every day, it's so annoying." The king said.

"But..." Negris asked hesitantly: "Have you never seen some luminous crops? Have you ever tried to plant them together and use luminous crops to supplement light for non-luminous crops?"

The king crossed his arms and pondered for a while, then asked hesitantly, "Is it still possible?"

"Don't you know? Anger knows it. Didn't he learn all his farming knowledge from you?" Negris asked puzzled.

The king said distressedly: "I'm just an old undead who wants to grow something for fun. I got all my farming knowledge from a retired old gardener. He doesn't have the skills in this area."

"Pfft—retired old gardener? Why don't you search the druid's memory?" Negris vomited blood.

Ange's foundation is so solid, it thought it was because of the rich knowledge instilled by the old man, dare this old man is just a farming enthusiast?

"Because the old gardener's knowledge is enough, I don't need to grow things in a dark place, I have a farm, but do druids also understand this technique?" the king asked.

"Uh... I don't seem to understand." Negris said, for example, the druids of Dubinqi, although they know the red and blue fill light technology, they definitely don't know the cold light planting technology.

At the beginning, luminescent moss supplementing light was just a whimsy of Ange's helplessness, but today, cold light planting technology is a complete knowledge.

The light emitted by crops such as luminous moss belongs to cold light. The so-called cold light is the kind of light source with low energy intensity, only light and no heat. They alone cannot meet all the needs of crops, especially the most important photosynthesis. .

Therefore, the luminous moss can only be used to fill in the light at first, and usually requires a lighting circle to provide sufficient light.

But with the advancement of technology, Ange has now started to use the bed fermentation method and the magic plant hybridization method to generate heat by using the bed fermentation, and use the luminous moss hybridized with the magic plant to emit red and blue light, supplemented by specially bred new Variety crops, minimizing the time of heat and light exposure.

But no matter what, it is not possible to grow crops that can eat enough without using heat light sources at all, unless An Ge uses the Beauty Fist to forcibly change the growth rules.

However, Ange just likes to grow things, not to modify species. He rarely uses the Beauty Fist to modify crops, because that would lose the fun of cultivation.

"Uh, is it so professional? Are there many such spots?" the king asked.

"You want it? Ask Angor yourself." Negris said proudly, and the two guys looked in Anger's direction.

Ange did not remove the black cloth, but placed a basin directly below. The chaotic mist that gathered at this moment and was isolated from the outside by the solidified space unexpectedly condensed into small droplets and dripped onto the basin.

"Huh? Liquified?" Negris said in surprise.

The wind of rest can be liquefied, soaking undead creatures in it, and can repair damaged bodies and even souls. Thanks to the liquid of death breath, Duroken can recover so quickly.

Unexpectedly, the fog of chaos can also be liquefied. According to the calculation of the liquid of death breath, the effect of this kind of chaotic fog must be very strong.

Ange scratched his head, thought for a while, forget it, and just slipped Durokenti out.

"Oh, king! I miss you so much." Duroken shouted excitedly when he saw the king.

The king was a little surprised and said: "Hey, Duroken? You have become bad, why have you become so naughty, you are dead, and 'wanting to die' means you don't want to."

Duroken rubbed his nose in embarrassment, with a sense of embarrassment that was seen through, and laughed: "Haha, Your Majesty, long time no see, are you in good health?"

The king looked Duroken up and down, looked at Negris again, and pondered: "I feel that something has ruined you all, and you dare to tease me? Who is it? Tell me, I will cut it down. "

"That's right, old man, go chop it off, I support you, that horse's mouth is too stinky, you must chop it off, from head to toe." Negris expressed his support excitedly.

In the dimensional space, Lightning is teasing the puppet: "Miss puppet, what kind of wood are your hands made of? The wood grain is so beautiful, can I have a bite?"

"Ah? It's rosewood,'s not tasty, please don't eat me." The puppet said nervously.

"Wow, rosewood? I like rosewood the most. My teeth are good. I have even eaten the world's saplings. Don't worry, I can bite.

The puppet was about to cry: "But...but, I only have two arms, you will lose them if you eat them..."

"Uh, shouldn't you scold me at this time?" Lightning said in astonishment, it just wanted to tease the newcomer, why this newcomer's reaction was weird.

The puppet froze for a moment: "Curse... scold you?"

"Yes, I want to eat your arm. You should scold me instead of thinking about whether it is good or not. If you eat it, this problem will disappear. Your reaction is so strange." Lightning said naturally.

The puppet twisted its fingers and said weakly, "I...I won't...dare not."

Lightning's eyes lit up: "Want to learn? I'll teach you, starting from the simple ones, look at my mouth shape, stupid (silent)———, just scold me like this, scold me, scold me, or not. underestimate me,"

The puppet plucked up its courage and whispered: "Silly (silenced)——"

"You're the fool, big fool—*—"

The puppet was stunned by the scolding.

Lightning urged: "Quickly scold, learn from me, quickly scold, if you don't scold, you look down on me, you look down on me, Mr. Lightning? Do you believe me or not?"

It is very difficult for a flattering personality to reject others. Being urged by Lightning like this, the puppet said forcefully: "You are the stupid one, Dasha—*—"

"Louder, #@…¥*¥\u0026 # …¥%*#@"

"Louder, #@...¥*¥\u0026 # ...¥%*#@" the puppet whispered.

"Speaking louder is to make you louder. You don't need to learn this sentence, it's more difficult: You didn't eat yesterday, and your speech is like booing, your bladder is not strong, your waist and legs are weak, and your legs are weak*\u0026...¥ # % @\u0026¥... … # \u0026" Lightning cursed.

The puppet is in a daze, how difficult is this for you? I'm just learning, okay? Are you so embarrassed? I can't even hear you clearly, and you still let me learn?

"Curse, scold me, if you don't scold me, you look down on me, I'll call you." Lightning urged.

The puppet was stunned, and immediately forgot all the words, but instinctively remembered the simplest sentence: "You horse..."

Lightning said angrily: "You are the horse! Your whole family is horses! Look clearly, unicorn, do you recognize it, you are blind!" Lightning kicked his hooves and knocked on his forehead.

The thoughtful puppet immediately heard that Lightning was really angry, and his eyes widened suddenly, unbelievable: I scolded it to break the defense?

Something cracked in the puppet's heart, and quickly took root: "You horse..."

Lightning was furious: "You are the horse, your whole family are horses, I am electric..."

Before he finished speaking, Lightning felt a chill behind him, as if something was staring at it, just when the king said, "I'll go and chop it down".

Lightning's four hooves softened, and it crept away without making a sound. Although it didn't know who was staring at it, it knew that it couldn't afford to mess with this existence.

Seeing Lightning tiptoeing around, the puppet thought he had scolded the other party away, and felt a strange sense of comfort in his heart, thinking to himself: Damn you.

From then on, every time the puppet spoke, she would say "You're so stupid" in her heart, and the shyness characteristic of her pleasing personality disappeared miraculously.

Every time, I first said "you're crazy" in my heart, and then said: "Thank you for your help, come to play when I have time, see you next time."

It made Anthony, who was looking for a chance to wash her, very strange: "Why did you suddenly become a different person? Who did it? Master-level psychotherapy."

At the same time, Duroken, who studied the liquid of chaos for a while, suddenly said: "My lord, you can dip your black crystal finger into it and have a look."

The king also came over: "By the way, Ange, I have wanted to ask for a long time, why do you only have black crystals in your hands? There is no transition from purple gold to black crystals. It feels like your arms were removed from other places? "

Hit——Negris, Anthony, and Duroken all froze in place.

Thank you book friend 20201127225230813, the leader of Fengtian League, for your reward.

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