Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 797 It Shouldn't Be Called the Halo of Enlightenment

Famobis was dragged back to the platform, followed by a lot of ancient gods. It was the first time for them to come to the realm of the undead ruler, and they all looked around curiously.

Anthony floated over, and he was more comfortable doing interrogation, so Famobius was thrown to him for interrogation.

Ange floated into the chaotic mist outside on his own, and stretched out his hand to grab it. The surrounding chaotic mist was immediately pulled by him and merged into a ball in the palm of his hand.

Negris flew over and asked curiously, "What are you doing? Did you find anything?"

Anger continued to fiddle with the chaotic mist in his hand, and replied, "Mist, it's weird."

"Oh, why is it weird?" Negris became curious. Ange's character is very clear, and he never talks nonsense. He said it was weird, so there must be something weird.

Ange scratched his head and said, "The original body, what you see is different."

"Why is it different?" Negris immediately understood, the chaotic fog seen by the original body is actually different? What's the difference?

This is not surprising, even in the main material plane, the power of faith seen by mortals and gods is not the same, the effect of the power of faith seen by mortals, but what Ange sees is the soul flame, the line , Faith Network.

In the eyes of the original body, what does the fog of chaos look like?

An Ge thought for a while in distress, then shook his head. This was beyond the scope of what he could explain. It was probably the level at which the original body could be understood at a glance, but ordinary people could not explain it.

Maybe other articulate people can explain it, but this is too embarrassing for Ange.

However, Ange tried his best to demonstrate it in a way that Negris could understand. The fog of faith in his hand suddenly turned into a puddle of mud and flowed down. After leaving his palm, it slowly spread out.

Immediately afterwards, the fog of faith turned into seeds and fell down, falling on the previously spread soil, taking root and sprouting.

The crop growth process is like a demonstration in the simulator. On the land formed from a small piece of soil, small and small crops bear abundant fruits.

Negris approached in shock, and pinched one: "It's real? It's alive? Can you use the fog of chaos to manifest these things?"

Angus nodded.

"But... But, why can't the old man be manifested? The crops he watered are all fake." Negris was surprised.

Ange said, "He, I don't know him."

"Don't know? You mean, he doesn't know those crops, so it can't be real?" Negris asked.

Angus nodded.

Negris put his back on his hips, hunched his head and thought, the real can only be realized if he knows it, and the fake can only be realized if he doesn't know him. This "recognized or not" must not refer to the name of the crop.

What kind of knowledge must be realized in order to manifest the real crops? If we don't know crops and know other things, such as minerals, can minerals be realized?

By what force is this manifestation formed? Is it the power of the fog of chaos? Or the power of the original body? Or do you need both?

While Negris was deep in thought, Anthony, who had finished the interrogation work, floated over, and said with some distress: "The question is clear, but there are some things I can't understand, and I can't use the appropriate words, just like Your Majesty As I said, a plane creature like me knows too little about the structure of the void."

Don't look at the king who has already told everyone about the structure of the chaotic plane, but everyone listens to it and it's over. Of all the people, Anger may be the only one who really understands it.

There is no way, just like a person who is born blind, it is difficult for you to describe what color is to him, even if you say it is amazing, it is not as real as if he saw it in person.

If you don't understand something, it is difficult for Anthony to turn it into a speech technique to induce the other party to tell the really useful information. He can only use a very conventional question and answer, but in this way, it is difficult for him to judge the other party. Is it true.

Ordinary humans still have micro-expressions on their faces to observe, but this monument doesn't even have a face, so how can there be any expressions?

"According to what it says, it is the Law Stele of Ten Thousand Realms, an artifact with the power of laws, engraved with the imprint of laws, it will have the power of laws, and it will travel around the void to maintain the majesty of laws, little Demon King and Xinghuo confirmed his statement." Anthony reported.

Negris said in astonishment: "This is the trial court."

Anthony nodded: "I understand it in the same way. It is not only a trial court, but also a law book that can fly by itself. No wonder it says it is the same as Mr. Nagle. From this point of view, it is indeed the same. Everyone is a book. "

Negris pondered and said: "Then, can I understand that this is a book that has become a master, because of the awakening of self-awareness, so the imprint of the law is engraved on the body and flies around, judging others in the name of the law? "

Anthony's eyes lit up: "It's okay to understand it this way, why didn't I think of it? I really answered that proverb. A fool thinks a thousand times, but one time it will be useful. Mr. Naiger, you are really amazing."

Negris put his hips on his hips and cocked his tail: "That's needless to say... oh, you death stick said I was a fool!"

Although he joked habitually, Anthony felt that Negris's guess was very reasonable, and it was also an angle that Anthony ignored.

"Who engraved the law of the void for you, and judged other people's power everywhere?" Anthony pulled Famobis out again for interrogation.

"Of course the law grants me this power, and what I maintain is the majesty of the law." Famobis said as a matter of course.

Anthony smiled and said, "But, you don't seem to have enough strength to maintain the majesty of the law."

Famobis said unconvinced: "The ancient gods of origin have the ability to violate the law, and those who rebel can also violate the law. I was just plagued by bad luck and accidentally bumped into two ancient gods of origin."

Anthony and Negris looked at each other, and thought in their hearts: Your bad luck has been entangled more than once, and you are also a lawbreaker if you run into it.

The tone of Famobius made Anthony understand one thing. It was not that the laws were weak, but that Ange and the king were a bit strong, and even the laws could not restrain them.

Thinking of this, Anthony asked: "Since engraving the law can't do anything to us, what's the use of keeping you?"

"I can engrave the law of the void, or the law of time. As long as I have enough energy, I can use the law of time to reverse time and revive Shenguang and the tree god. With previous experience, the tree god will definitely be able to find a way to maintain the balance of the void. If we don’t use this method, the Will of the Void will no longer dare to drive us at will.”

Hearing Famobis' angry tone, Anthony suddenly flashed a word once said by a pagan: The plane suffers from the Light Church for a long time...

Negris interjected and asked: "How do we know if you are trying to lie to our law of time? After imprinting the law of time, can you manipulate time? Then you reverse time and go back to before you met us. ?”

Anthony slapped his thigh fiercely: "Master Naig, you have changed, you have become so wise, what happened?"

"Hahaha!" The king who was watching the play suddenly laughed loudly: "Sure enough, I asked Ange to put away his enlightened halo, and wanted to test something. Naig, have you ever thought about it? The halo of enlightenment should not be called the halo of enlightenment."

Thank you joene4184710, Hongtao, domineering werewolf, for your tip.

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