Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 800 For the Eternal Divine Light

The scene was very messy at one point, Salvation looked exhausted, his body was drenched with sweat, and he looked like he had fought fiercely on the battlefield for hours, tightly hugging the imprint of a huge coffin that had materialized.

Negris curled his lips angrily, and muttered in a low voice: "This is too fake, a goddess still sweats? Who are you kidding?"

Anthony responded in a low voice with understanding: "No way, who made your lord too simple, otherwise, I don't know how much effort you have put in, and the redemption has indeed contributed, so just pretend it."

Negris suddenly said: "That's right, alas, no wonder, they are always complaining. It turns out that they are not really tired, but show their merits. I would have learned it if I knew it."

Anthony said hesitantly: "It's not very good. They are really tired when they complain. If you complain, you are pretending. Adults can see it."

"What do you mean? I'm not really tired because I'm complaining? I turn on the enlightenment halo every day to improve your intelligence and prevent you from becoming a fool. Do you know how tired you are!" Negris said angrily.

"Ah, yes, yes, Lord Naig is exhausted, and I will find a hundred female dragons to serve you later."

Whispering here, Farmerbis over there was also stunned. Ange punched and kicked it, and suffered a little injury, probably to the extent of 'it will heal if it is not treated immediately'.

Then the goddess yelled 'Don't die, don't die, I will save you', holding its imprint for a while to heal, the treatment is healing, but if you don't heal it, there is nothing wrong with it, and then the imprint was picked by her down, what happened?

Farmerbis had the feeling of being cheated out of a big house with a few copper coins, and the other party used a small healing technique to knock out its mark?

No, it's not considered cheating, it's just a re-enactment. Farmerbis can still control his mark, but there is another mark in the hand of redemption.

Passing the seal to Ang, Redeemer said enthusiastically, "Sir, do you want more? Come again."

These things solidified by redemption are disposable, and they will be gone after use. For safety reasons, it is best to prepare a batch for future use.

Ange nodded, and rushed forward to punch and kick again, which stunned Farmerbys, come back?

After solidifying six imprints, everyone stopped. Ange gave Redemption several tons of elf beans and asked her to walk the dog.

With enough imprints, it is natural to keep conducting controlled experiments, trying to reproduce the Ten Thousand Realms Law Stele.

"Since the Tablet of the Law of Ten Thousand Realms is a refined artifact, shouldn't we call Duroken over?" Negris suggested.

This is a good proposal, Anger called Duroken over.

"Order? There are many ways to make it orderly, such as movement, let it move in the same direction, it will naturally be orderly, followed by force fields, such as magnetic fields can make iron powder orderly, But the most practical thing is the holy power, how to make the fog of chaos possess the power of 'holy'?" Duroken said.

"Shengli, Anthony is familiar with Lisa Shamara, call Shamara over?" Negris said.

Ange nodded and called Shamara over again.

"Holy power? Of course, infect it with strong beliefs. If it doesn't work for a day, it will take two days. If it doesn't work for two days, it will take two years. One day it will have the same belief as ours." Shamara said devoutly.

Negris said hesitantly: "I feel that your statement is unreliable. You are not fooling us, are you?"

"No, no, how dare we. If we want to fool her, it's only her fooling, and it's none of my business." Luna emerged from Shamara's body, shaking her head desperately to clear it up.

Anger directly took out a ball of Chaos Liquid, handed it to Shamara and said, "Contaminate it."

When Shamara's corrupted power came into contact with the fluid of chaos, it immediately disappeared without a trace like a clay bull falling into the sea.

After being polluted for a while, the liquid of chaos remained unchanged, but Shamala was so tired that she stuck out her tongue, probably pretending.

Shamala was driven away, and everyone continued to discuss in distress about the liquid of chaos.

Seeing everyone like this, the king finally couldn't help but said: "The way you get along,'s very special."

"Special? What's so special? Wasn't it the same when you were here before?" Negris was taken aback by the king's nonsensical words.

Anthony knew what the king meant, nodded and said, "When His Majesty is here, he is still, um, a bit more dignified."

"At least the Rockefetti witches will not pretend to be tired like this with me, let alone discuss issues with each other. You get along like a family like this, but you have an absolute core. In fact, Ange also It does not lose its majesty, but the little redemption just now will still pretend to be tired with him, and it feels like acting like a baby, which is very special." The king said.

The majestic goddess of redemption is called the little redemption, but it sounds so appropriate, who let this be the king.

Negris laughed and said, "As long as you don't burn his fields, Ange is easy to talk to. Everyone knows his character, so it doesn't matter whether he is big or small."

The king nodded: "This is very good, really good, otherwise the years of eternal life would be too boring." At the end, the king sighed faintly.

I continued to try several methods, but I was still stuck at the step of "orderly". Ange was not in a hurry at all. He could perform tens of thousands of experiments on a single magic rice. This kind of law tablet that can engrave the law of the void, The whole hundred thousand times is quite normal.

But Farmerbis couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted: "I've said it all, you can't grasp this kind of power, you should let me go quickly, the void is already collapsing, if you can't reverse time, let Wan The World God Tree and the Ancient God Light are revived, and we are all going to die."

"No, no, what you said is wrong, the origin of the void will not die, and neither will the creatures in the realm under our protection." The king said.

"Uh, even if you Void Essences don't die, you can't shelter many creatures, because the void collapses, you can't support too many creatures, and you can only watch them die, and the void collapses, you can't You will fall into eternal silence, and you will feel nothing but darkness and temperature, are you willing to sink into this eternity?" Farmerbis yelled.

Everyone couldn't help being silent. This was indeed a result that everyone didn't want to face, not to mention how many people could be sheltered. Now that the two worlds have collapsed, Ange is not happy. How many fields he has on it.

"So, let me go quickly. Reversing time is our only chance. As long as you give me the time stamp, I will have the opportunity to reverse time, go back to half a million years ago, and prevent the explosion of the ancient divine light and the explosion of the Myriad Worlds Sacred Tree." Perish, if you are worried about my betrayal, I can dedicate my mark and pledge my allegiance to you."

Negris curled his lips: "Pull it down, no one knows the consequences of reversing time, and we will be reversed at that time. After half a million years, we may not be born, and maybe you will destroy the main position in advance face, then we can’t be born, so you have no object of allegiance, what’s the use?”

Farmerbis thumped in his heart, this is exactly its plan, dare these people have always known the disadvantages of reversing time, so they are just teasing it from the beginning to the end, it is impossible to give it the time imprint, damn it, being tricked up.

Seeing Farmerbis's sad and indignant posture, Negris continued to laugh: "And reversing time is not our only chance, take a look at what this is?"

While speaking, he raised the black cloth covering the light spots. In order not to leak light, the black cloth hung down to the ground, only covering the saplings.

In this way, the light is opaque, and the chaotic mist no longer flows on the platform, so that Farmerbis did not find the sapling at all.

Farmerbis' entire core froze, and his thoughts fell on the sapling. Could it be that he said incredulously, "Wan... the sacred tree of the world? It's alive?"

"Look at those lights again." Negris spared no effort in hitting people.

"E... Eternal Divine Light?, you..." Farmerbis was so shocked that he could hardly speak.

Farmerbis was silent for a long time and didn't speak anymore. When everyone thought it was broken, Farmerbis said excitedly:

"Since we have the Divine Tree of Myriad Realms and the Ancient Divine Light, why don't we unite Abyss Maw and the Origin of Darkness to kill the Will of the Void together? If we are willing to share the power of the Ancient Divine Light, Abyss Maw and the Origin of Darkness Will definitely be willing."

us? Who is 'we' with you? How can it become 'we' just by talking about it? It's too shameless.

But why are Abyss Big Mouth and Dark Origin willing? Just for the eternal divine light?

Thank you book friend 202201106223522457 for your reward.

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