Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 806 He's a Genius!

Negris took a deep look at the 'toad', without saying a word, took out his small notebook and started writing, then turned to look for Lightning.

Iron Belly didn't realize what happened at all. Seeing that Negris didn't respond, it grinned complacently and continued to pat its stomach.

Ange tilted his head. Others may not be able to see it, but Ange can clearly see that every slap of the iron belly seems to create a circle of ripples in the void, spreading in all directions.

This is not a ripple in space, let alone a ripple in the mist, but a force that Ange could not perceive before.

dark element? Can I 'see' the dark elements?

The dark element is a very special kind of energy. It has a high energy density, but many people can't sense it. If it is placed on a magician, it means 'no talent for darkness'.

If you can't even sense the elements, how can you use them?

For a long time, Anger has used very clever methods to use dark elements, such as the feathers of the chaotic holy spirit, but this use is very limited.

Why did it suddenly sense the dark element? Is it because you upgraded yourself? Or is it because the iron belly's slapping intensity is strong, so it can be sensed?

Ange took out a chaotic holy spirit feather and waved it, but he couldn't sense the fluctuation of the dark element from it. It seemed that it was because of the strong slap of the iron belly.

It would be easy to sense it. The ring of scales appeared behind Ange. His eyes were fixed on the belly of the iron belly, and he silently weighed the circles of ripples.

At the same time, the king said depressingly: "Where did the toad come from, and you also called the ancient dragon? Where is the origin of darkness? Don't you dare to show your face?"

One of the giant angels floated forward, and said expressionlessly: "By the order of the origin of darkness, come to judge the lawbreakers, the undead ruler, please put down the weapons in your hands, bind your hands and come and surrender."

"Pfft——" As soon as the voice fell, a sudden burst of laughter sounded. Everyone turned their heads and saw Negris dragging his arms around Lightning's neck, and it was Lightning who was laughing.

"Sorry, sorry, I couldn't hold back, I'm sorry, you guys continue, please." Lightning stepped forward with his front hoof and made a gesture of asking.

"No, no, Lightning, you go." Anthony ignored its modesty and said hastily.

Negris also said: "Yes, go ahead, scold it to death, have you seen that toad? It dares to say that my scales are yellow, my booger is so big, and stunted, scold it to death, you scold it to death, I will find a hundred female unicorns to serve you."

Lightning grinned and scolded: "You are sick, are you trying to harm me or kill me? I can't bear one horse, but I want a hundred horses. You want me to die for you. I'll tell Nai later. Lord Aili, you said that you are thinking about a hundred female dragons..."

Before Lightning could finish cursing, Negris covered his head with his wings. This trick was very effective. After all, Lightning didn't dare to bite. Negris' wings were damaged. Negris would let him see what a mother is. The wrath of the dragon.

The main reason is that Nai Aili has too many friends, from Aubenli to Lisa to Ziku, Lightning dare not mess with this group of people.

The king looked left and right, and found that no one made a move, so he had to say: "Your lord didn't teach you..."

Before he finished speaking, An Ge suddenly raised his palm, and a thing that radiated a strong energy reaction but no one could see appeared on his palm.

The energy response of this thing is quite strong, and everyone's eyes can't help turning to his palm.

Iron Belly also looked at An Ge's palm in astonishment, then looked at his own belly, and subconsciously patted it again: What is it? Is the volatility so similar to mine? Click? Dark mystery? !

The king was the first to recognize it: "Dark... dark element?" I wanted to say the dark secret, but immediately remembered that Ange and others had changed the dark secret to the dark element, so there is no need to ask, the name must be named by his own people , How could it be possible to give up the definition right to others?

"Dark element? Have you mastered the dark element? When did you learn it?" Negris didn't bother to keep his mouth shut, and asked in surprise as he flew over.

An Ge nodded: "Just now, learned."

While speaking, An Ge wiped vigorously towards the front of his body. His palm moved very slowly, as if he was under some huge resistance, but after his palm wiped the distance between two palms, the second one could not be seen. , but a point with a powerful energy response appeared in front of him.

The third, the fourth, the fifth... In this way, under the watchful eyes of everyone, An Ge wiped out thirty energy points in front of him.

Mass magic is Ange's basic practice. The old acquaintances like Negris were not surprised, but the king couldn't help asking: "Just learned it? You didn't learn it after watching this toad pat its belly, right? "

Ange nodded, and wiped it back with his backhand. He wiped off a series of thirty energy points one by one, and then held up his palm again, and a 'dot' with a weak energy response appeared on his hand.

"Hiss—my lord is becoming familiar with this element, so quickly, it can already restrain the fluctuation." Anthony couldn't help but gasped.

As we all know, the more intense the fluctuations, the more dazzling, the more serious the waste of energy.

If a fireball is scorching hot and bright, its power is definitely not very good, because the elements are wasted on glowing and heating, but if the fireball is dark and cold, it will not feel hot unless you touch it, just like the heart of your ex-girlfriend, then be careful up.

Among so many power systems, the holy light is the most special, and what it pursues is strong fluctuations and dazzling dazzling. Therefore, one-third of the energy of the holy light technique is wasted in this regard.

But there is no way, ordinary people like this kind of glamorous things, wasting one-third, but can bring dozens of times more believers.

It was the first time Ange cast dark element magic. The first time he couldn't control it well, the energy fluctuations were very strong, but the second time he had restrained the fluctuations. This control is too abnormal.

The giant angel also seemed to have noticed Ang's change, and said with a blank expression: "He is stealing dark secrets, stop him, and destroy them all!"

With an order, the twelve giant angels spread out and led a large number of ancient gods to press forward slowly.

The little angel took out the staff of the archangel, and went up to meet her, a huge angel's light and shadow burst out of her body.

The Light of Creation followed far behind, muttering reluctantly: "Oh, you son of a bitch, don't keep thinking about fighting, really."

Although she muttered, she didn't dare to stop her, only dared to follow her from a distance to create light for her.

The little zombie squatted down slightly, purple flames sprang up from his body, and the armor quickly turned into a purple-black armor that shone with metallic luster.

"Huh, Mourning Lich? Liches can mourn death too? It's the first time I've seen you." The king murmured in surprise. Guys like An Ge had given him too many surprises.

After the armor of the soul armor was completed, the little zombie stepped on the platform fiercely and turned into a flash of light.

The platform was kicked out of a big hole, and everyone exclaimed: "Flash! Fei Ti!?"

"No, it's not flashing light, it's just fast. Look at his feet, it's the vibration of the dark element. Sangbada is the dark element version of the earth charge-the dark blast charge. As soon as Ange mastered the dark element, the little zombie jumped He used it flexibly, he is a genius." Negris shouted in shock.

PS: Stuck in draft, this is from yesterday

Thank you book friend 20210301106550566766, the black tea is not hot anymore, for your tip.

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