Negris patted his psoas and called, "Ah, Shabada, how could you have such a genius idea?"

Anthony also sighed: "Yeah, it's really ingenious. I'm still having a headache from the lightning of consciousness. My lord has already figured out a solution. You are indeed a lord."

This kind of consciousness is very difficult to deal with. They exist in the consciousness space and are immortal. Even if the light is wiped out, it will not affect their existence. In theory, they cannot be destroyed. .

But its consciousness lightning is very terrifying. An ancient god of the domain was killed directly. This kind of invincible enemy is too headache.

However, as long as the right method is found, it is so simple to restrain the opponent. Ange has used the ability of "realization" many times. Why can't they think of restraining the conscious elves with manifestation?

With the loss of the unicorn and the inability to release the lightning of consciousness, everyone no longer had to hide behind An Ge, and surrounded him one after another.

"But can't its shape be restored? If a corner is lost, can't it be restored?" Negris asked.

Anthony explained in a low voice: "This may be the purpose of adults using 'representation', not to remove its horns, but to make it 'think' that its horns have fallen off."

"Oh." Negris suddenly realized.

This involves a problem of cognition, if it thinks you can't hurt it, then in this consciousness space, it is invincible, unless you destroy the consciousness space.

But if it thinks it's broken, no matter how you fix it, it will think it's broken.

"This phenomenon also occurs in some normal people. Some able-bodied people think that their hands are broken, so his hand is obviously good, but he can't use it. In this case, I just need to wash off his hand. Part of the memory, his hand will heal immediately." Anthony explained through his own experience.

"Is there still such a thing? Are there many such phenomena?" Negris had heard of this kind of situation for the first time. He had heard of the phantom limb, but he had never heard of the "Phantom Remnant".

Anthony looked around and saw the little angels on the other side, so he leaned over and covered his ears and said in a low voice: "This kind of situation is rare, but there are many other situations, such as the 'things' of some old guys that have not been used for a long time. I can't get up even after taking aphrodisiacs, and I'm mentally wilted, I'm going to wash this part of his memory, and he'll be fine."

"Pfft—what kind of archbishop are you?" Negris didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Anthony spread his hands: "This is very profitable, okay?"

They were whispering here, and An Ge had already picked up the manifested unicorn.

Seeing Ange picking up its horn, Awuli rushed over subconsciously.

An Ge punched it away.

Ange's fist was wrapped in a circle of colorful light, which could hit Ah Wuli firmly. After flying away, Ah Wuli let out a series of screams.

Negris and Anthony gathered around and looked at the unicorn: "This texture, this color, and this texture are similar to lightning."

"My lord has only seen the unicorn of lightning. Did my lord materialize it according to the material of the unicorn of lightning?" Anthony asked.

Angus shook his head.

Negris was surprised: "Didn't you say in the dimension that you can't have organic matter? This corner is also considered organic."

Ange nodded: "I can't, it can."

"Ah? You mean, this horn is not embodied by you, but by it? You just provided a little power?" Negris translated.

Ange nodded, then sprinted forward for a certain distance, and beat A Wuli, who rushed over with her plastic surgery, away again.

"Why can you beat it? How did you get all these colorful lights on your hand?" Negris asked.

Ange tilted his head, and said in a daze, "That's it, just come out."

Flipping your palms while talking, like saying 'as easy as flipping your palms'.

Negris gritted his teeth and decided to skip this question. As the level of this dead skeleton increases, the power that many people can't understand with all their efforts is easier for him than eating and drinking. , too much to hit the dragon.

With this kind of consciousness glove, Ange can attack the consciousness body of Awuli. Compared with the terrifying consciousness lightning, Awuli's combat ability is simply negative, basically rushing over and being hammered away , rushing over again, and being hammered away again.

After cycling seven or eight times, Ah Wuli gave up, ran over in small steps, stopped far away and said loudly: "Give me back my horn."

Anger glanced at it, then looked at Anthony, and then ignored it, bowing his head and continuing to study the unicorn in his hand.

Ange's eyes immediately made Anthony understand what he meant. He rubbed his palms and stepped forward with a smile: "This beautiful elf, is your horn gone?"

Ah Wuli was stunned, what do you mean? You obviously saw that my corners are off, what do you mean by asking?

"Oh, I mean, what do your horns look like?" Anthony asked.

Ah Wuli stepped forward and pointed at Ange's hand: "That's my horn, that's my horn."

Anthony said in embarrassment: "However, this horn is white, hard and can be held in the hand, but you are colorful and cannot be touched. It is nothing like this horn. How can you prove that it is yours? Does it have your name engraved on it? Do you have proof?"

Following Anthony's parallel comparison, Awuli's eyes widened and her mouth couldn't close. It had never seen such a brazen creature in its life, and even asked it for evidence even though it saw its horns fall off?

But after hearing this, Ah Wuli also looked at the unicorn, and then at her own hoof. It was obvious that they were two different things. Anxiously, his nose started spraying light again.

At this time, An Ge suddenly raised his head and said to it: "Your horns can still grow."

Anthony and Negris thumped in their hearts. They guessed just now that Anger's trick is useful because it has achieved an effect of "it thinks". This kind of self-knowledge makes it lose its corner no longer recover.

But it is obviously a conscious body, and it can recover when its body is scattered. It is impossible to recover if it loses a corner.

Sure enough, after being stunned for a while, Ah Wuli's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the horns on her head continued to recover the outline of a horn.

However, at the moment when the unicorn recovered, Ange jumped over, stretched out his fingers and touched the tip of the horn, and the pure white unicorn appeared and fell to the ground.

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