Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 819 Am I Returning to My Ancestor?

"This is the root of the tree god, you promised to manifest mine." Ah Wuli said.

Anger nodded for the seventh time, which was no different from the first time. On the contrary, Negris got impatient and said angrily, "I know, I know, you've said it eight hundred times."

Ah Wuli tilted her head and thought for a while, then said seriously: "Not eight hundred times, you promised to embody me."

Angle nodded for the eighth time.

Negris lost his temper and said, "It's really stupid than a sheep. Why is Ange so patient? It's been eight hundred times and still so patient."

Anthony glanced at it sideways, but said nothing.

Negris immediately turned his head over with great interest.

Anthony asked in a low voice: "The ones taken in by the adults, is there any trouble? Besides, it is impossible to grow new seeds if you are impatient."

Negris was right when he thought about it. Little angels, little zombies, big bones and diphtheria, few of them are fuel-efficient lamps. If you don’t have a little patience, you really can’t handle them well. You should underestimate this dead skeleton.

Ange led Awuli to the root of the giant tree with the patience of cultivating seedlings. After arriving here, Awuli did not stop, but lifted her legs to 'walk' to the trunk, stepping on the light path. Trunk, go up.

Although a little surprised, everyone followed it up the tree trunk. After all, this is only a space of consciousness, and the laws outside have no effect here.

Sure enough, after walking on the tree trunk, everyone's perception changed. The tree root seemed to become the ground, but the original ground became the rock wall. Of course, these things are made of light, and they only have outlines and textures. Lines are like stick figures drawn with colored pens.

As he walked, Ange noticed that the light on the ground outlined the outline of a fruit. Out of curiosity, Ange reached out and touched the fruit.

A fruit about the size of a watermelon but with a cherry-like smooth peel slowly materialized.

An Ge held it in his hand and asked, "This is, what?"

"It doesn't have a name, remember to embody me." Ah Wuli said.

Ange nodded and said, "What's the use, what's the use?"

A Wuli tilted her head: "I don't know, maybe I think it's delicious, I think it's delicious."

Anthony said: "It seems to be a very rare fruit, why don't you find someone to try it?"

"Don't wait, it's been eaten, so it doesn't know what effect it has? It won't fool us, right?" Negris said hesitantly.

Anthony shook his head: "This is a normal reaction. Will the elves feel that eating the fruit of life has any effect? ​​No, they are used to it, but short-lived species will prolong their lifespan after eating it."

"The elves are like this, let alone it is a conscious body. It will not know what other creatures will do if it is eaten. It is a rare thing. It is impossible for other creatures to eat it. How is it so rare?"

Negris suddenly said: "Yes, it's like in those knight novels, there are often rare item identifications. I always feel weird about this kind of plot. It is a rare item. How can anyone identify it? Anyone can Can it be called rare if it is identified?"

"That's right, it must be the kind of god with profound knowledge and rich experience to be able to identify it through calculation and deduction of other similar items, so eat it and identify it." Anthony said.

Negris said angrily: "I knew you were going to cheat me, why don't you take the appraisal?"

"You have profound knowledge. You are the god of knowledge. I don't even know what kind it is, and I can't identify it even if I eat it." Anthony said.

Negris rolled his eyes: "Although I know you are trying to trick me, but you speak nicely, then I will reluctantly identify it."

After he finished speaking, he took a bite of the fruit, and his whole body trembled immediately, his eyes widened exaggeratedly, and he said with an unbelievable expression: "It's delicious—yeah." The tone was exaggerated to the point of trembling at the end.

"Is that an exaggeration? Why do I feel like you are the kind of person who eats sour lemons, insists on sweetness, and wants to trick others into it?" Anthony watched Negris perform suspiciously.

"No, no, no, I didn't lie to you. It's really delicious. It's not delicious in taste, but delicious in soul. It seems to bring back all the most delicious memories in your memory, making you refreshed from scratch. It's amazing, come and try it." Negris said excitedly.

Anthony shook his head resolutely: "No, you can eat more if it's delicious, how do you feel?"

Negris is not entangled, because it is really delicious, not for the taste buds, but for the soul. One bite can evoke all the good tastes in memory, making people tremble physically and mentally.

If you have to make a comparison, maybe only the legendary succubus' divine friendship can be compared.

"It's really so delicious?" Seeing Negris nibbling so happily, Anthony knew that he was not the kind who insisted that "lemons are sweet", and couldn't help but want to try it. What does it feel like to be delicious at the soul level, but As soon as he finished speaking, he stared blankly behind Negris.

Anger also looked behind Negris, everyone looked over, and there appeared an outline of an ancient dragon outlined by light, maintaining the same movements as Negris.

This outline is not an equal-scale enlargement of Negris, but a projection of another more ancient form, just like the shadow of a cat is a tiger, and the outline of the light is also a form that is more inclined to an ancient dragon.

"This...Master Naig, look back." Anthony couldn't help reminding.

Negris took a bite of the pulp, pouted his mouth and turned his head to look, then froze in place. After a long while, it chewed the pulp again, and said vaguely: "This is the shadow of my consciousness, right?" ? This fruit has strengthened my consciousness? Going back to the ancestors?"

"So this kind of fruit can strengthen consciousness? Well, Mr. Naig..." Anthony smiled kindly.

Negris knew what he wanted to do as soon as he heard it. He stuffed the rest of the pulp into his mouth and swallowed it whole. Hmph, if you didn't try it just now, you still want to share it? Think beautifully.

Anthony looked at the little angel and the little zombie, and everyone nodded together in tacit understanding, and scattered around with a clatter.

Not long after, Anthony shouted loudly: "My lord, there is one here."

Not long after, the little angel also shouted: "Oh!"

The little zombie also shouted: "Aww."

After a search, everyone found a total of twenty fruits, all of which were manifested and collected by Ange.

However, this number is far lower than everyone's imagination. There are only 20 such fruits in such a large tree? impossible.

"Could it all grow in the canopy?" Negris asked.

Awuli said: "No, this kind of fruit only grows on the trunk, and another kind grows on the crown of the tree."

"Another kind? What is the other kind of fruit?" Negris became interested. The fruit on the trunk can actually strengthen his consciousness, so what magical effect will the fruit on the crown have?

Ah Wuli shook her head: "I don't know, I didn't name it."

Well, this guy doesn't know what to ask. It is estimated that it cannot be the spirit of the sacred tree. If such a stupid spirit of the sacred tree can control the sacred tree, how stupid the sacred tree is.

Anger carefully inspected Negris' soul, consciousness, and ontology, and found that all of them had been enhanced, especially the consciousness, but without any negative effects.

After confirming that there was no problem, he gave one fruit to the little angel, little zombie, and Anthony, and temporarily put away the rest.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Negris asked.

Ange shook his head: "Don't eat, it's strong enough."

"Okay, okay, I know that your soul is strong enough, and even the fruit of consciousness can't strengthen you. If you are so strong, you can manifest the whole tree, then don't we have a God Tree of Myriad Worlds?" The first half This sentence might just be a joke, but in the second half, Negris' eyes lit up.

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