Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 822 Is It All Made Like This?

The king is the anchor position of the main body, so he can only use the avatar to leave here, but Ange is anchored by the immortal god, and the main body can leave here at any time. Can't bear the anchor chain.

Back at the shelter, everyone saw the cause of the chaos. They saw the airspace where the shelter was located. For some unknown reason, a lot of debris came floating in, including broken rocks, floating debris, and solidified ice. and lava.

"What happened? Why are there so many debris? It looks like the plane has been broken." Negris asked suspiciously.

"It is indeed a broken plane, my lord, please take a look." A human woman dressed as a saint pushed a large block of ice, pressed it with one hand, and released a holy light.

Negris glanced in surprise: "Are you that little slave girl in the Scarlet Abyss? When did you learn this magical technique?"

Before the human female slave could answer, Anthony had already pretended to say: "Those who believe in our lord, bestow holy light."

The human female slave continued piously: "The holy light is immortal, and the scales will last forever."

After speaking, he turned to Negris and said, "Yes, Lord Nagris, once a slave of the devil, is now a devout believer of our Lord, Aisha."

Well, it’s the work of this magic stick again, but it’s true, magic is a quick power, and other powers need to be learned slowly, but magic is not needed, just have a firm belief.

To allow an ordinary human slave girl to obtain the ability to survive in the void, divine arts are the fastest, and she seems to be defined as the holy light of immortality, with a full-level divine arts talent.

Holy Light, a low-level divine art, does not need to borrow Ang's power at all. Aisha's own mental power is enough to perform it, which shows the rapid progress.

Under the light, the things inside the ice cube appeared. They were two human corpses, one big and one small. An adult human hugged a child tightly, as if trying to protect the child, but was drowned by the water , and then frozen inside.

In addition, there are some daily necessities and household utensils, which seem to be frozen at home.

"Why is there a broken plane? Who broke it? And it floated in from the periphery. Did something happen outside the chaotic plane?" Negris asked suspiciously.

Aisha said: "Someone has already gone to investigate. I don't know who broke it for the time being, but I heard that there are many plane fragments."

Negris looked at Anthony and asked, "What will happen?"

Anthony shook his head: "How do I know, either I was blown up by some ancient god, or I was torn apart by some natural phenomenon, I want to know why they float here, the broken planes of the past will float here Is the Chaos side coming?"

"Could it be that the void collapsed and tore them apart?" Negris guessed.

"I also guessed like this at the beginning, but the time is not right. Even the Titan's thunder chariot will fly for two to three hundred years on the nearest plane here. These unpowered fragments will slowly float over. Slower, that is, they are likely to have been shattered hundreds of years ago, not necessarily caused by the collapse of the void."

"If it is caused by the collapse of the void, the problem will be serious." Anthony said solemnly.

"What do you mean?" Negris asked puzzled.

"Remember what Tiluni said, the void is shrinking?" Anthony asked.

Negris was shocked: "The void shrinks, causing the plane hundreds of years away from here to drift here?"

"Perhaps their shattering was also caused by the contraction of the void. The contraction of the void caused the planes that were originally far away to collide together, just like the Abyss of Rest colliding with the plane of the light sea." Anthony said.

Hearing this, Negris couldn't hold back any longer, and said, "Let's go, let's go and have a look. If this is the case, the main plane will be in trouble."

Everyone got on the speeding snail and flew out with a whoosh.

These fragments of planes floated from the void beyond the chaotic plane. They were of different sizes and shapes. There were not only various rocks, but also a large number of fragmented plants, corpses, and buildings.

Looking at this tragic scene, Anthony couldn't help frowning: "It seems to be a plane with a large population, I don't know if it is the main plane, if it is the main plane, there will be more dead lives. "

The elements of the main plane are balanced and can breed life independently, so the number of living creatures is very large. There are hundreds of millions of humans, tens of millions of elves, and millions of dwarves on the main plane where they come. There are a huge number of animals and livestock, and insects and plants are even more difficult to count.

On the other hand, the abyss plane, because the elements are not balanced, it is too difficult to maintain the ecological chain, and the number of creatures that can survive on it is small. Even on the light sea plane, the number of life is far less than that of the main plane.

The destruction of any main plane is a catastrophe of life.

Flying forward like this, I suddenly saw a bunch of humanoid creatures on a huge ice block, all of them were wearing a vest with a silver coin pattern, and the equipment they wore, as well as the airship speed car with the driver's license, all had similar patterns .

"The silver coin chamber of commerce?" Negris was surprised, motioned for the speeding snail to come over, found the leader and asked, "What are you doing?"

People with silver coins naturally knew who the 'little yellow dragon with squinting eyes' was, and quickly replied: "Master God of Knowledge, we are collecting corpses."

"How do you collect it? Are you going to chip away at the ice? Isn't this too much work? Who asked you to do this kind of thing? Did you send someone to you?" Negris asked curiously.

The silver coin is still in Ange's dimensional space, not in the shelter, so it can't be the task assigned by him. Who is assigning the task, and someone will collect the corpse so soon?

"Ah? Can't it be done? We are a department in charge of funerals - the Department of Life Rites and Funerals. The main task is to collect corpses and give them a decent funeral. By the way, we will see if there are any souls conceived, and if so, help them reincarnate." If not, we will bury them, and then dig them out quietly after they have hardened, we don't know that we can't collect these corpses." The leader said in a panic.

"No, no, I can't accept it. I'm just curious. I'm afraid you've worked too hard and didn't send someone to help you?" Negris quickly comforted.

The leader breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes, we have applied for Master Water Element to help..."

As soon as I said this, there was a rumbling and trembling on the ice, and a pile of crushed ice emerged from the ground, slowly pushing out some stiff corpses. The gentle and skillful operation kept those hard corpses unscathed. Freed from ice cubes.

This familiar scene immediately reminded everyone of the water element with the God of Redemption pattern.

After the water element came out, everyone saw that it was indeed it, but when they saw Ange, the water element swished, hugged its head and retracted into the ice.

"What does it mean by hugging its head at the end? Afraid we will beat him?" After leaving, Negris said a little aggrieved.

Wasn't it just beating it up at the beginning? Seeing that everyone immediately ran away with their heads in their hands? Fortunately, it still has the divine pattern of redemption, seeing that the main god didn't even say hello.

Anthony was more concerned about another matter, and said in admiration: "Silver Coin's organizational skills are so powerful that even the funeral has been arranged. If he had assisted me back then, there would have been no such thing as the Church of Light. Plane hegemony, I am invincible against silver coins."

Anthony is good at intrigue and tricks to manipulate people's hearts, but plane hegemony requires the ability to organize production, and he is far inferior to silver coins in this regard.

What's even more powerful is that independent departments can operate on their own initiative. Even if the silver coins are not there, they can take the initiative to do the right thing, and they will also take the initiative to apply for assistance from other departments.

The leaders don't seem to be particularly intelligent. It is more difficult for ordinary people to use their abilities than to let geniuses do the right thing, because it requires a good system.

Anthony understands the difficulty all too well. The bloated departments of the Illuminati Church usually do well if they don't hold back. Don't even think that they will take the initiative to do things unless they make money.

If he had been assisted by silver coins on the main plane, he didn't need to sneak into the Church of Light to be some kind of archbishop, he could develop his own power and push the church away.

It's a pity that they have already passed that stage. In a chaotic world, strength is the most important thing. Ten thousand Antony's tricks and ten thousand silver coins' organizational ability can't compete with the original ancient god. It's so boring.

"Eh, the one in front is a main plane? A complete main plane? Has a complete main plane floated here?" Negris suddenly pointed to the void in front of him and shouted.

Anthony opened his eyes wide, only seeing a pitch-black void and scattered sundries, then looked at Ange, and found that Ange was also concentrating on looking ahead, obviously there was indeed something ahead.

This made him wonder, and asked: "Lord Naig, what did you see? How can you see so far?"

"You merge the consciousness." Negris turned his head and said, and his eyes were shining with colorful lights.

Anthony hurriedly merged with the consciousness body, and in an instant, the entire void changed, and there were some "dotted lines" in the dark void. These lines continued to undulate in the darkness, outlining a large number of previously invisible things.

For example, the thickness, ups and downs, bumps, folds, etc. of the void, the dark void becomes three-dimensional.

In the void right in front of them, a large number of 'dotted lines' were squeezed out, extruding a circular outline. There is no doubt that there is an object that is huge enough to distort the void in that place.

However, not far from the sphere, there is an object that is only one-fiftieth of the size, and it is slowly drifting towards the direction of the sphere. At this speed, it will not take long for the two objects to collide. .

"The fragments of the previous planes were all knocked out like this, right?"

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