Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 824 Picking up a plane for nothing, but you want to plant a tree?

"Cangbada, picking up a main plane for nothing, hundreds of millions of believers, a religion with wealth accumulated over tens of thousands of years, are you the concubine of the goddess of luck? No, you are not, you are looking for where to plant trees?" Naig Reese chattered angrily.

Negris, who was so angry, didn't realize how fast he was flying. They were used to being in the void. Because of the lack of air, they easily flew tens of thousands of kilometers, but there was no circle on the plane. Tens of thousands of kilometers.

This is very difficult for a plane with air resistance, but Negris can't feel the resistance at all. From time to time, colorful lights flash on his body, and the air seems to not exist compared to it.

An Ge scratched his head: "Where can it be?"

Negris was going to be furious: "I'm questioning! Questioning! It's not a question, damn it, fly in the direction of the equator, this plane has no rotation, then look at the canopy, the dense side of the canopy faces the sun."

"Oh." Ange glanced at the ground, easily distinguishing which side of the canopy is denser, and immediately flew towards the denser direction, and soon came to the endless primeval forest.

The condition of the forest is not very good, the plane has drifted, lost its rotation, the climate has changed drastically, many plants have begun to wither, and the ecology is collapsing.

Ange hurriedly planted a world tree, stepped on the footprints vigorously, and the surrounding crops grew rapidly, exuding surging vitality.

The world tree that had just been planted grew rapidly as if sprayed with worm ash liquid.

The young saplings came out to join in the fun, waving their true leaves, and sending out a warm message: use force—force—force——

"Huh? Why didn't you say 'long'? Are you lazy?" Negris didn't hear the line of 'complete', a little uncomfortable.

Ah - not long - not long - bad - the little sapling responded.

Negris could understand Ange's words, but he couldn't understand the words of the little sapling. What the little sapling said was not language at all, but some kind of information.

It's like "I'm going to bloom" or "I'm going to sprout", but its vitality is so strong that it can be perceived by others, it has nothing to do with language.

Only Ange came to translate, and Ange said: "It's not long, the climate is changing, bad."

"Cangbada, I feel that you just learned from the little sapling, and your words are getting shorter and shorter." Negris said angrily, but he understood the meaning.

The climate has changed so much that the crops have to re-adapt to the climate and they cannot be blessed to grow, or rather cannot be blessed by the sapling because it is not one with the crops.

Only the newly planted world tree can coexist with these crops, and it needs to be guided or sheltered by the new world tree to adapt to the new climate.

"Professional." Negris gave a thumbs up helplessly. It would be great if he could be so professional without growing things.

Under the protection of the halo of quick death and the new world tree, the dying forest quickly regained its vitality, life flourished, and crops flourished.

The vigorous vitality also drives the world tree to grow rapidly, the longer it grows, the thicker it grows, and it differentiates into aerial roots and penetrates into the soil, continues to grow, and then differentiates into aerial roots, just like this, it keeps expanding its branches and quickly blends into the forest.

The World Tree adopts a completely different growth strategy from the previous God of Life. Instead of growing tall, it keeps branching like a banyan tree, apparently to cope with the harsh environment after climate change.

This is the instinct of the World Tree. If it is in a harsher environment like the void, the World Tree can still grow directly to the center of the rock like Trinity, without showing its head at all.

With the recovery of vitality, Ange immediately began to collect seeds, and the invisible spiritual touch was flying all over the sky, picking up the seeds of the crops that had entered the breeding season.

Just like this, all the way through, the mental touch suddenly poked on a weird tree, and it felt a little weird to start.

Ange looked up, and saw this strange tree, with one eye open at the moment, with a shocked expression on his face, looking absentmindedly at the World Tree in the distance.

Treants? Ange tilted his head, and poked the spirit touch twice more.

After confirming that it was a treant, Ange bypassed it and continued to collect seeds.

On the contrary, Negris took another look at the tree man, and suddenly made a new discovery: "Hey, there are black crystals on its head, it is a void war tree."

"Are you... the descendant of the ancient dragon?" A voice sounded from the side, and Negris turned his head to look, and saw a tree shepherd's face, trying to squeeze out from the ground.

More than one, front, back, left, right, and even far away, there are things drilling out of the soil.

A large number of treants came out of the ground one after another and gathered at the World Tree. The forest shook, and there were traces of treants moving everywhere.

However, Negris noticed that only the War Treant and Tree Shepherd next to him had black crystals on their foreheads, and the rest were just ordinary Treants at the plane level, at the same level as Chatter Gore.

"Yes, I am the blood of the ancient dragon. You can call me Naig." The black crystal on the forehead means that they are the people of the sacred tree of the world. They have survived from ancient times, and they naturally know the origin of time, the ancient dragon and it. of blood.

The Void Tree Shepherd finally got out of the soil. It said excitedly, "There is no ancient dragon's blood in this world. You are from another world. Did you bring the World Tree?"

Negris nodded: "It is true that we brought it from another world, but how do you know that there is no World Tree in this world? Are there no other planes?"

The Void Tree Shepherd said: "No, we sprinkled the seeds all over the planes and abysses, and we couldn't perceive the existence of the World Tree. The original World Tree was also destroyed in the ancient Blackstone mass extinction, and only We survived."

"Oh, what a pity, my condolences change." Negris responded casually.

It says mourning on its lips, but there is no sadness in its heart. It has now understood the concept of the God of Life.

As for plants, the ups and downs are part of nature. There are thousands of seeds in a fruit of the world tree, which is obviously a type that relies on quantity for the success rate of reproduction.

Moreover, only one World Tree can be born in a plane, and only one Void Tree can be born in a world. When a new Myriad Realms Tree grows, there will be no second Myriad Realms Divine Tree in the entire void.

Therefore, as long as it is not a conscious World Tree, it doesn't matter if the saplings are used as bean sprouts to scramble eggs. It will lead people to cut down a lot of World Trees to thin out the seedlings. An unknown World Tree is destroyed, so it can only mourn verbally.

"Thank you, you brought a new world tree and brought us hope." The tree shepherd said: "Without the protection of the world tree, we tree people have a hard time, by the way, the blood of the ancient dragon , Did something happen to the void outside? Why are so many planes destroyed?"

"A lot of things have indeed happened, the void is about to collapse, I'm sorry, you just had a new hope, and I broke it again." Negris said a little embarrassed.

After finally getting a new world tree, I haven't been happy for a long time, and then I learned that the void is about to collapse. This kind of ups and downs is really exciting.

However, contrary to Negris' expectation, the tree shepherd said indifferently: "Is the collapse of the void finally going to start again?"

Seeing it like this, Negris remembered that the two Void War Trees and the Tree Shepherd had probably experienced the last Void Collapse, and they had been waiting for this day for a long time. Instead, the sudden appearance of the World Tree made it even more exciting. It surprises.

The Void Battle Tree, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly lowered his head and asked in a low voice: "So, are you here to find the ancient black stone?"

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