Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 826 How did things become like this

Ange scratched his head in distress. After planting the land for more than a thousand years, it was the first time a crop jumped up and said that he was too much. What should we do?

Flowering and fruiting are the nature of plants and a part of nature. Ange just accelerated the process, and was labeled as forced flowering, a little confused.

"If you forget it, go to another place." Negris said in a low voice.

The forest is full of plants, and it is a brand new plane. All the seeds here are new to Ange, and it shouldn't matter if there is more or less.

Anger said, "It's kind of weird."

"Oh? Something weird? That's fine. I'll negotiate. If it doesn't work, you can grab it." Negris said.

Anger felt that it was unreliable, so he reached into the dimensional space and took out, but nothing came out, because the silver coins were no longer in the dimensional space.

Receiving the Temple of Doom very much requires profiteers like silver coins and professionals under his command. Otherwise, others will steal and miss reports, and you will not be able to see that millions of tons of gold will be reduced by one unit, and it will become hundreds of tons.

The silver coins are gone, and Negris can only rely on it. Ange watched helplessly, ready to rescue at any time.

Facing the petrified tree man's anger, Negris said: "But isn't flowering and fruiting a part of nature? Don't you even follow nature? Just now you said outside, 'This is a part of nature and it's own Choose', why don't you talk about nature now?"

"Flowering is a part of nature, but being forced is not, it is immoral." The tree shepherd said angrily.

The tree shepherd and the war tree man had known Negris for a long time, so they could talk calmly, but the half-petrified tree man was not so calm. He said angrily:

"You still reason with it? What reason is there to reason with a lizard? You don't know how much its companions are. It picked off my flower buds, opened the petals, and wiped them with the immature pollen inside. On the female flower, it’s too much, grab it, bury it in the soil and use it as flower fertilizer, it pissed me off.”

Everyone became embarrassed, even Negris who heard the lizard exploded scales was embarrassed to be angry. The victim tree's accusation was indeed too shameful and too much, but you are a tree.

Negris simply skipped this point and asked: "Okay, let's not talk about that, we need your seeds, what conditions do you need before you are willing to exchange them?"

"What? Need seeds? I'll kill you." The petrified tree was so angry that he wanted to jump up, but was quickly stopped by the war tree man and the tree shepherd.

"Let's go, let's not talk about seeds. Since you are the blood of the ancient dragon, we don't care about your offense to it. Come on, or we won't be able to stop it." A little angry.

Negris said helplessly: "You'd better stop it, otherwise the problem will be very serious. My companion said, because its seeds are very special, and its seeds are needed. His words are oracles for us, so you just Why are you willing to change it? Is the blessing of the God of Life okay?"

As Negris spoke, he gestured towards the young sapling behind him.

"You still say? Even if you are the elf of the void tree, you can't insult me, ah, beat him, beat him." The petrified tree man waved the branches angrily, but they were all stopped by the tree shepherd.

"Stop talking." The tree shepherd said, but his tone was not as angry as before, because it found that Negris didn't seem to be insulting them, but really wanted to change the seeds.

Negris said again: "Isn't it just some seeds, what can't be changed, Trinity is not as hypocritical as you."

The giant tree of war shook its head: "No, petrification consumes too much of its vitality, and reproduction will only speed up its death. We will not exchange the lives of our companions for anything from you."

"It's not easy to handle? Remember what I said before, we have a way to reverse its petrification, or we reverse its petrification, and then change its seeds?" Negris said.

This is the second time Negris has said it. Could it be that this ancient dragon descendant really has a way to reverse petrification? The war treeman and the tree shepherd can't decide, so they have to look at the petrified treeman.

"What do you think I'm doing? You don't believe what it says? Only a tree god can reverse petrification. How can you believe a lizard? I'm so mad." The petrified tree man said angrily.

The war treants spread their hands, although they didn't believe it, but who knew if the petrified treants would treat the stone tree as a dead tree doctor? But the petrified treant didn't believe it, so he had no choice but to refuse.

"Okay, what about other things, such as a powerful fertilizer? God-level grafted wood?... The roots of the tree god?"

Negris changed the quotations one by one, and the other party kept rejecting them, but even though he was still refusing, the rhythm was abruptly dragged into the "what to exchange", completely forgetting that he said just now, "this is forced to bloom too much." Excessive'.

Even the petrified tree man forgot to struggle, and only felt in his heart, 'this dead lizard has so many good things'.

Until the "roots of the tree god", the tree talents collectively froze and asked, "Do you know where the roots of the tree god are?"

Negris originally didn't want to exchange any part of the Ten Thousand Worlds God Tree, because it was too rare, but these treants didn't want to take it in, so they sacrificed the tree god in the end.

"Yes, we have tree god roots, can we change them?" Negris asked.

The war tree man and the tree shepherd couldn't help but look at their companions.

The petrified tree man couldn't help hesitating, but soon came to his senses again: "No, we didn't say that just now, they insulted me, they forced me to bloom, why now it's my seed for the tree god the roots?"

Negris immediately interrupted without giving them time to think: "Then do you want to change?"

"...If I don't change it, I'm not good." Unknowingly, a subtle change occurred in the petrified tree man's heart.

"The core of the tree god, can you change it?"

"No... no change."

"What about this one?" Negris turned out a green leaf.

"I...I won't change..." The petrified tree man's heart was shaken, and even his tone couldn't help hesitating.

"What about this?" Negris asked Ange to take out a piece of light from the ancient divine light: "We can allow you to be transplanted into the illumination range of the ancient divine light."

"Pfft——I...I...I..." The petrified treant finally broke his defenses, unable to utter a word of rejection, he couldn't help but think in his heart: Blooming seems not unacceptable...

The war tree man and the tree shepherd also looked at the light spot of the ancient god light, and their eyes glowed: " this the ancient god light? No, it is incomplete, but it obviously has the spectrum of the ancient god light. Can you replace it? Give it to us? What does it take to replace it?"

Negris shook his head: "It's a good idea. It would be nice to let you show off. You can't afford this thing."

"Why do you have fragments of the ancient divine light? You really came to find the ancient black stone. How about we exchange the ancient black stone for the fragments? If the stone is not willing, we can exchange it with the ancient black stone, okay?" the tree shepherd said. Speaking of.

Negris refused without hesitation: "The ancient black stone is not yours, don't exchange it with something that doesn't belong to you, we have already taken over this plane, from the Doomsday God Cult to ordinary people are our people, this person Everything above belongs to us.”

The plane is so big, and now they already know that there is an ancient black stone, so why do they need to exchange it with them, just turn the black stone upside down to get it out.

The tree shepherd said regretfully: "Why don't you use my seeds in exchange, and let me shine on the divine light?"

"You want to shine in the light of God? Then you will be planted in our place, are you willing to leave here?" Negris was slightly taken aback, this is a road that has never been imagined.

"I am willing, I am so willing, Eternal God Light, the climate here is changing too much now, if it is not impossible to go, we all want to leave here, can you let me go in and have a look at the environment?" The tree shepherd said excitedly .

This turn was a bit steep, and Ange was a little confused. Didn't he mean to change the seeds of the petrified treants? Why are you chatting and giving away a Void Tree Shepherd for nothing?

Anger stuffed the tree shepherd in, and took it out after a while. The tree shepherd excitedly said to the war tree man: "It's a barren place, it's very suitable for me, I'm going to transform it, I see It's Trinuit's kid, and it says Trinuit is indeed with them."

"Ah? Then I will also go to shine the light, and transplant me in too, okay? I'll use my seeds in exchange." The war tree man said hastily.

Picking up another void battle tree for nothing, what's wrong with it, Ange stuffed them in, and stuffed the light spot back in by the way.

The petrified treant didn't know what to say, wasn't he forced to bloom at the beginning? How did things become like this? His companion was kidnapped instead?

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