Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 828 This lizard is so talkative, I will hit you

Anthony and Yinbi brought everyone over. Seeing them, Ange couldn't help but tilt his head.

Everyone was familiar with Ange's body language. This gesture indicated that these people were really weird, and they immediately became alert.

Anger thought for a while, pointed to the people brought by the silver coins and said, "They are fanatics, steadfast, fanatics."

"Crazy believers? But they are not believers in the Doomsday Temple. I asked them, and they said that they are survivalists. They don't seem to be a religion. They have no interest in gold coins." Silver coins said in surprise.

Anthony suddenly said: "Then I know who they are, they are not believers, but they are indeed a group of very fanatical guys, a group of guys who are very fanatical about extreme survival, live the hardest life, collect the most complete supplies and equipment , They are indeed not very interested in gold coins, unless the gold coins can be exchanged for survival supplies."

"The Temple of Doom is also a headache for these guys, but leave it to me." Anthony said as he walked towards those survival freaks.

In Survival Frenzy, the leader is a thin middle-aged man, his thin cheeks are showing, but he is full of energy.

Anthony walked over, his soul swept over him, and asked, "Have you not eaten for a few days?"

The lean, middle-aged man blinked in surprise, and replied, "My lord, I haven't eaten for three days."

"What secret method have you learned? Can reduce the consumption of the body, and can hibernate like a bear if necessary?" Anthony said.

The lean, middle-aged man was shocked: "Master, how do you know? That is a secret technique handed down in our family."

"Give me your hand." Anthony didn't answer, but ordered directly.

The lean middle-aged people quickly stretched out their hands. They are just survivalists, but they are not fools. People like Ange descended from the void, not to mention those ancient gods, even Anlusi and the like, they are all at the level of void elves. This kind of fragile plane creature can be crushed by any elf on the other side.

They are not dead now, probably because the big shots on the other side are curious about them.

Anthony scratched his palm, and a big gash opened in his palm, the bone was visible deep, and the blood gushed wildly.

The thin middle-aged man's face was distorted in pain, and he wanted to scream, but he gritted his teeth and held back, not even daring to withdraw his hand.

"Does it hurt?" Anthony asked, holding the holy light on the other's palm.

"It hurts... Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore? What kind of magic is this?" The lean middle-aged man watched the wound heal quickly with deep visible bones, and asked in disbelief.

"Healing magic, as long as you still have breath, can save you." Anthony said modestly.

It's really humble. If it were An Gelai, he could be saved even if he died for a few hours. If it lasted longer, his memory might be damaged.

While he was still in shock, Anthony took out another handful of elf beans, handed them to the lean middle-aged man, and asked him to distribute them to his companions: "Have you ever tasted a bean that is enough to eat? Such a small bag , enough for you to eat for a lifetime"

The thin middle-aged man was stunned, and the survivalists behind him also had the same expressions. Anthony seemed to open up a whole new world for them. Survival, can you still play like this?

Anthony smiled slightly: "These are trivial things, survival is not difficult, do you want to live forever?"

The lean middle-aged man blinked his eyes, thinking that he had heard wrongly, but when he realized that he had heard correctly, his eyes lit up with raging flames.

Compared with eternal life, survival is nothing. When Anthony solemnly introduced Ange as the god of immortality, Ange immediately felt that the thick soul flames were thrown at him from these people, and a unique imprint was formed in his soul. , floating around the soul.


"Pfft—what? These survivalists defined a magic spell for you? What kind of shit luck are you? What magic spell?" Negris spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Is magic a Chinese cabbage? Just come? The believers who Anthony fooled back can even define a new magic? What are you kidding about?

Angeto made a mark, and Negris swept it with his mind, and immediately saw its effect: "Survive? What do you mean?"

Ange shook his head in a daze. This is a rare magical skill that he can't grasp at once, and it needs to be studied in depth.

"It's strange to say, why are your magical skills defined by ordinary people, except for the cleansing technique which is defined by Lisa, no matter the rebirth technique, the beauty fist, the transformation of elements, the holy light of immortality and this, they are all very weak Why is it defined by the people who work for you?" Negris said with some puzzlement.

Anthony said: "This is very normal. The weaker the person, the purer their belief in God, so they can define divine arts."

"For people with a certain basic strength, their beliefs will be complicated. Not only do they require that the magic skill be very powerful, but also easy to learn, not hurt the body, and it is best to have other bonuses. It’s not pure at all.” At this point, Anthony couldn’t help curling his lips, he had seen too many people like this in the church.

"But Lisa..."

"Lisa is very pure. She just wanted to be beautiful at the time. Even within the church, those who can define divine arts are those who are very pure, such as Shamara. That's why there are saints and ascetics, but later It's just spoiled."

After chatting for a while, I confirmed that the people brought by the silver coins are fine. They just don’t like gold coins, but if they are replaced by elf beans, healing or immortality, they will become very fanatical and quickly transform into immortal gods believer.

"These people are fine. Then, my lord, what about the people I brought? I feel that there are different souls in their bodies, and their behavior has nothing to do with their occupations, education, and growth environment. It is very strange." Anthony said .

"For example? I think they are normal, they can talk and laugh." Negris looked in the direction of those people brought by Anthony, and found that those people were talking and laughing, and there was no difference in soul and body. Feel.

Anthony said angrily: "That's strange, well, there are farmers, butchers, small traders, housewives, servants, and the like among them. But talking and laughing, don't you find it strange?"

As he spoke, Anthony got specific about the individual: "That big fat man is a butcher, but look at his accessories and belt, aren't they very delicate, and his wrists and elbows are also clean. For a normal butcher, these places must be very oily. Accessories It's even more impossible to refine."

"Look at that woman again, the woman with thick hands and feet, but her nails are very clean. Usually you eat a bowl of porridge on the street, and this kind of roughness makes the woman serve it to you. The thumb is dipped in the porridge, and the nails are very clean. How many clean ones are there?"

"I haven't eaten porridge on the street, but I understand what you mean, it's really weird."

Anthony described the eccentricities of these people one by one. With Anthony's observation ability that even several clones of Dyson can see, the eccentricities of these people are as obvious as torches in the dark.

It's fine if it's one or two, there are always some mavericks out of thousands of people, but in this theocratic world where the education rate is extremely low, there are so many special individuals, it can't be a normal phenomenon.

After the description, everyone looked at Ange. They just thought it was weird, but they didn't know where the weirdness was.

Angle pointed to them, then pointed to the ground, and said, "Consciousness pollution, they, the ancient black stone."

As soon as the words fell, those human beings who were chatting and laughing turned their heads collectively, and their movements were unusually strange, as if at this moment, they were controlled by a collective consciousness.

Everyone spoke collectively and shouted in unison: "Outsiders, we have no intersection, right? Why do you want to get to the bottom of it? Can't you take your people away? These fools can be given to you, why open the dark soil, To spy on the endless darkness? You will regret it!"

With this uniform shouting, these strange people seem to have connected a network of power transmission, and a kind of strange power converges on the head of the big fat butcher.

But shouting and shouting, the fat butcher found something was wrong, everyone didn't look scared at all, but looked at him like a fool.

"Damn it, what is your expression? Aren't you afraid?" The fat butcher said angrily.

"I'm afraid, I'm too scared, but your energy intensity is not enough, I'm afraid you won't be able to break through the skin with this energy intensity." Negris said pretendingly.

"Hmph, stupid lizard, this is the power of consciousness! Assimilate!" The fat butcher shouted, his whole body suddenly lit up, and a ray of light pierced through the space, piercing Negris.

I don't know who to hit first, this lizard is really talkative, so I'll hit you.

A book of brass clanged in front of Negris, and the opened pages swallowed the light.

PS: Take a long trip and take a 40-hour train ride. I don’t know if I can write on the train.

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