Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 830 The Eternal Black Stone Is Too Strange

"Aren't you afraid that it will trick us into killing us?" Seeing Anthony swaggering towards the depths of the forest, Negris asked puzzled.

"Don't be afraid, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's impossible to hide an existence that can't be suppressed by adults on this kind of plane. Besides, isn't there you?" Anthony said respectfully.

"Me? It's none of my business? Are you trying to trick me by using your honorific title?" Negris said vigilantly.

"How come, I mean you can go to explore the road first, and we will go down after making sure there is no danger." Anthony laughed.

"Ah bah! Curse you..." Anthony covered his mouth before he finished speaking.

"Lord Naig, you can't curse me anymore. Last time you cursed me that there was no paper in the toilet, it made me suffer." Anthony said fearfully.

Negris was stunned: "When did I curse you for not having paper in your shit?"

"Chapter six hundred and sixty-three." Anthony said.

Negris went back to take a look, and sure enough, he became curious: "The curse took effect? ​​What did you use to wipe your ass afterwards?"

"Holy Light, what else can I use?" Anthony said angrily.

"It deserves it, let you take me to find the way, I agreed, I won't go this time, it's a ghost thing that can attack consciousness, it's not a joke if it hits." Negris said.

While making complaints, Negris still trusts Anthony quite a bit, and he doesn’t think he will risk himself. If so, it must be a last resort, or there is no better way.

When I came to the location mentioned by the flesh and blood giant, I saw a large pit leading vertically to the ground. If it is that kind of karst landform, this is a tiankeng formed by flowing water erosion, but the landform here is obviously not a karst landform. Something came out of it.

Anthony was indeed just joking, and directly summoned a Holy Spirit and threw it in. This is not the environment on the Chaos Surface that can interfere with the projection of the soul. Anything that can project consciousness can be used for remote reconnaissance.

However, Anthony's Holy Spirit is just an introduction, and it depends on Ange for details. After he summoned the Holy Spirit, Ange aroused a bunch of wandering spirits, and they rushed into the sinkhole.

As soon as I arrived, I found something different.

"This tiankeng is surrounded by darkness. Could it be the so-called ancient black stone?" It was projected on An Ge's body, sharing his vision.

The silver coin immediately flew into the tiankeng, dug a black stone, returned it, and presented it to Ange.

Anthony, who reacted half a step too late, patted his thigh regretfully, and muttered, "The reaction is so fast, it's worthy of a silver coin."

Ange held the ancient black stone and squeezed it a few times. He came back to his senses in surprise, looked at the black stone carefully, and then broke it open. There were a lot of pores inside the black stone, like the inside of a sponge.

Negris wanted to take half of it, but just as he took it, he felt a huge weight, and he dropped his hand and hit the ground.

The scene was so embarrassing, everyone looked at it in astonishment.

"Are you okay?" Anthony asked.

"You can't do it. I didn't notice it for a while. I didn't expect it to be so heavy, like gold." Negris smiled, fell to the ground and picked up the black stone again.

This unremarkable black stone has a lot of holes inside, like a sponge. It should be lighter than normal stones, but it is heavier than metal. If it is solid inside, wouldn't it be heavier than gold? How many times heavier?

Negris miscalculated the weight, and it was normal to let go.

After picking it up again, Negris immediately felt more abnormalities. For example, its texture is not the cold and hard feeling of metal, but a kind of leathery and horny touch, and it still powders when rubbed.

But that's it, that's all it can see.

On the contrary, Ange studied it for a while, and started to forge it directly. The huge fire elements gathered and poured directly into the stone.

Ange's current strength is already the top group in the entire void. When he moves casually, the fire elements around him immediately seem to be sucked dry, reaching a state of element depletion.

However, with such a huge influx of fire elements, the black stone obviously became very hot, because the air above it was so hot that it began to distort.

But that's it, the stone is neither red nor molten, and nothing has changed. If it is an ordinary stone, it may have turned into lava now.

"What's the matter? Has the fire element failed? No, it's hot just looking at it." Negris stretched out his toe to poke it, but he couldn't stand it without touching it. The scales began to curl when they were two or three centimeters away.

This made him unable to hold back his tongue: "It must be three or four thousand degrees?"

"Three thousand six hundred and seventeen degrees." Ange said, he used the ring of the scale to measure, there are zeros and wholes.

"How is it possible? Why don't I remember any stones or metals that can withstand such a high temperature? Take Lao Du out and ask, even alchemy materials cannot withstand such a high temperature." Negris said.

Ange took Duroken out, and Duroken said in surprise: "More than 3,600 degrees? Such a high? Of course not, and this is not the limit. Its shape has not changed, and it may be able to withstand more High temperature, what material is this? I'll dig a little."

Even the king of alchemy has never seen a substance that can withstand such a high temperature. Has anyone else seen it?

"Is this a conductor? Let Onas take a look?" Negris suggested.

Onas was originally just a Thunder Titan, but who made Anthony like to make checks and balances the most, and raised the status of a Thunder Titan to a higher status than the Golden Titan? You can only rely on Anthony's support.

This is not even a trick anymore, but a habit that Anthony has developed.

Onas came out to take a look, and said: "The resistance is huge, I can't do it myself, please summon all the titans, and I will form the head."

All the titans were summoned, commanded by Onas, and joined the force field one by one.

When the tenth titan joined the force field, it finally broke through the resistance in the black stone, and the stone exploded instantly.

No, this method failed, nothing could be researched.

Everyone came up with their own schemes and thought of a lot of methods, but they couldn't do anything about this strange black stone.

"How about we ask Tom and Loroka to try? The moment they ignite the light spot, the temperature is very high, and it may exceed 3,000 degrees." Negris suggested.

Ange nodded, and when he was about to summon the pure water elf, the eyes on the flesh giant's head opened again: "Are you sick? I've been waiting below for so long, but you are here to study stones?"

Anthony said without turning his head: "Wait a minute, this kind of stone is too strange, it is much more important than you. This is the ancient black stone, and you were suppressed by it?"

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