Looking around, the whole world is in a mess. At least a dozen kilometers have been turned into scorched earth, and a large pit is sunken in the center, which is full of lava that has not yet hardened.

The atmosphere in the sky was burned through a hole, and all the clouds were transpired hundreds of kilometers away.

The war tree man, the tree shepherd, and other tree men turned their heads to look at this scene in horror. If they stayed where they were, they would probably be burnt at this moment. The power of the ancient black stone exceeded their imagination.

The same tragedy stunned Negris even more, because it knew exactly how many black stones were used. Was such a terrifying power caused by such a tiny bit of black stone?

It couldn't help wondering if it was wrong, and asked Ange for confirmation, "How many black stones did you use just now?"

Angle said, "Twenty grams."

Ange's eyes can weigh everything, and in the control experiment, accurate weight and quality are necessary, otherwise the first field uses 100 catties of seeds, and the second field uses 120 catties of seeds, and the results obtained will be completely different.

In the past, because of the divine power, Ange only opened it occasionally, but now the divine power no longer causes a bottleneck, and the ring of scales is basically always open.

"Pfft—twenty grams? It's only twenty grams of black stone with such great power?" It saw that Ange used a piece the size of a finger. It's not big, but it's still too shocking compared to the exact weight. Ten grams is about the same weight as a goblin gold coin.

Goblin gold coins are the most valuable gold coins on the main plane. Although goblins have a reputation as profiteers, they have an unusual obsession with the quality of currency.

Their gold coins are never adulterated and are absolutely pure gold. Each coin is 21.13 grams, plus or minus 0.03 grams. As long as it exceeds this value, it is definitely scratched or fake.

As for why it is this value, according to the Goblin Chamber of Commerce, it is because their first gold coin has this gram weight, and the first gold coin is the standard, which is the standard gold.

However, you will never see such a standard gold in the market, because as long as there is one circulating in the market, there will be merchants collecting it, either for various financial reserves, or for counterfeiting with other metals .

Isn't it ridiculous that just twenty grams of black stone can release such a huge amount of energy?

"Also, this." Ange pointed to the young sapling first, and then held it up with one hand, and a dazzling light spot immediately appeared in the palm of his hand.

What is released is not only energy, but also a small light spot transformed by the young sapling, a small light spot that has a very high energy intensity and can make Angor feel full, but Negris can't see it.

"It's strange, we can't see it. Is it the power of faith? Burning stones can burn the power of faith?" Negris asked wonderingly.

Ange shook his head: "Higher."

"It's a higher level than belief in Yuanli? What kind of power is that? It's strange, why don't we burn all these black stones?" Negris suggested.

Before Ange could speak, Anthony and Duroken had already shouted, "No, are you crazy? What a waste."

"Why don't you burn it and keep it, pollute everyone's consciousness?" Negris said.

"Of course it is kept for burning... Uh, it is kept for burning at the right time. This is a super fuel. A small piece can release such a huge amount of heat. If it is completely ignited, isn't it the ancient divine light... This thing will not Is it really a remnant of the ancient divine light?" Anthony couldn't help exclaiming as he spoke.

Everyone couldn't help but brighten their eyes: "The ancient black stone, it is possible. When the ancient divine light was blown up, it was impossible to blow up all of it. There must be a surplus. This is probably the remaining part of the ancient divine light."

"That's why the Tree of Myriad Worlds was asked by the treants to find it and rekindle it, so as to restore balance to the void?" Negris said.

"Yes, tree people tree people, ask them."

The three War Treemen were called over, and after questioning, they came to a conclusion: they didn't know either.

"I don't know. The tree god just asked us to find the ancient black stone, but he didn't tell me what it does. How do I know what the tree god is looking for?" The tree shepherd said blankly.

That's right, what the Myriad Realms Sacred Tree needs to do, it's naturally impossible to explain to these treants too clearly, even if they don't understand.

As for whether it is part of the ancient divine light, it is even more uncertain. Maybe there were a lot of ancient black stones in the void, but only a part of the black stones burned and became the ancient divine light.

There are more ancient black stones scattered in the void, and there is no chance to burn them. If the Myriad Worlds Divine Tree can collect them, maybe it can create another ancient divine light.

There is too little information, and everything is speculation, so everyone has no choice but to stop this topic and turn the topic back to these ancient black stones.

"How to solve the problem of consciousness pollution?" Negris asked puzzled.

"It's too easy to solve, why not just make things close to it unconscious?" Anthony and Duroken said at the same time.

"Pfft—a low-level undead creature?" Negris vomited blood.

Low-level undead creatures have souls, but no intelligence, and everything follows their instincts. Generally speaking, they will be regarded as dead objects without consciousness. It is not known whether consciousness pollution will pollute low-level undead creatures.

"Pollution doesn't matter. As long as you establish a soul connection with the lord and put the lord somewhere else, you will be easily noticed if you are polluted. Even if you can't detect it, low-level puppets can't do much damage. Throw a few more god-defending structures. , or directly use mechanical puppets, mechanical puppets don’t even have souls, so it’s useless to contaminate them.” Duroken added.

"It makes sense, without consciousness, there is no way to pollute, a good idea." Negris was very impressed, and it turned out that there are more ways than difficulties.

"What now, put them away?" Negris asked.

"No, just remove the other creatures. These black stones occupy a quarter of the volume of the entire plane, so just use this plane to house them," Anthony said.

Duroken also said: "Go back and forge a big net, directly catch it, let the ancient gods drag it away, and fish out some to burn when needed."

"The big net that drags away the entire plane? Can you forge it?" Negris felt that Duroken had been gone for a while, so why did he speak so loudly?

"Of course, just find old trees and young trees and grow some vines." Duroken said confidently.

Of course he can't make a big net that drags the plane, but who let him have a tree behind him? Just the roots of the Divine Tree of Myriad Realms can be pulled together, but it is not as convenient as the vines. If you go back and use the ancient divine light to guide the sacred tree to grow in a circle, it will be enough to wrap up the bits.

Negris wanted to vomit blood when he heard it, yes, it couldn’t be made out, but who made it grow on the ground?

It was almost impossible to move the creatures of the entire plane, but now that there is a huge dimensional space, it is just a piece of cake for Ange.

Even the places where they are placed are ready-made, such as the plane in the three demon abyss and the space passage.

But after placing these creatures, Xi Ludi and Di Luni brought a sad news to everyone.

"After our calculations and verifications, the distance between the main plane and the chaotic plane is rapidly closing, and they will collide in the next few years or decades. My lord, we must find a way, otherwise the numbers on the main plane will A billion lives will die."

Thank you yida, book friend 202011140615853. for your reward.

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