The berserk energy sprayed wildly, instantly engulfing the humanoid energy body.

The energy is in the shape of a thin lamppost at one end and thicker at the other end, and it shoots far away, illuminating the chaotic fog in the distance into a big hole.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, including the king and the new black source. Everyone secretly weighed in their hearts whether they could withstand the impact of this terrifying energy, and finally came to a conclusion that they couldn't.

Unless relying on the shape of the body, no matter or energy can remain intact under the impact of this intensity. This has exceeded the limit that matter can bear, and even the mysteries of time and space may not be able to support it.

Ange's space solidified and couldn't bear this force. It could only last for seven seconds at most before it exploded. Ange just concentrated the energy and erupted in one direction very cleverly.

Among the existences present, only Abyss Big Mouth is sure to be able to withstand it. At most, it will punch a hole, but it will definitely not hurt its life.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, the energy dissipated, and the human-shaped energy body did not disappear, but froze in place, and the whole body turned into a silver-white luster, like a mercury sculpture.

"Hiss—how is it possible? What did it shout just now? An absolute barrier? Is this an absolute barrier?" Negris couldn't help but whispered.

"It's called the absolute barrier. With the supreme will of the void, the energy elements are closely arranged together to form a barrier without a trace of gaps in the elemental level. It can also be called the mercury guard."

Negris turned his head and looked surprised: "Where are you?"

"I'm behind you, shh, don't make noise, don't let Void Will see me." Abyss said anxiously.

Anthony warned: "Master Abyss, you don't think the situation is wrong and you have bad thoughts, right? Please don't have such thoughts, Lord Naig's body is not in this body, and I have the protection of my lord, you Even if you devour me, I can retain my memory and be reborn, and then hit you with black stones every day."

Anthony's warning was timely, and Abyss said embarrassingly: "Why? I won't hide if I have any bad thoughts. Isn't hiding because I'm afraid of exposing our relationship? Don't worry, our cooperation is as strong as a barrier. .”

I believe you are a ghost, but Anthony, who doesn't want to make extra troubles, didn't delve into it, so he could only wake up his mind to avoid being plotted by it.

The will of the void is in a stiff state, still maintaining the appearance of the mercury sculpture, but its angry voice has resounded through the void: "Damn lawbreaker, where did you find my body fragments? Use my body fragments to light the ancient divine light Boom me? You..."

An Ge didn't bother to listen to it roar, he grabbed a small snake and sniffed it, his whole body trembled.

"My lord, I'm a little snake, look for me..." Before the snake of misfortune could finish a sentence, it was stuffed back into the space again.

Scales rolled over his body, and Ange transformed into a muscular dragon god again, and took out an ancient black stone the size of a watermelon and held it in his hand.

"Hang you..." Void Will cursed angrily, but immediately saw Angebi swipe, cut off half of the ancient black stone, stuffed it back into the space, and only held half for preparation.

"Crazy." Void Will really couldn't keep up with the brain circuit of the Vegetable Skeleton, so he cursed bitterly, and his breath quickly faded away.

Almost as soon as the breath subsided, the mercury sculpture began to fade, from a shiny silver luster to a pale pale color, and cracks appeared on the surface, as if a tin plague had occurred, and finally shattered into countless pieces.

Ange retrieved a fragment, but before he could see anything, the fragment continued to shatter and was about to disappear. As a last resort, he could only seal one of them with space solidification, preventing the fragment from continuing to shatter.

Negris and Anthony approached cautiously, looked left and right, and asked in disbelief: "Ange, did you kill Void Will or scare you away?"

They were far away and couldn't see clearly. Thanks to the fog of chaos being blown away, otherwise they couldn't see the situation here clearly.

The voice of Abyss's big mouth sounded: "How can it be killed? This is just a clone of it. That's what I said. First determine which one is its main body. Even I don't know which one is its main body."

"It was able to withstand the ancient divine light wave. This is not its body? Where is its body? It was blown up, why are you hiding?" Negris asked.

Abyss Dazui said: "Xin Heiyuan is watching, either you kill it, and I can come out after killing it."

Now that the fog of chaos has been shaken away, and there is no cover, how can Abyss Big Mouth dare to show up easily, and if Xin Heiyuan sees it and informs the will of the void, Big Mouth will be in trouble.

"Oh, never die." Negris suddenly thought of the king, turned his head and flew in the direction of the dark elemental energy group, but was picked up by An Ge before flying too far.

"Boundary, behind." Ange finished speaking, and he took the lead to approach the front.

Negris and Anthony hurriedly followed behind, approaching a distance of 100,000 meters before Ange stopped.

The king nodded approvingly, because the distance An Ge stopped was just at the edge of the realm of absolute darkness.

Negris poked his head out from behind Ange and shouted, "Hey! How are you, Immortal?"

"I'm fine, why are you here?" The king's voice came steadily.

"Are you fine? Ange found that you lost contact, so he came to see you. If you're okay, we'll leave first." Negris said sarcastically.

The king has long been familiar with its bad taste, and responded lightly: "If you have time, it is also possible to lend a hand. This guy's realm is a bit troublesome."

"Hmph, you're still stubborn after all this, what about Little Heiyuan and Locke?" Negris asked.

"Little Heiyuan?" The king didn't know the new name, but he knew who it was when he heard it. He pointed to the dark element energy group in the center and said, "Trapped inside, Locke opened the barrier of oblivion." , offset its boundaries, but I don't know how long Locke can last."

"Locke is so powerful?" Can the barrier of oblivion offset the absolute darkness of the original ancient god?

Locke is just the Lord of Mourning. He is considered a top-level creature in the plane, but he is still a few levels behind the original ancient god. It is amazing that the domain barriers of different levels can cancel each other out.

Sighing, Negris then asked: "What are we going to do? Where is Locke, and will we hurt him if we do it?"

The king said helplessly: "I don't know either. I was afraid of hurting him, so I didn't dare to use force. You should think of a way. If there is really no way, then you can only force it."

As soon as the king finished speaking, Ange suddenly raised his right hand and took a step forward. The lightning spear appeared in his hand, and then he threw it violently.

The Lightning Spear is considered a relatively powerful attack in the plane. It is accurate to stab those Titans one by one, but facing this kind of dark elemental energy group, it is like a wax gun stabbing a red-hot iron plate. It's gone.

Not only did Xin Heiyuan not stop him, but he looked at Ange in astonishment, as if asking: What are you doing?

But Negris still saw the clues, the normal lightning spear disappeared with a 'swish', but this time it was with a 'wire', and an electric light pierced the energy group together with the spear body, until The spear body was melted by the dark element, and the electric glow disappeared.

"What do you mean? Charged attack?" Negris muttered in a low voice.

The next moment, Ange raised his right hand again, but what condensed was not a spear of lightning, but a spear that was completely black, condensed like substance, but radiated with fluctuations of dark elements—the spear of dark elements.

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