The king condensed a small horse, squatted on the horse, with the death scythe resting on his left shoulder, while watching carefully, he took out a handful of nuts, and nibbled there leisurely.

When Ange saw his posture, familiar memories immediately came to his soul. When he was on the farm, didn't the old skeleton lord just squat on the ridge like this all day long? It's just that what was carried on the shoulders before was a hoe.

Seeing that Ange was looking over, the king smiled and held up the nuts on his palm, showed them off, then picked up one of them, and flicked his index finger.

The nut turned into a little black shadow, shot out with a whoosh, and flew straight in front of An Ge.

Ange was pulling out people, his hands were empty, so he tilted his head, a bony palm protruded from Ange's body, grabbed the nut, and then the immortal god slowly emerged from Ange's body, looking at the nut in his hand. nut.

This turned out to be a real nut, not a congealed object. However, it is not uncommon for a king to be able to manifest matter. What is strange is that there is some information attached to it.

The Immortal God lightly crushed the nuts, and the accompanying information was immediately thrown into An Ge's soul.

The amount of information is not very large, and Ange finished reading it almost instantly, tilting his head in shock.

The king smiled and nodded: "This is the secret of the void."

Noticing their interaction, Negris couldn't help but fly over, and asked curiously, "What are you guys saying mysteriously?"

While digging out people, Ange responded, "The king said, it's a secret."

"Pfft—then he will tell you the secret? Is there any secret you can listen to that I can't? Damn it, you are biased." The last sentence, Negris yelled at the king.

The king was eating nuts leisurely, and said slowly: "You can't grasp this secret, it's for your own good not to tell you."

"Still can't grasp it? What's wrong with me listening to a secret? I can forget it after listening to it, ah bah, I... hmph."

Negris was so angry that he wanted to say 'curse you' or something, but as soon as he had this thought, an ominous feeling arose in his heart, and the consequences of the descendant of the snake of misfortune hissing and cursing its rotten mouth flashed through his mind , Immediately swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Anger took out a bunch of chaotic holy spirits, spread them out along the boundary of the realm with ease, and then started his performance.

It is different from pouring things into the abyss ball before, the acceleration matrix of the chaotic holy spirit can only be spread on half, and the front enters the range of the boundary, and cannot be spread forward, so the acceleration range is only half of the original.

This caused Ang's rate of fire to drop significantly, but it was enough to make New Black Source panic. Seeing the continuous jet flow into the energy group, he let out an angry growl, and the darkness spread from the energy group, quickly Covering the entire realm.

Anger only saw a blackness ahead, the new black source, the dark elemental energy group, including the king, all fell into the darkness, and a matte black bubble appeared in front of it, which is the true face of the absolute darkness realm.

Ange tilted his head so that he couldn't see the landing point. Although he could hit the original landing point through the darkness based on his memory, the jet seemed to be delayed by some kind of delay, and he didn't know if he had landed on the original landing point. s position.

Ange scratched his head, and when he was about to change his method, the black bubble burst suddenly, and the originally expanded darkness quickly subsided, revealing the king and the new black source, but the revealed new black source became Eighteen or seventeen yuan.

The king put the sickle back on his shoulder, and muttered: "Think of me as dead? Hey, this is a bit wrong. I am already dead. Think of me... of course what is good? Think of me as paralyzed? This is fine, Logical."

The king muttered, while floating back to the original place and squatting up.

The new black source that was broken into seventeen or eight pieces stared at it, and fell back into the dark element energy group unwillingly. As long as there is a king, it will not be able to exert the full power of the absolute dark field.

Well, this will save a lot of trouble, Ange resumed the original rhythm, and continued to shoot the holy dark elements mixed with impurities into the energy group.

Xin Heiyuan may have realized that he would not get any benefits if he appeared again, so he just stopped appearing, and there were no enemies, so the whole scene seemed very boring.

After watching for a while, I found that Ange was directing the jet stream, and the other hand stretched into the space again.

"This dead skeleton is playing again." Negris muttered feebly, and then shouted to the king: "Hey, old man, this absolute dark realm, it doesn't look very powerful, how could you Trapped by this kind of thing? Are you too old to die?"

"It's okay, you can come in and stay for a while." As he spoke, he took a nut and threw it under his feet. When the nut was a certain distance away from the king, he suddenly turned a big corner and went straight. The dark element energy group in the middle falls.

Sure enough, there is a very powerful force in the boundary area, which drags all matter and energy to the energy ball in the center, but because the king looks calm and unaffected at all, Negris is completely unaware of this force The presence.

The king went on to say: "If I hadn't repeatedly slashed and killed it to completely activate absolute darkness, the entire realm would be shrouded in darkness, and everything would be eroded, melted, and finally assimilated by darkness, including me. .”

"Huh?" Is it so dangerous? Negris turned pale with fright, and asked eagerly: "What about Locke? What about Locke? Can he handle it? Locke and the others have been in there for so long? Nothing will happen, right? Anger, stop playing, Find a way to speed up, don't finish it by then and Locke will only have a pair of bones left."

"Oh." Ange replied noncommittally.

The king was not in a hurry at all, and said slowly: "If only Locke is trapped inside, it won't be able to hold it for a few days, but with that... the little black source, this source of darkness seems to be unable to use all the darkness, so Nothing for now."

"Temporary? How long is this temporary? How can it be settled?" Negris asked.

It doesn't even know how to achieve the goal now, it only knows that Ange is using the blessed sacred dark element to mix it into the dark element, but it doesn't know what proportion it needs to mix to meet the standard.

The king's leisurely appearance is more annoying than the old tree, but yes, no matter how long the old tree lives, it can only live for 100,000 years, and the old is immortal. If he really wants to relax, what tree can be more leisurely than him?

I just heard him say: "Then I don't know, but it doesn't matter, even if there is a pair of bones left, Locke is still the strong bone-head-Kabada, what are you doing!"

At the end, the king's face suddenly changed drastically, and he couldn't help jumping up. It was the first time he saw him lose his composure.

Negris also sensed a powerful energy reaction behind him, and when he turned his head, he saw that Ange was letting the little sapling spit out the abyss ball.

Hearing the king's words, Ange tilted his head blankly: "Don't play, speed up."

"Pfft - Naig just told you not to play, not to blow up the Chaos Surface! What the hell is this? What did you seal inside? Don't face me!" The king hides as far as he can, all at once At the edge of the boundary that is centered on the energy group and perpendicular to Anger's position at 90 degrees.

Thank you, Liu Guang, book friend 20201106223522457, lying listening to Luoxue, for your tip.

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