As mentioned earlier, Abyss Big Mouth is an original ancient god with obvious advantages and disadvantages. The easiest way to kill it is to pour a lot of matter or energy into it in a short period of time, and directly explode it. The supplies rolled over.

Countless fragments of planes, broken branches of sacred trees, ice and broken stones, a large pile in a mess, rolled out silently along the 'ditch' pressed by the will of the void.

Rolling in the front is the Eye of the Ancient God, that is, the huge stump of the sacred tree with the burl. The ancient gods of the Wandering Gods Alliance like to project the little beholder to hold meetings there, but after the tide of chaos, there It was ruined, and now he was summoned by the will of the void and smashed his mouth.

There is a large pile of various fragments behind it, like a torrent of matter.

Faced with this situation, Abyss Dazui turned around and ran away without saying a word, but it found that with the collapse of the space, it and the will of the void seemed to be at the bottom of the 'pit' at the moment, if it wanted to jump away, Then you need to get out of this 'pit' first.

But time is running out, the huge body of Abyss Big Mouth needs a lot of power to move, and it also needs a certain amount of acceleration time. Before moving out of two positions, the torrent of matter poured into the 'pit', The huge drop seems to increase the speed of the matter, rushing to the bottom of the pit faster.

The collapse is centered on the will of the void, and the end of the 'ditch' is also it. However, the arrival of the torrent of matter directly passes through the form of the will of the void, as if it does not exist.

In this way, the torrent of matter rushed in front of the mouth of the abyss.

Sighing secretly in his heart, the vortex of Abyss's mouth stopped, then turned in reverse, and a huge energy beam spewed out—the roar of the abyss!

The will of the void trembled, and suddenly shrank down. The next moment, its position, together with the torrent of matter, was completely swallowed by the roaring beam of the abyss.

The horror of the power of this beam was felt throughout the void. The ancient gods far away in the sanctuary, and even human elves and other planar creatures all looked in this direction in unison.

Ordinary plane creatures can't see anything, they can only feel a low roar, as if some kind of creature's roar is rolling forward in the void, like a wave moving from the front, approaching, passing their position, and then going behind them remove.

But the ancient gods could see that a wave beam spewed out from the center of a huge vortex, cutting through the entire void.

"Huh, Lord Abyss? What is it doing?" Hiss propped up his body and looked from a distance.

"It's fighting, this is..." The ancient gods here are too young, and no one has ever seen the roar of the abyss, but from the terrifying fluctuations, you can feel the power of this move: "This is a desperate move!" Is there anyone who can threaten the life of Master Abyss?"

The torrent of matter in front of the mouth of the abyss has turned into nothingness at this moment, disappearing without a trace, as if it never existed.

The reverse-rotating vortex has stopped, and then slowly started again, changing back to the previous direction of forward rotation. Dare the vortex of the big mouth still have direction, and it swallows when it is forward, and spits when it is reversed?

A roar of the abyss seemed to have sprayed out all the power accumulated by Abyss Big Mouth for half his life, and it turned weakly, but as it turned, the surrounding 'nothingness' was slowly attracted by it and threw it into the abyss.

The matter blasted into nothingness by its roar of the abyss scattered in the void in a discrete state, attracted by the abyss, and threw it into the mouth of the abyss again.

If no one interferes, after a period of time, Abyss Big Mouth might be able to swallow all the surrounding matter, and restore its original strength again, even stronger than before.

Unfortunately, the Will of the Void would not give it this chance, and the space that was almost "straightened out" by the roar of the abyss twisted again. A huge human face bulged and slowly drifted towards the mouth of the abyss, as if it was about to plunge into the vortex. middle.

However, at this moment, an invisible wave came, and the twisted lines that made up the human face kept shaking, unable to maintain stability.

Following the invisible fluctuations, a snail carried Ange, the big cat, the little angel, the little zombie, Anthony, Negris, the king, Locke... a whole bunch of them came at a very high speed.

An Ge opened his mouth wide open silently, and the big cat curled up on his head also opened his mouth wide open silently. The space became fragmented under the joint efforts of him and the big cat.

The voice of the Void, whose shape was unstable, shouted loudly: "Caveworm, come out! Kill him!"

There was a big hole in the space, and a huge head came out, looking left and right in a daze: "What do you want me to do? Huh? Longlong?"

The cave worm's eyes fell on Ange, and he immediately cried out in surprise.

Ange stopped and greeted: "Cave bugs."

Hey—the cave worm stretched out from the space rift, and said excitedly: "It's really you, are you here to play with me?"

Ange shook his head, held his left hand forward, and pointed the index finger of his right hand to the place where he held it—time was frozen.

A group of airgel-like time gel condensed out, ten times larger than the first time Ange condensed: "Please eat."

"Your progress is so fast, thank you." The cave worm stretched its head, bit the time gel, and asked while chewing: "Have you found a way to prevent the void from collapsing?"

Ange nodded, then shook his head again.

The cave worm bit the time gel and stopped chewing, and stood there in a daze.

Ange nodded, then shook his head again.

Well, the cave worm gave up and asked directly: "Can I help you?"

Angus nodded.

"That's great, hurry up, tell me what you want me to do." The cave worm said excitedly.

Void Will finally couldn't hold back anymore, and shouted sharply: "Caveworm, what are you doing? I asked you to come here to kill him, not to chat with him."

The cave worm looked at the Will of the Void in a daze, then at Ange, and said puzzledly, "Kill the dragon? Why?"

"If you want to kill him, just kill him. Why are you talking so much nonsense! Kill him!" Void Will shouted impatiently.

From the appearance of the law-defender to the present, everything is not going well, and now even the cave worms seem to know this law-defender, not only did not obey its orders immediately, but chatted with the law-defender, which made Void Will An unknown premonition.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of the will of the void, the cave worm said angrily: "Why did you kill the dragon? Why did you kill the dragon? Kill you!"

The cave worm leaped forward with such a high speed that the whole space trembled, and the form of the will of the void couldn't even move. Its way of existence was obviously restrained by the cave worm.

Immediately afterwards, the cave worm opened its huge mouth, bit it in one bite, and chewed angrily.

Seeing this scene, Anthony scratched his head, and said in a daze: "This Void Will, was bitten off by the cave worm it called?"

Thank you, Rongcan, for your tip.

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