Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 856 Here, is it stable?

Ange scratched his head, nodded, and shook his head again.

The king was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Negris understood: "Pfft—so you are talking about this by nodding and shaking your head? I convinced you."

Turning to the king to translate: "Didn't the cave worm ask him just now, did he find a way to prevent the collapse of the void? He nodded to say that he had found it, and shook his head to say that he hadn't tried it. This is what he means now. The Ten Thousand Realms Sacred Tree has been grafted, but I haven't tried whether it has the ability of the sacred tree, these two things are one, so he expresses it with the same movement."

Angus nodded.

The king looked at Ange in a daze, then at Negris, and said, "I really convinced you, can you understand this?"

Negris cocked his tail.

Among all people, only Negris can understand all of Ange's words, but it is also because he can understand, which makes Ange more and more lazy, forming a vicious circle. He used to speak sentences with more than six characters, but now he is better. It's basically two or three words that jump out, and no one can understand it.

Of course, if everyone can't understand, Ange will try his best to explain clearly, but it will be very distressing.

The cave worm suddenly said: "The space here is very stable, can I stay here?"

Anger said, "I can't eat it."

The cave worm made a bitter face and said, "I'll just bite a hole and get out to eat."

Ange shook his head resolutely: "I can't eat it."

"Oh, Longlong is not good, angry." The cave worm shrank back sullenly.

Even if you are angry, you can't let it gnaw. Ange is not sure whether the Ten Thousand Realms God Tree grafted by the God of Life can support the collapsed void.

Ange ignored it, and found a quiet place to pull people.

The first ones to be summoned were Xiludi, Di Luni, and some mages from the Academy of Stars. Now the Academy of Stars has become Ang's research base. Anything they don't understand is thrown to them. Lane, including the gear award master Waligu and the pharmacist Sawa, have been merged into the Academy of Stars.

The second to be summoned was Cabrera the Eye of Truth, Rudyard the God-Maker, and some scholars from the Warlocks' League. In terms of scientific research strength, the Warlock Alliance is far superior to the Academy of Stars. After all, one of them has gone to the sky, and the other is still looking up at the starry sky.

But who made Ange and Xi Ludi more familiar.

"There is a powerful existence that is hiding somewhere, let's find it?" After Negris translated Ange's request, everyone looked at each other, at a loss.

Abyss Dazui said dumbfoundedly: "So you said you were looking for someone, but you were really looking for 'someone'? Even we don't know where the Will of the Void is. What's the point of you looking for these humans? They don't even know what the Will of the Void is. Don't necessarily know."

Originally Xiludi Di Luni and others were a little at a loss, but when the words of Abyss Dazui came out, everyone immediately stared at them dissatisfied, and Di Luni even asked: "This is..."

"The Big Mouth of the Abyss, just call it Big Mouth." Negris stretched out his claws and tapped on everyone's foreheads, passing on the information about the Big Mouth of the Abyss to everyone.

Dazui was furious: "Don't call me Dazui."

"Hiss—" After realizing what kind of existence the Abyss Big Mouth was, everyone gasped involuntarily, and the guys who originally planned to put it in a sack also quickly dismissed the idea.

The mouth of the abyss is one of the origins of the void. It doesn't know where it is hiding, but Ange asked them to come to find it. Di Luni and the others immediately began to sweat on their foreheads. This task is extremely difficult.

With his mind spinning, Tiluni asked: "Lord Naig, we need more information, including various information about the target and various information about the void. The more detailed the better."

"Okay, just ask if you want to know, although I don't understand, why Ange thinks you can complete this task, this goal is called the will of the void..." Negris said, while stretching out his claws and toes on everyone's foreheads Come and go.

As expected of the god of knowledge, he can let everyone master a lot of information with just a little bit of claw toe. This information can be said with mouth, and it can't be finished in a few weeks of courses.

"Hiss—the will of the void, with many clones, superimposed space, and changeable forms, that is to say, it stands in front of us, and we may not be able to see it. You asked us to find it? Isn't this too difficult? "Tilone began to feel his legs go weak after receiving the information.

Negris also found it difficult, and comforted: "It's really difficult. We can't find it in the five sources here. I don't have a clue at all. I don't know why Ange thinks you can do it. Try it. If you can't find it Forget it, An Ge will not punish you."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, so it was just a try, no punishment? That's great, everyone likes this kind of task that it doesn't matter if it can't be completed. When the time comes, just take a paddle and do the work when the time is up. It's easy and stress-free.

Negris went on to say: "If you can't find that guy, the void will continue to collapse, and all the planes will collide. You all know that the main plane almost collided before? That guy did it. "

Angus tilted his head.

Negris gestured violently behind his back with his small hand, signaling him not to speak.

Di Luni and the others sucked in the breath they had just relieved. Is this still called no punishment? This consequence is more thorough than punishment, right? Just destroy the plane? Doesn't that mean everyone has to die?

"Chambada, so it's the one that collapsed the void? Damn it, star mages, find it." Di Luni roared: "This goal is an existence beyond our understanding. Everyone, use your wisdom to move it. find out."

Xi Ludi immediately raised her hand: "I need a model of the void, at least I need to know what the void looks like and where I can hide."

As soon as An Ge pressed his hand, a phantom of the void appeared in front of him. The center was just a chaotic surface that had been enlarged several times, with flat edges and a thick center.

Xiludi added: "The target has the ability to superimpose space, so it doesn't necessarily hide in the positive space, it may hide in the dimensional space, but the dimensional space cannot exist alone, it needs to be anchored to a stable point in the positive space , I want to know which are the stable points that can anchor a large dimensional space.”

"Ah? Dimensional space cannot exist alone? Should it be anchored to a stable point? Why don't I know?" Negris shouted in surprise, it is the god of knowledge.

Xi Ludi said: "This is my latest discovery. It hasn't been written into a book yet. I will write a book and give Sawa a copy."

Negris was angry: "She has converted, she is no longer my believer, she has gone to believe in the God of Beauty."

The king suddenly said: "That's true. The reason why I let Ange anchor the position is because the dimensional space is unstable. It turns out that the dimensional space cannot exist alone?"

"No, didn't there used to be many stable dimensional spaces that simply existed? For example, your resting palace." Negris said.

"The previous void was stable, and it would not be unstable wherever it was anchored, but I anchored the Palace of Rest on the Immortal Godhead." Said the king.

In the past, because the void was very stable, the dimensional space would be very stable even if it was anchored to anything, but with the collapse of the void, the thunder chariot originally had to travel a distance of two hundred years, but now it is about to collide. In this case, the dimensional space If you don't want to collapse, you need a stable point to support its existence.

Tiluni's eyes lit up: "That is to say, as long as we find those points in the void that are still stable, it is possible to find the target?"

Xiludi nodded: "Not only is it stable, but it also has a certain strength, because according to Mr. Naiger's information, this goal is one of the origins of the void, and the dimensional space that can accommodate it must be very large, and it needs something of a certain strength to support it. worthy."

Negris couldn't help looking at the king, the king nodded, he really needed a point with enough strength, Locke couldn't anchor before because of insufficient strength.

Well, we really need to gather our strengths and wisdom, the five origins have no clue, Xiludi has a new discovery, and there is a clue.

But how to find these points?

Godmaker Rudyard raised his hand and said: "We can establish a mechanical model. There are various forces in the void. They interact with each other to form a balance point. These points will be relatively stable. Our The starburst circle is built at the position where the gravitational and repulsive forces of the plane are balanced, and I think that the stable point in space must also be where all kinds of forces are balanced."

It makes sense, everyone agreed with this statement, and immediately began to establish a mechanical appearance, calculate various balance points, and add them to the simulated phantom one by one by Ange.

Timing, Anger suddenly pointed to a certain position of the simulated phantom and asked, "Is this place stable?"

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