Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 861 As long as the species is extinct soon, it will not degenerate

"Damn it, you destroyer of civilization! Such a powerful mage of truth, but I have never heard of his name." Negris didn't even know what to say.

A truth mage who invented the space slingshot, a truth man who discovered the dark element, he should have been famous forever, but not only there is no biography about him, even Negris has no impression of this name, it is conceivable that Anthony How thoroughly burned.

Negris used to have believers, and the knowledge of believers was its knowledge, and they had no impression of it. That is to say, no one, including its believers, had ever heard of the name Tuxilix.

This basically means that all traces of Tuxirix's existence have been erased.

Anthony scratched his nose in embarrassment: "It's really not good. I won't burn it in the future. Find a place to bury it."

Soon everyone followed Tuxirix to the mage's tower. After approaching, everyone immediately saw the clues. Anthony asked: "Your Excellency Tuxi, did you teleport the whole town here?"

Tuxirix sighed: "Yes, the whole town was built on the teleportation array. Originally, the teleportation range was only in the center. There is no problem with normal teleportation. I didn't expect the space slingshot to affect the entire town. It's time to teleport the whole town over."

"Wow, this is too powerful. You can teleport a small town so far. Your space slingshot is really a great mystery." Anthony exaggerated admiration, which made Tuxirix laugh. Hua, but the next sentence made his face collapse in an instant.

"Why haven't you seen any other residents?" Anthony asked, looking at the dead town.

Tuxirix said dejectedly: "Except for me, no one can live to this day after 60,000 years."

Negris couldn't help interjecting and asked: "No, can't they have children? Can't their children and grandchildren reproduce? The number should be more and more."

Tuxirix shook his head: "At that time, there were less than 800 residents who were teleported together, and I don't know what happened. After a dozen generations, children began to have missing hands, missing legs, and blind eyes. Yes, there are also those with long hair and long tails, and most of them died before birth. After about four hundred years, after the last person dies, I am the only one left.”

"Only 800 people? Got it, the bloodline has degenerated." Negris suddenly said.

"Blood degeneration?" Tuxirix is ​​obviously not an expert in this field, and has no knowledge of this, but after looking at Negris a few more times, he suddenly reacted: "Brass dragon?"

For a human being, being able to remember things from 60,000 years ago is pretty good.

Negris asked pretendingly: "Yes, brass dragon, have you seen a creature like me?"

"I've seen it, maybe we are from the same place, do you know Leo... who seems to be called Leofina?" Tuxirix asked.

Negris shook his head, but quickly said in the soul network: "Leofina is my great-great-great-grandmother, and she really came from the main plane."

Tuxirix regretted: "That would be a pity, as you said, it may be that the bloodline has degenerated, and your dragons have the most say, because the plane I came to has a large number of dragons." It is most likely that the blood vessels have degenerated."

Negris pursed his lips, muttering in his heart: As long as the species is extinct quickly, the bloodline will not degenerate.

What the giant dragon family should worry about most now is the issue of extinction. For example, the brass dragon has already been functionally extinct, because all the males have died.

Thanks to Ange reviving his body and solving the problem of stuck eggs, at least for a long time, there is no need to worry about the problem of extinction.

Approaching the mage tower, the king's thoughts repeatedly swept across the mage tower and nearby buildings, making sure that there were no restrictions, and then landed on the platform at the top of the mage tower, but walking into the mage tower, everyone They were all stunned.

Someone as tactful as Anthony couldn't open his mouth: "Master Tuxi, you... the environment here is too difficult."

What greeted my eyes was the empty interior space, which could not be described with the bare walls. There was only one bed, not even a chair.

Tuxirix laughed: "Because the transfer of elements is more laborious, I try not to transfer things here."

While talking, concentrating, a few chairs, a bottle of juice, and a few cups soon appeared beside him, and then he said with some embarrassment: "The table is too big to hold, let's hold it in our hands , I’m so sorry, please sit down and drink water.”

Negris and Anthony looked at each other, and then looked at Ange in unison. Isn't this the dimensional space positioning transfer bracelet? Move things out of the dimension.

But later, Ange mastered the hand that pierces the world, and he can take it out directly. Tuxirix can't see the bracelet on his hand, but it is obviously not the hand that pierces the world. The only thing that is certain is that he has a dimensional space.

Why must it be dimensional space instead of storage space? Because the juice is still active, it is freshly squeezed.

The invisible mage's hand held the juice bottle, poured the juice into the cup, and then handed it to everyone's hands.

Although An Ge didn't drink, he still held a glass in his hand and took a closer look.

Navel orange juice, sour, not well-selected, degraded variety...

After telling Anthony what he saw through the soul network, Anthony said: "It seems that it is true that he is trapped here, and even the varieties of oranges have degenerated."

"Your Excellency Tuxi, we are very curious. Your space slingshot magic should need an anchor point to be teleported here, right? May I ask who provided you with this anchor point?" Anthony asked.

Tuxirix looked at Anthony meaningfully, and said: "It seems that you have a deep understanding of space magic, and you even know the anchor point. It seems that you are here for this anchor point, right?"

Anthony nodded. They didn't know about the existence of Tuxirix before they came here, and of course they couldn't be here for him.

Tuxirix sighed: "Actually, I also want to find out who is this anchor point, alas, although it has kept me here for 60,000 years, it has also allowed me to verify the concept in my heart. Just die, that would be great, discover the truth in the morning, and die peacefully at night is the most perfect."

"I've been trapped here for 60,000 years, and my gratitude to it has been exhausted. If you can find it, please slap it a hundred times for me."

"I used to be a space magician. Since I was very young, I had a lot of messy thoughts in my heart. At the beginning, I thought I was just a fantasy magician, but when I grew up, especially It was after learning magic that I discovered that these fantasies turned out to be systematic."

"Every child has messy thoughts, but systematic fantasies cannot be random thoughts, such as fire magic, firewood flames at six hundred degrees, explosive flames at twelve hundred degrees, and forging fire at sixteen hundred , what if it is a flame of 100 million degrees? When I thought of this, a thought suddenly popped up in my heart 'the world is in chaos'..."

Negris spat out the juice in a gulp.

Tuxirix was taken aback: "Is the juice not good? Is it broken?" He sniffed it quickly: "No?"

Negris waved his hand: "It's not bad, it's not bad, it's so delicious, I choked on it."

"Oh, oh, drink more if it tastes good. Come on, fill it up." Tuxirix happily filled it up. The problem is that the orange juice variety is degraded and very sour. Giant dragons are the most resistant to acid, so they can only He continued with a bitter face, and slapped himself in the heart: let you talk nonsense.

"The world is in chaos? What a philosophical sentence, you should write it into a book." Anthony said meaningfully.

Tuxirix said with some embarrassment: "I wrote it, but I didn't have the money to print it. I just copied a few copies by hand and gave it to my students. It contained some of my messy ideas. What's the meaning of 'the void never ends? Doing things like ''everything will eventually be unified', the students all thought I was crazy."

Negris said in the soul network: "You really burned his book."

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