Lightning stood on the top of the tree and shouted towards the end of the void: "My lord, come back quickly, the tide is receding, come back quickly!!"

After shouting several times, Lightning complained: "Is it really useful to shout like this? Can adults hear it?"

Abyss Dazui said: "It should be possible, anyway, idle is idle, I will help you spread your voice farther."

"Master Abyss, I didn't expect you to be such an abyss? I'm idle even if I'm idle, I'm very busy, okay, don't lick it." At the end, he shook his head violently, and pulled out a small dog from the mane on his head. cat.

The kitten thought it was very funny, turned over in the air, and rushed towards the lightning again.

A small electric light flashed on Lightning's horn, but he gritted his teeth, and the light disappeared again, allowing the kitten to pounce on its face and lick it wildly.

Not to mention whether its electric glow can cause damage to the Dimensional Beast, even if it could, it would not dare to act recklessly, otherwise the kitten's owner, a cat slave at the level of an ancient god hunter, would tear it apart.

Goddess Xinghuo followed the dark origin team to the point on the other side of the axis. Before leaving, she entrusted the kitten to Lightning to take care of it. Unexpectedly, this dimensional beast has such bad habits that it likes to lick people.

Forget it, an eye for an eye, Lightning also stuck out his big tongue, and licked the kitten wildly, only licking it soggy, like a drowned cat.

While Lightning was fighting with the kitten, in the realm of kings in the depths of the Chaos, the Immortal God suddenly floated up, floated to an open place, condensed into a solid body, held the death scythe tightly, and threw a pestle in front of him. , leaned forward slightly, and made a firm posture.

boom! A long hole was pierced through the mist behind the undead god in an instant, and something came through and appeared in front of the undead god.

Anger took a look and found that it had indeed bounced back. He quickly pulled everyone out of the dimension space, first the king, then Anthony and Negris, and finally the soul of Tuxirix.

"Is it really possible? How did you get here?" Negris asked puzzledly after glancing at the Immortal God and the King's Realm in the distance.

It's all ejection anyway, why not go straight back to the shelter? There is a long distance from the shelter here, and now that the snails are gone, it is even more difficult to return to the shelter.

Anger said, "This, the anchor point, is stable."

To support the ejection of hundreds of millions of kilometers, it is impossible to do without a stable anchor point. Only the Immortal Godhead can withstand this kind of teleportation.

Leaving the king's realm, everyone flew to the shelter, flying, and the king suddenly said: "The tide seems to have stopped."

Ange nodded. He felt it as soon as he came back. On the chaotic surface of the tide, even the soul connection is blurred. Although it will not be broken, it cannot pass the message to the people. Now the soul connection is much clearer. Even if he is in the fog of chaos, he can clearly sense the existence of the people in the sanctuary.

Because the tide stopped, the chaotic surface was shrinking, and the fog seemed particularly dense.

In this way, he flew all the way out of the chaotic and foggy area, and found that the void was much wider.

In the past, the chaotic mist did not spread to these areas, so there were all kinds of debris in the void, including broken planes, residual branches of the sacred tree, floating boulders and ice blocks, but now, these debris are all gone. .

"Hey, why are the debris gone? Did the tide push them away?" Negris was surprised.

The king said, "I know why they are gone, but I won't tell you."

"...You old bastard, why are you so funny now? If you don't want to tell me, then don't tell me you know." Negris was angry.

The king laughed and said, "I learned from you."

"Ah bah, how can I have such a bad taste? No, Ange, do you know the reason?" Negris turned to Ange and asked.

"The king said, I won't tell you." An Ge responded.

"Oh, you dead skeleton, tell me quickly, or I will miss you badly." Negris said angrily.

However, it was just a fool's dream to try to talk to Ange with his thoughts. After a while, he got tired by himself, but he also had some guesses in his heart, which must have something to do with the secret that the king said.

What kind of secret is it that makes the king and Ange keep their mouths shut and not reveal it at all?

This is of course not that it does not trust it, but that it is incapable of keeping secrets. After all, there are no secrets that can be kept in the hands of those powerful beings. If you can't help it, it's better not to know anything.

After spending a lot of time, everyone finally returned to the shelter.

"Hey, Abyss Big Mouth, why are you here? Didn't you set off with the origin of darkness? Oh, clone!" Negris said at the end, slapping his thigh fiercely, thinking of the reason.

The speeding snail is a clone. It was too far away from the main body, so it had to interrupt the trip and came back first. The reason for the abyssal mouth is obviously the same. Its clone is too far away from the main body.

Abyss Dazui looked depressed, and nodded: "The snail came back first, it seems that the clone is too far away, you have come back so fast, you have failed, now only the team of Dark Origin is left, but you They all failed, and they probably won’t do much better.”

"Ah? Failure? What failure?" Negris was a little puzzled.

"Needless to say, the snail came back first, and you flew by yourself. It took at least six or seven months to reach the possible position. Now you have returned in only five months, which means you turned around after flying for two and a half months. How could I find anything." Shen Yuan Da Zui said angrily.

Dare is because he came back too fast, and was mistaken by Da Zui for turning back halfway.

"So you're talking about this failure? Hehe, I don't know if it's a failure, but we flew 180 million kilometers and found a mage tower, a human being, a dimensional space, and a cave worm Swallowed up that mage tower, and came back so quickly because we learned a new teleportation method." Negris said with his tail cocked.

"Mage Tower?" Abyss looked at Anthony with a big mouth. Negris spoke too exaggeratedly. There is a Mage Tower more than 100 million kilometers away? What about cheating ghosts?

Anthony nodded, and explained the specific situation to Abyss Big Mouth in detail. When he heard that the mage tower must be swallowed by cave worms, Abyss Big Mouth understood everything: "You are using the will of the void Is your back hand swallowed?"

Cave worms are the source of space, no matter how stable it is, it will be crunchy in its mouth.

"Although the Will of the Void was not found, this side is its anchor point, so it is probably on the other side. Can you contact the Dark Origin team? See what's going on?" Abyss Dazui said excitedly.

The existence of the Mage Tower proves that their guess is correct. The Will of the Void is likely to be hiding at the other end of the central axis of the Chaos Surface. As long as it is located, killing it is not an impossible task.

An Ge took the little devil out, and as soon as he came out, the little devil couldn't wait to say: "My lord, I just wanted to find you, but the big devil sent a message, they were blocked by something, and they couldn't get through.

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