Two staggered huge space rifts lie across the void in front of them, like a symbol that prohibits passage.

"Wait a minute, it has a rhythm." The Dark Origin said.

There is indeed a rhythm, and its rhythm is a cycle of twenty hours. When the time is up, the center of the giant fork suddenly darkens, and spreads to the surroundings, and soon turns into a vortex.

"Hiss - big mouth, your brother!" Negris said in shock.

Abyss Dazui said angrily: "Don't call me Dazui, it's not an origin, it's just an abyss, it should be an abyss mystery simulated by other powers."

"Knowing Big Mouth, can you imitate the Abyss Mystery? You are not good at this Mystery too." Negris can piss people off by opening his mouth.

However, these words just hit the sore spot of Abyss's big mouth. Ange's easy grasp of the Abyss's meaning has already made it very uncomfortable. Now this kind of unknown thing can simulate the Abyss's meaning, but he can't feel it on it. Seeing the breath of the source, is my abyss profound meaning going to rot?

At this moment, Ange's expression moved, and the king straightened up, looked forward, and said, "It seems to be devouring the dark element."

The face of Abyss Big Mouth suddenly collapsed, and it can still devour dark elements?

Of course, the mouth of the abyss can also devour dark elements, but it cannot 'only' swallow dark elements. Its power comes more from the chaotic fog and various substances, and it cannot directly use dark elements.

So it will create a clone like Dark Wing, which can digest the unused dark elements that it swallows, although this efficiency is very low.

But now, there is nothing in the void, let alone the fog of chaos. This abyss only swallows dark elements. Doesn't that mean that it only needs dark elements to maintain balance?

This is the ability that most ancient gods dream of.

Why did DeRosa sell himself to Anger? Isn’t it for the godhead? With the godhead, it has inefficiency, but it can be used with power that can be seen everywhere. Unlike the chaotic fog, only the chaotic surface is here. Every time you dig One point is to worry about being beaten to death by the undead master.

Even the Alliance of the Wandering Gods was established based on this need. Everyone wants to obtain an ability that can fill their stomachs without the fog of chaos.

The abyss in front of me is so huge, but it can maintain balance. It only needs to swallow the dark elements, which is simply the ultimate realm of its dreams. It's a pity that this abyss is not it.

The abyss also lasted for more than 20 hours, and then disappeared, revealing a mass of tumbling dark elements in the center. When the dark elements are thick enough to a certain extent, they become visible to the naked eye, and anyone can perceive its existence.

But immediately, two staggered cracks opened where the dark element cluster was, and sucked it in.

Then the two cracks continued to expand, turning into that huge fork again.

Everyone saw this silently, and then Negris said: "What does it feel like? It feels like the secrets of the three of you, the space power of the cave worm, the dark element of the origin of darkness, and the deep secrets of the big mouth. Cooperating with each other, reached a balance, and finally collected a large group of dark elements?"

"It seems so. Why is there such a compound secret here? Who has the ability to integrate the original secrets of the three of you, just for a group of dark elements?" The king was surprised.

"What do you mean 'just for a group of dark elements'? In this kind of void, dark elements should be the only power available." Abyss said dissatisfiedly.

The source of darkness also said: "If they have the ability to capture and store dark elements, then there is no need to rob me of the source."

Anthony analyzed: "First, it may be that the amount they collect is too small. It takes about 50 hours to collect such a little, and it must be consumed to maintain balance. There is not much to store, so we have to grab it. Yours. The second possibility is that they are not the same as the will of the void."

"Impossible, if it's not the will of the void, that is to say, there are other existences that can combine the mysteries of the three of us? Absolutely impossible." Abyss Dazui resolutely denied.

There is an abyss that can swallow dark elements here, which is already a blow to it. If it is the will of the void, the will of the void is its former boss after all, but if another unknown existence can do it, then its abyssal meaning will be It's really a bad street.

As soon as the words fell, a group of humanoid creatures flew out of the huge crack.

These humanoid creatures are full of surging waves of dark elements, and their bodies are armored with thick armor. The armor is very light, but it is completely sealed, and even the eyes are not exposed.

"Dark element fluctuations? Armor? What kind of shape is this? A magic swordsman?"

In knight novels, magic swordsmen who practice both magic and martial arts often appear, but Negris has never seen such a profession in reality.

Some swordsmen may have a little bit of magic, and some magicians may have a little bit of staff skills, but Negris has never seen anyone who knows both magic and grudges and can use them in battle.

Even Ange casts magic as soon as he casts magic, and transforms when he is in close combat, and they will not mix them together because they have no buff effect on each other.

So Negris' words are purely ridicule, after all magicians wearing armor are rare.

After these dark element armor mages flew out of the crack, they quickly dispersed to various positions in the crack, each gesticulating on their hands, and the marks composed of dark elements hit the edge of the crack one by one.

Under their arrangement, the somewhat fuzzy edges of the giant fork fissure became solidified.

After some repairs, these dark element armor mages merged into a team and flew back into the crack.

Anthony said: "They are maintaining this space rift, and they are still living in the rift, which is a bit unreasonable."

"What's unreasonable?" Negris asked.

"It is unreasonable to put the residential area and the production area together. What if there is an accident during production and the place where you live is blown up? The production of dark elements is both abyssal and spatial. What should I do if the explosion is gone? Unless it is absolutely necessary."

However, it is unreasonable enough for a giant fork to appear in such a void, and other unreasonableness can be ignored. The question now is what to do, whether to bypass it? Or into the crack of this giant fork?

"Go in and see what's going on, maybe the will of the void is hiding inside." Abyss Big Mouth suggested, it must not believe that these dark elemental armor mages have nothing to do with the will of the void.

"Are you crazy, are you also rushing into the dimensional space? It will be miserable if the rift closes and we are trapped in it." Negris objected.

Abyss sneered and said, "What dimensional space can trap cave worms? It is the origin of space."

That's right, with cave worms around, you basically don't need to worry about any space traps, and the dimensional space can also be eaten through by you.

And there are five original ancient gods here, even if the will of the void is really inside, they dare to break in and beat it to death.

The king stretched out his hand to roll it, and a puff of smoke enveloped everyone in it, and then drifted silently towards the crack.

It may be that it is impossible for anyone to approach this void, so there are almost no police posts in the cracks, but even if there are, they may not see a puff of smoke in the dark void.

After entering the crack, everyone came to a huge dimensional space. In the center of the space, a ball of light radiated fiery light, illuminating the entire dimensional space.

Behind the sphere of light, a huge man-made object floats there, like a huge man-made object like a starburst formation. The sphere of light is on the central axis, as if it is this man-made object that lights up the sphere of light.

Directly below the sphere of light, in a large open area, stands a lonely mage tower.

Seeing this mage tower, Negris and the others were stunned: "Tushrix, there is your brother here."

Thank you, Young Master Heng, for your reward.

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