Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 869 Great, No need to hide

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, the entire mage tower was searched, but no crop planting area was found.

"No, is it planted in the dimensional space like Tuxi?" Negris looked at Tuxirix suspiciously.

"This is the dimensional space." Anthony said.

"Oh, yes, then where did their food come from? It looks like wheat flour, and it tastes like it's baked, but it doesn't look too fresh." Negris poked his head around, looking at the crowd queuing up for scones below.

The life of the people here is very regular. There are two prayer meetings in the morning and evening, which is the kind of collective kneeling and crying activities they just came in, and then they start to eat.

They prepare their own ingredients for their meals and bake them together. Everyone returns to their own small room, kneads the dough by themselves, and then takes the dough to the street outside.

There was a long row of stone slabs, radiating heat, and putting one's own dough on it, it was baked in no time.

After eating and drinking enough, they start their own activities, or entertain, or study, or go back to the room to live with each other, or lie dead, it seems that they don't need to work.

"It feels like they are a group of cultivating magic crystals of faith." Negris said.

"It is, but it's kind of incredible on such a scale and without an outside source," Anthony said.

The Guangming Church used to have this kind of group, which belonged to the basic board of the church and could dedicate pious beliefs at any time.

The Church of Light is happy to support them. They don't need to work, they just need to pray and donate every day. The City of Light on the main plane is the city used to support the basic disk.

However, with the storm of belief, the fall of the gods, the fall of faith, and the corruption of the entire church at an incredible speed, those who sneaked into the City of Light are no longer devout believers, but all kinds of careerists, who use false sacrifices in exchange for power and wealth .

Anthony could have raised a group of them, but how could he raise believers for the Illuminati Church? If you don’t burn your scriptures, it’s because they were burned before.

However, even in the City of Light, the group of people who believe in magic crystals is not so large, only a few hundred thousand people, and there is a steady stream of devout believers from the entire human parish at any time, replacing the old with the new can maintain the vitality of this group.

In the closed world in front of me, millions of people are all faith magic crystals who don’t work hard. Let’s not talk about whether they can afford to raise them. If there is no external source and elimination mechanism, it will only cause these people’s beliefs to deteriorate and continue to grow. It's okay to say for a while, it will definitely not last as long as 60,000 years.

They couldn't find the planting area, and the personnel composition was too single. They also saw the person presiding over the prayer meeting. It was another Tuxirix, who was exactly the same in appearance and temperament, and Tuxirix couldn't bear it. Can't help wondering, does he have a long-lost twin brother?

The other figure, Ricks, is temporarily called 'Ricks'. The small picture is not good, and Ricks is accompanied by a group of dark elemental armor mages. There are about a hundred of them, and they are divided into several groups. Although They are all wearing armor and can't see their faces, but Ange and the others don't recognize people by their faces.

This group of armored mages is the only group here that is different from the belief in magic crystals. Every mage has a job. Some of them are protecting Ricks, some are managing the entire magic circle, and some are maintaining the cracks outside. The personnel are not fixed, it seems that there is a mechanism of shifts.

Relying on just these one hundred people, the millions of people in the entire law circle can be managed in an orderly manner, and they can still provide sufficient food and maintain a pious belief. It is simply incredible.

The difficulty involved can only be understood by someone like Anthony who has managed many living people. Although the king has also managed many people, the ones on a large scale are all dead people, so it is best to manage them.

At this moment, Ange suddenly said, "Flour is lifeless."

"Flour has no life? Of course flour has no life. It has been ground into powder long ago. How can it have life?" Negris said.

Ange scratched his head, and thought for a while in distress: "Flour, it's not planted, there's no soil, smell."

"What do you mean? It wasn't planted? Could it be transformed from elements like yours?" Negris asked suspiciously.

At this moment, the alarm suddenly sounded in the magic circle, and immediately, all the people who were active outside knelt down in an orderly manner, and the people in the room also quickly ran out and merged into the street platform, just like morning and evening. Same as prayer meeting.

But now is not the time for the prayer meeting. After being here for a few days, everyone has already figured out the rules of the prayer meeting, and this is the first time that this kind of alarm sounded.

Although they were a little baffled, those humans seemed to know what the sirens meant, and there were expressions of joy on their faces, as if something wonderful was about to happen.

At this moment, Ricks floated over with those armor mages. He didn't find a cloud of smoke in the corner, let alone Ange and others.

At the end of the magic circle, a huge door opened slowly. This 'door' was facing the light group in front of the magic circle, and a strong light suddenly came in.

There is lighting in the magic circle, but the faint cold light is completely different from the strong 'warm' light of the light group. Many people open their arms so that the body can receive the light to a greater extent and enjoy the light. close your eyes.

At this moment, the light cluster suddenly 'lived', the brightness suddenly increased by several degrees, and the fluctuations also intensified.

A gust of wind blew inside the entire magic circle.

The inside of the magic circle is closed, the air does not circulate, there is no wind at all, and it is still a little cloudy, but when the door was just opened, the air did not escape because there was an invisible air film blocking it.

But now, a big hole was broken in the air film, and the air inside the circle was continuously sucked out.

"What are you doing? Suck the air away, how can the people here still live?" Anthony frowned.

"Probably not, this is not the first time, but it seems that they have not found their air purification magic circle. On the starburst magic circle, the air purification magic circle is the most important part." The king has been a king for a while The Lord of Nirvana is very familiar with the operation of the starburst circle.

The air was continuously sucked out, forming a bubble between the light cluster and the magic circle. There was more and more air in this 'bubble', the pressure increased, and then it condensed into a liquid.

There was more and more liquid, almost filling the space of half of the bubbles, and then, bubbles began to bubble in these liquids, and the bubbles rushed from the inside of the liquid to the surface, and then sprayed out, turning into powder.

"Pfft—flour? Element conversion? Is this how their flour came from? Why did it change your element?" Negris said in shock.

Ange was at a loss, he didn't know either.

The king said: "It is not only the conversion of flour, but also the conversion of unbreathable ingredients in the air into flour. It kills two birds with one stone. It turns out that they purify the air in this way."

Ange tilted his head thoughtfully.

At this moment, a thought suddenly shot out from the light group, focusing on the position of Ange and the others.

"Huh? Was it discovered? Great, there's no need to hide."

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