Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 871 Another anchor point? !

The place where they are located is a giant man-made object similar to the starburst magic circle. The core function is a magic circle, but the function of this magic circle is temporarily unclear.

Anger took Duroken out to look at it, and he couldn't figure out the specific function, because most of the magic circle was not working, and only the part that maintained the temperature was running. In this case, unless he completely dismantled the magic circle Only then can it be possible to see the core function of the magic circle with an inch-by-inch perspective.

The second is to wait for the magic circle to fully operate, and confirm its function by observing the trajectory of its energy flow. Well, now that it is spinning, Negris hurriedly shouted: "Ange Ange, take Lao Du out to have a look .”

Ange casually picked up Duroken.

Seeing a group of dark elemental armor mages, Duroken was also taken aback. The cloak rolled up and disappeared into a cloud of smoke into the void.

However, his method seems to be unable to deceive the Kai mages. One of the Kai mages raised his hand and wanted to release a jet of dark elements to attack the disappeared Duroken.

But before he released the magic, he felt a gaze fall on him. He had a premonition that he would die if he dared to make a move.

This premonition is very real, like a pair of eyes staring at his soul, making him tremble all over, and he can't finish the spell, until Duroken is out of his attack range, he heaves a long sigh of relief, and his whole body trembles like a prostration. soft.

Not only him, but the rest of the armor mages, and even Ricks felt the same way, a gaze fell on them, bringing death to them at any time.

Others didn't understand, they only felt fear, but Ricks panicked from the bottom of his heart: "God...God's gaze, god?"

I was watched by other gods, and could bring death to them at any time, but my own god did not respond. If this is a battle of gods, at this moment, the forbidden god has already lost.

Ricks turned his head to look, and happened to see the imprint of a shield condensed in front of the light group, blocking the king's sickle. The king seemed to use the death sickle as an axe. point, drag, hook, cut.

boom! There was another loud bang, and the death scythe and the shield mark collided and both exploded.

The king didn't bother to sacrifice the death scythe anymore, and punched it out.

Another shield mark turned from the side of the light group to the front, firmly blocking the king's fist.

boom! The king punched out again.

Another shield mark turned from behind to the front, blocking the king's attack again.

The light group seemed to have no room to fight back, so it could only keep condensing shields to block, and the loud noise of energy clashes continued continuously.

But An Ge tilted his head, he felt that the light ball seemed a little bigger.

At this moment, the light group sounded a voice of grief and indignation: "Why are you here! How could you find this place? How did you get here!?"

The three questions, each with an angry tone, showed his inner doubts and unwillingness to the fullest.

If you take a closer look at the positions of the two anchor points, you will know why the light group is confused. One hundred and eighty million kilometers is farther than the distance from the chaotic plane to the main plane. Such a long distance is nothingness. Without energy and energy, it is difficult to do it even if you think about it.

At the speed of a speeding snail, it takes several months to fly, but because of the distance, the speeding snail cannot get too far away from the main body. If the main body is moved, it will consume a lot of energy.

No ancient god would be willing to fly for several months or even a year or two in a void environment to search for things that do not know whether they exist or not. Therefore, after tens of thousands of years, the existence of the two anchor points is unknown. known.

But now, all of the origins are suddenly killed, the undead ruler who cut it, the law-defender who swept the formation, and the dark origin and the abyss mouth who watched the show...

Hey, why do I also call it Big Mouth? Damn, it was affected by those planar creatures.

There are only six origins in the void, except for it, four of the other five are here, and the remaining cave worm can be here at any time, because that is the origin of space.

Among all the origins, only it can easily cross a long distance and send anything here. Don't think about it, it must be the cave worm that sent them here.

"Damn fat bug, thanks to me feeding it so much delicious food." Void Will complained angrily in his heart, completely unaware that he was blaming the wrong person, so he ignored an important question.

The king is not used to talking when killing people, unless someone burns his fields. Last time the clone of the dark origin burned the fields in his realm, he was scolded and chased him all the way.

But he didn't bother to deal with the anger of Void Will, let's talk about it after cutting it.

However, under the successive attacks, the king also found a problem: "Why is this ball of light still big? Is the magic circle sending energy to him? Duroken, take a quick look, is it a problem with the magic circle?"

"I'm looking at it, I'm looking at it, how can I see such a big magic circle, why don't I smash it." Duroken looked here and there dizzyingly.

But this is a very large system engineering. First, we need to find the veins of energy, then disassemble the combination of the veins, determine the function and function of each circuit, and then combine them together to form individual components, and then study this The function of the components can finally determine the function of the entire magic circle.

If the magic circle has more than one function, the workload will be doubled. Don't try to figure it out in three or five days, it's better to just smash it.

"Good idea, Ange, smash him." The king shouted.

An Ge probed into the dimensional space and tapped, and soon the hole worm's head came out.

"Open your mouth, don't bite." Ange said.

"Ah—" The cave worm opened its mouth wide enough to swallow a person.



"Bigger." Ange was still not satisfied.

"Hmph! Ah———————" The hole worm stretched to the extreme, its upper lip pressed against Tian Xia's lip, and the inner space of the entire magic circle was blocked.

Ange nodded in satisfaction, and reached into the magic circle—the profound meaning of the abyss.

The powerful suction immediately sucked all the unfixed things inside the magic circle, including the millions of Forbidden God believers and Kai Mage.

However, Ange controlled the intensity of the profound meaning of the abyss, and did not add it to the intensity that could swallow even the light, otherwise these fragile humans would be torn apart directly.

Although the intensity was controlled, it was enough to attract people, and a bunch of people involuntarily 'fall' towards the cave worm's big mouth.

It is indeed 'drop', the abyss profound meaning directly changed the direction of gravity, those humans who were standing on the ground, now the ground turned into a wall, they fell down from the wall, just like jumping off a building, all fell Into the cave worm's big mouth.

At the same time, the source of darkness suddenly turned into a puff of smoke and invaded the ground, spreading like a tin plague, except that it was black—dark erosion.

Abyss Profound Angle was already using it, so Abyss Big Mouth had no choice but to open its mouth wide, and gave a 'ho', and was about to 'spit', but heard Void Will laughing loudly: "It's late, goodbye you idiots, stay here Let it rot in the desert!"

Whoosh - a strong light flashed, and the light group, the king, the magic circle and everything inside disappeared into the void.

In the center of the chaotic surface, in the depths of the fog, a large pile of matter sprayed out, including the light group, the king, Ange and others, as well as the magic circle that was broken into countless pieces.

After seeing clearly where it was, the light group let out an angry roar: "Why did it bounce here? Another anchor point? Another anchor point?!"

Thank you Xuan \u0026amp;amp; Fang for your reward.

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