Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 883 You don't want to throw these idiots at me, do you?

Anthony pretended to wave his hand inadvertently, and brushed the other's arm with his palm. The holy light from when he wiped his butt just now remained on his hand, which was a delicious holy light.

When he reached the corner, he turned around and looked back, and saw a thin and small figure walking away quickly, and then Anthony walked up slowly.

Turning around, Anthony came to a poor area on the edge of the city. The houses here are basically sheds, most of which have only roofs and no walls. Those with walls are also some thin wood boards. They are not insulated or insulated, and they are hot in summer. , Cold to death in winter.

The narrow roads are full of water, and there are a few children with big heads and thick necks squatting at the corners of the streets and alleys. Their eyes are blank and they are in a daze. Typical malnutrition. At first, I watched timidly.

Anthony pretended not to see, and hurried past. The children showed disappointed eyes, and then lowered their heads in a daze.

"Even the child's nature has been wiped out, probably because he was too hungry to play around, it's a bit troublesome, look back and see who is in charge here, if it's because of lack of ability, forget it, if it's intentional, send him to the stake Fight." Anthony muttered softly.

Following the faint scent of the Holy Light, Anthony came to a house, barely counted as a house, at least in this slum, anyone with walls and pillars could be counted as a house.

As soon as he approached, he heard a dejected voice from the room: "Oh, it's too bad luck, I took out a poor man, there are only two copper coins in such a big purse, and such a small amount of money needs to be put in a purse , The poor man paints copper paint and puts golden eggs."

Another moderate voice said: "Idiot, can't you even see the poor man? The kind of cringe, erratic eyes, waist standing up straight, most likely the poor man, the kind of walking unhurriedly, the expression Calm, with a straight back, there is a high probability that he is a rich man."

A frustrated voice said: "This time I bought a guy who walks unhurriedly, who knows how poor he is."

"Then what should I do? Can I still find him? He only has two copper coins on him. If you pay the money, will he not be able to eat?" The voice full of anger said a little depressed, but the content of the words was different. It doesn't match the voice at all, and you are afraid that others will not be able to eat and want to return it?

Anthony was a little dumbfounded.

The frustrated voice said: "Where can I find it, I met it on the road, who knows where it went."

"It can be found, I'm here." Anthony responded aloud, then opened the curtain and walked in, but what he saw in the room made him slightly stunned.

Two panicked guys, one of them was the thief who took out his wallet, a woman, and the other was a strong tauren, also a woman. What surprised Anthony was that he knew both of these guys.

Anthony knew them, but they didn't know Anthony. They looked left and right in a panic, as if they wanted to run away.

It's a pity that the tauren's hoof was sandwiched between two wooden planks indiscriminately, lying there weakly, as if it was broken, and he couldn't run away even if he wanted to.

The female thief found that she couldn't escape, so she could only explain with a smirk: "Qianguang... no, no, friend, I didn't mean it, I just accidentally hooked your purse when I passed by, and I didn't know when I got home." I found out that I was going to find you and return the money bag to you."

This kind of nonsense reason made Anthony suddenly realize: "It turned out to be hooked by accident. I thought it was stolen. Is it really hooked?"

"Yes, yes, it was hooked. It was really careless, not on purpose. I will return it to you." The female thief hurriedly stuffed the money bag into Anthony's hand.

Anthony smiled and said, "Thanks for getting it back, the money was used to buy medicine. Do you know where there is a medicine that can harden the limbs in a short time?"

The female thief frowned: "Petrification of limbs? Why do I feel that this potion is so familiar? What is it used for? It feels a bit unscrupulous. I don't know where it is sold."

"Oh, that's a pity, what do you call them?" Anthony said with a smile.

"My name is Sawa, her name is Vanya, what about you?" the female thief asked.

"Call me Anthony."

Both the female thief and the tauren couldn't help frowning, and whispered to each other: "Why is this name so familiar? Have we heard it before?"

"No, I don't feel like a nice person, be careful."

While they were whispering, Anthony also looked at the surrounding environment, a small shanty, with a shelf in the corner, it should be a bed, other than that, there was only one chair, which was sat by Vanya, and then Gone.

"The conditions here are a bit difficult, Vanya, what's the matter with your legs?" Anthony asked.

Vanya didn't talk about her legs, but immediately covered her pocket and said, "I have no money."

Anthony didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he followed her words and asked, "Then what do you have?"

Vanya thought for a while, pinched her belly and said, "Butter..." But she let it go in embarrassment as soon as she finished speaking, because she found that there was no more oil on her stomach, only a layer of skin left.

Sawa asked vigilantly: "What do you want to do? Let me tell you first, we have no money, and I really didn't steal your money on purpose. You are not a bounty hunter, are you?"

After Vanya heard about the bounty hunter, she vigilantly picked up a wooden stake as thick as the waist of an ordinary person under the chair.

Anthony smiled and said: "I am a therapist. When I saw an injured person, I instinctively wanted to treat it. Unfortunately, you have no money. I have rich experience. I can tell at a glance that this kind of injury will be permanently disabled if it is not treated. Bar."

"Ah? Will you be disabled?" Sawa and Vanya panicked when they heard that they would be disabled.

"Yes, your bones are not connected properly, crooked, and they will be crooked when they grow up. Vanya weighs so much. If she is pressed on the crooked foot, it will easily break again, and then she will be crippled. One foot can't bear your weight, it's easy to break, and in the end you can only crawl on the ground, the ground here is so dirty, it's not good to crawl on the ground." Anthony analyzed seriously, but what he said was frightening.

The faces of the two guys turned pale: "Then... what should I do then? Can you treat it? How much does it cost? I'll go right away... to pick it up, to pick it up."

"When will I pick it up?" Anthony looked embarrassed, and after thinking about it, he reluctantly said: "Well, you accept my employment for three months, and you can pay for the treatment."

Sawa covered her chest hesitantly, and asked, "Do you need to sleep with me?" Vanya also quickly covered her chest.

Anthony's rare cheeks twitched, and he suppressed a smile: "No."

Sawa stepped aside in disappointment, and muttered in a low voice: "It's not impossible, you don't need to sleep with me, why did you hire us?"

Anthony prayed in his heart: My lord, help me, you don't want to throw these idiots at me, do you?

Thank you Domineering Werewolf for your reward.

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