Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 885 Someone Sings Its Divine Name

Not only has he never seen an elf, Xiaogu has never seen any intelligent creatures in the past tens of thousands of years, not even a large animal.

Negris knew very well how this desert was formed. It was created by Ange with the fog of chaos, a barren and barren world isolated from the outside world.

Then Angus used various fertilizers, guano, peat, etc. to make local improvements, planted some trees, and used the vitality of these trees to give birth to a world tree, which continued to improve the entire desert.

But after all, the time was too short, and Ange didn't have time to make a complete biological chain, so he took out the small bones and let them plant trees, so apart from trees, there were only some small animals and insects here, and there were no large creatures or intelligent creatures.

Tens of thousands of years are not enough for a small animal to evolve into a large creature, and it is even more impossible to evolve wisdom. The World Tree has not become a spirit, and cannot create elves, so this elf is definitely from outside.

Thinking of this, Xiaogu jumped down from the tree with a whoosh, and floated obliquely to where the elf was. Its skeleton was as light as a feather, and it floated forward under the breeze, very agile.

Negris was surprised: "Pollination? Pfft, is this pollination? Ange taught you? Can pollination be used like this?"

Pollination creates a big hand of the wind, and it floats over with the small bones in it.

The flying bone frame doubled the shock and panic it brought to the elf, and the elf screamed: "It... can fly, it can fly, that bone can fly, that brick can fly, they fly over! Already, be on guard, ah—"

Screaming, the elf slid down the tree, perhaps too flustered, halfway through the slide, he dropped his hand and fell.

When Xiaogu and Negris flew over the tree, they saw an adventure team on full alert. Why did they say the adventure team? Because the badge on the chest says so.

"Why is there such a seminar on the truth... The Gods Forbidden Land Adventure Team, so you are really creating the world by simulating a magic circle?" Negris murmured.

An Ge is not the kind of guy who can create a new world. Just look at the desert he created, and he has no self-sustaining ability at all.

A normal forest, as long as the climate is suitable and the water source is sufficient, will continue to expand, but now this forest was planted by Xiaogu for 36,000 years.

And it took a lot of attention on Ange to complete it. If the small bone was just an ordinary silver skull, it would have decayed long ago.

In a desert, Ange can project power, but what about the whole world? If it cannot achieve a state of balance and self-sustainability, it will collapse soon, and a world will not be formed at all.

Before, Negris didn't know how Ange achieved balance, but now it knows, bringing in things it knows from the outside world, just like simulating a magic circle.

All the crops in the simulation circle have been successfully planted by the outside world, and by entering their data into the circle, the normal growth state can be simulated in the simulation circle.

Why is this truth such a seminar? It is obvious that Ange moved in. It is estimated that there are many familiar things outside that Ange moved in to enrich the whole world.

"This dead skeleton is really smart." Negris couldn't help sighing.

There are seven people in this Gods Forbidden Land adventure team, and an elf archer, the one who climbed the tree just now, is aiming at Xiaogu with his bow.

Among the remaining six people, they are the leading human female swordsman, human male mage, human female mage, tauren shield knight, goblin mechanic, and dwarf axeman. They are almost standard adventure team configurations.

Why is it almost, because there is one less priest and one more mage, the shield knight and the sword and axe overlap, because there is a profession called sword and shield hand.

Now this standard adventure team is watching Xiaogu vigilantly, and occasionally glances at Negris. Maybe in their eyes, a "brick" is not a threat.

Xiaogu tilted his head, raised both hands, and a powerful wave of magic power gushed out from his body.

"Wait a minute!" Negris was startled, and quickly stopped: "You didn't even ask what they were doing?"

Xiaogu tilted his head and said, "Hostile, protection, tree."

Negris had already experienced this kind of straight skeleton, and asked: "Did they trample any tree to death?"

Xiao Gu looked left and right, and shook his head.

"Then let me ask first what they want to do. If they want to cut down trees, shall we do it first?" Negris said gently.

Xiaogu nodded.

Negris sighed, it was forced to act as an interpreter in front of Ange, and Xiaogu seemed to be unavoidable here, it was all this kind of temperament that screamed when it could, and did it when it couldn't, it really deserved to belong to the family.

However, it is also thankful that it shouted quickly. This little bone, which has been planted for 30,000 years, has a more terrifying magic reaction than Ange, who has grown vegetables for a thousand years. The level of the body muscle dragon god is really abnormal.

Can something really make magic? How about trying it yourself?

While thinking about it, Negris shouted: "You are from the real seminar? Why are you here? Be careful with the bow and arrow and don't let go. Just shoot me, and you will die if you shoot flowers and plants. deal."

The elf archer glanced hesitantly at the female swordsman next to him, but before the female swordsman could say anything, the male and female mages behind him tremblingly said: "Quick... put it down quickly, don't provoke them, or we will die!" gone."

The female swordsman frowned a little hesitantly, why was she so cowardly before she started fighting? What's so scary about a skeleton and a flying brick?

But right away, the female mage also said tremblingly: "Don't mess around, at that moment just now, I felt the tide of magic power, we are dead if we do it, put down the weapon quickly."

These close-combat professions may not feel it, but the magic power that Xiaogu burst out at that moment shocked the hearts of the two mages. With such terrifying magic power, it is easy to deprive them of their control over the elements.

The female swordsman was moved. She didn't care what the male mage said, but the female mage was her most trusted partner. Even she said so. The enemy is obviously very powerful, but what does the magic tide mean?

"Hello, we are the adventure team of the Zhenyan Association. Do you know the Zhenyan Association? I am the captain Ninova, who are you?" The female swordsman put down her weapon and raised her voice.

"The real seminar, of course I know. It is a seminar to study why the truth is like this. I am a flying brick." Negris complained and turned into a phantom of a brass dragon, apparently calling it to these people 'Flying bricks' broods.

However, its phantom made the other party scream: "God of Knowledge?! You are the God of Knowledge!? Lord Negris, God of Knowledge?"

In this strange world, someone sang its god name.

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