Vegetable Skeleton's Exotic Land Reclamation

Chapter 97 Verification of Light

"I don't know whether they believe it or not, but the gods of light in your family will evaporate you directly." Negris curled his lips, laughing at this kind of whimsical talk.

What is the favored one? That is a person favored by God, and God's eyes are always on it. Anthony actually wanted to pretend to be the favored one? The first ones not to let him go were the gods of light.

Anthony hesitated for a moment, looked around like a guilty conscience, and found that Ange had run to the side, took out a new bottle of life essence, the angel skeleton and the little zombie followed him from left to right, and ran away when they saw something new Go up and drop a drop, and then watch together.

"Oh, it's terrible, you don't care about him, the essence of life, the world tree only produces a little a year, no matter how good your relationship with the elves is, it's hard to get it, it's too wasteful." Anthony said heartbroken.

Every time he reincarnated in the past, the most difficult thing to get was the essence of life. Even if he reached the position of archbishop, he needed luck, and he often couldn't get enough for three to five years. Seeing Ange like this Play, he is very distressed.

A strange look appeared on Negris's face, and he endured a few moments before he held back and said, "Hehe, I can't control him, the god of immortality is on him, and I'm in his control now."

But he secretly thought: In the future, the elves may not be able to get the essence of life. The life essence of the world tree belongs to us. If the elves use too much, they will ask Ange for it.

This is one of the benefits of coming with World Tree.

At the same time, in the elven kingdom of the main material plane, the high priest Galendelle was looking at the collected life essence, and said worriedly: "The increase of the life essence of the World Tree has been reduced by four-fifths, and the God of Life has already Are you failing?"

She asked about the situation of the World Tree, but got no response, and could only attribute it to natural aging.

"I hope this day doesn't come too early." Galendelle reluctantly pressed her forehead to the rough bark of the World Tree.

Anthony turned his face away, and turned to Negris in a low voice and said to Negris, "I have been doubting one thing all these years. After seeing the cleansing surgery, I became even more doubtful in my heart."

"What's the matter?" Negris cheered up. This is the Abyss of Anxi, surrounded by his own people, and the wind of Anxi is blowing outside, and Anthony, the former black warrior emperor and archbishop in red, deliberately lowered his voice Speak, and what is said will certainly matter.

"I suspect that the Gods of Light have disappeared just like His Majesty." Anthony said word by word.

"Impossible!" Negris exclaimed in shock, seeing Anthony as if he was going to cover his mouth, he reacted, and said in a low voice: "The last time you sent a priest paladin, they used The holy light can also deal additional damage to heretics. If the gods are gone, why can you still use the power of the holy light?"

"The Holy Light is still there, but the gods who ruled it are probably gone." Anthony said quietly.

"Can the holy light and the gods be separated? If they want to disappear, they must disappear together." Negris said.

Anthony pulled Negris to squat down: "So I only dare to suspect that I can also borrow divine power at ordinary times, but the power of holy light and the gods can still be separated. Didn't you say before that believers create gods? It’s not that God created life, the gods are gone, but the believers are still there, so, is it possible that the Godhead of Light is still there, but the person who controls it has disappeared, just like His Majesty.”

Negris frowned and thought hard, and after a while he said: "Theoretically, there is such a possibility, the undead godhead is also there, but the believers are gone, you don't know how miserable Anger was when he first arrived at the undead temple. , there is only one silver skeleton priest left, and the first believer was bought in exchange for food."

"Originally, I was just a little skeptical, and I was not sure, so they wanted to choose me as Pope, so I faked my death and slipped away, fearing that the gods of light would see through, but when I saw the face cleansing technique, I had to face up to this possibility, because In the Church of Light, there has been no new divine art for more than a thousand years, and no one can define the Holy Light."

Negris looked solemn.

To define Holy Light means to create new divine arts. What is divine arts? Magic with the will of God.

Creating a new divine art is not difficult to say, easy to say, but it is difficult to create a brand new divine art. It requires a very high level of magic and theoretical foundation, as well as a flash of creativity and a deep understanding of God's will. understand.

But it is difficult to create, and it is not difficult to transport. For example, the purification technique was originally an arcane technique for purifying water and food. After being transported into a divine technique, it became a basic divine technique for purifying heresy.

Moreover, after being transported as a god, the threshold for casting spells is greatly lowered, no magician is needed, as long as a priest, and even some particularly devout believers, can use this basic magic.

This has caused the Church of Light to be omnipotent in its propagation.

In this era, no matter which plane, the greatest enemy of life is all kinds of diseases and famines.

And clean water and food are the best measures to reduce diseases. Some people have done statistics. If two villages have similar populations, one has clean water and food, and the other does not. The difference in disease incidence between the two villages can reach twenty times.

Even if it is a trauma, it is easier for the wounded to recover if the purified cloth is bandaged than the unpurified cloth.

So what happens when a priest with purification skills comes to a village? The incidence of diseases has dropped tenfold. Isn't this a miracle?

It is difficult to create a new divine art, is it difficult to transfer magic into a new divine art? If it was difficult, why did Lisa create a new magic spell as soon as she met Ange?

No matter how difficult it is, if a religion with a population of hundreds of millions, millions of clergy, and thousands of years cannot produce new magic, then the problem of gods will be serious.

Either it is more 'natural' like World Tree, or there are other reasons, or it just disappeared.

After thinking for a while, Negris asked, "What are you going to do?"

"Nicolas will definitely kill him, dare to ambush me. But I don't want to kill him so easily. I want to grab the thing he cares about the most, and then use that thing to kill him, so I am going to run for the pope, and in Before that, I need the identity of the god-favored one, and at the same time, I need to verify whether the gods of light are still there." Anthony said while deliberating.

"How do you verify?" Negris asked. Although it is the god of common sense, how to verify whether the god is dead is beyond the scope of common sense.

Anthony glanced at Ang, and asked in a low voice, "Will Ang allow his followers to worship other gods?"

Negris thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "It should be, er, definitely, this guy, as long as you are willing to exchange at an equal value, it doesn't matter how many letters you like."

Ange has no concept of a believer at all. When others offer his soul flame, he will (hai) return (huan) something else at the same price, regardless of whether you believe him or not.

"But the gods of light will not. Those who don't believe in gods are all lambs and need to be redeemed. Those who believe in different gods are all heretics and need to be saved. Immortals and demons are heresies and need to be eliminated. I believe in another immortal, If the Gods of Light burned me to death on the spot, they would not have disappeared."

After finishing speaking, Anthony quickly walked up to Ange, knelt down in the most obedient posture, and said piously: "My lord Ange, I would like to offer the most pious faith and pray for your protection and your will. , will become the direction of my progress—”

A black warrior emperor with an extremely tyrannical soul, a super magic stick who has been reincarnated more than a dozen times, and can climb to the position of the cardinal bishop of the Illuminati Church every time. His beliefs are no longer soul flames.

I saw a light and shadow emerging from Anthony's body, walking towards Ange step by step, until Ange was within reach, and then stopped, with the humble palm facing upwards.

An Ge tilted his head and poked Guangying's palm curiously. The light and shadow immediately turned into a beam of light and sank into Ange's body.

Negris gasped, and murmured: "Lisa, come and have a look, this is the real Soul Warrior."

A real soul, after being dedicated to God, becomes a warrior that God can drive. God will give it power, and it will come directly when the believer needs it. There is no upper limit to the combat power of the soul. What a force.

It's fun, An Ge summoned the soul from time to time, and then input a soul flame, saw that the soul was condensed a little, and then input a soul flame, the soul was condensed a little more.

After completing the ceremony, Anthony returned to Negris, spread out his left hand, offering a holy light, and spreading his right hand, offering another holy light.

The holy light in his left hand touched Negris, but there was no reaction, only he murmured:

"Let's see now, whether the gods of light will burn me to death on the spot. If you burn me to death, remember to ask Master Ange to resurrect me."

After finishing speaking, he wiped the holy light of his right hand on Negris's body again, sizzling, and added the holy light that harmed undead creatures, roasting Negris until he was sizzling.

Negris jumped up and twitched his tail towards Anthony: "Cabada, if you want to try, can you find a skeleton to try?"

Thank you Liuli Feiyue`Xingzhu, the skeleton wants to build a foundation, the god horse, the angry cotton, **Tangtang, I don’t get up today, I don’t have enough books in the morning, and I don’t spend money on reading books, I have to be happy in life, yes reward.

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