Velvet Abyss

Chapter 114: Maya Lycoria

“ Mari?  What happened to Papa?”   Maya screamed her voice an even mixture of dread and confusion,  her disheveled emerald hair fell around her as she tried desperately to rouse him.

“it’s too late Maya… He’s….”  Mari choked unable to force the bitter words past her dried cracking lips.

“How did it happen?”  Maya snapped her hands curling into fists ready to strike at a moments notice

Regaining her composure Mari recounted everything from the betrayal and death of her friends,  to  how Hideto was slain in a moment of weakness by the vile Arch Bishop.    

“I can’t undo what’s already happened,   but I can see the bastard who’s aggrieved both of us to an early grave and that’s what I’m going to do.”  Mari said summoning all the bluster and bravado at her disposal.  

I’m not sure what I should be feeling right now, truth be told I don’t feel much of anything, we Homunculus are famous for our lack of emotions, everything I’ve been has just been following the right scripted reactions.    

Even when the man I call Papa is slain I fell nothing.  My desire to avenge him is born from obligation not sentiment. “   Maya said her voice growing monotonous and lackadaisical.  

“I had wondered Hideto explained that you’re basically dolls bound in flesh,  you might resemble a person but you’ll never be able to recreate their own unique sense of self.”  Mari said feeling the whet blood between her fingers.

“An accurate description, we Homunculus are hollow husks branded with a predetermined face and role to play, we have no agency nor philosophical quandaries to wrestle with,  when a Homunculus maker expires all that remains is for the Homunculus to carry out the final testament of their maker’

“May I ask you a question, Miss Mari?”

“Sure I’ll bite, not like this night can get any worse right?”  

“You hate me don’t you?”

“So we’re finally talking about it huh? “

“Part of me still hates you sure, but we’re passed that”

“Care to elaborate, I don’t quite understand?”

“ You were just following your orders,  Besides you said it yourself you feel nothing right?”

“It’s not as though I’m totally incapable of feeling, more that I can’t process emotions the way true living beings can,  For example I harbor sentiments towards Papa but not feelings of torturous grief nor the searing desire for retribution,  no it’s more like a quiet vexation that my maker is no longer of this world”

“Maya…”  Mari’s voice trailed off before being sharply interrupted

Maya turned and assumed a combat stance mimicking a dog when it perceives a looming threat.   In the passing of a second Maya lunged towards Mari tackling her to the ground as the sound of air be slashed rang out crisp and clear.

“Nice reflexes” Mari said dusting herself off

“Surprise Attack Failed,  Beginning direct confrontation”

A shrill robotic voice spoke and the mystery attackers made themselves known,  four young woman clad in mechanical crimson armor each one brandishing a different weapon.   

“Hey Maya you know anything about this mechanized bitches?”

The girls where hovering a meter or so off the ground and appeared to be forming a strategy before they launched their next assault. 

"Only a little, they're Zero Maidens, mechanized warriors developed by Caligula’s Second Apostle's under their Neues Workshop”

“Caligula?  Neues Workshop, What the hell are you talking about?”  

"All you need to know is their bad news, the worst news actually and their the ones behind all of this carnage and madness,  Now go use the platform and settle things with the Arch Bishop,  I’ll handle this rabble”  


Maya raised her staff towards Mari  “Aqua Rampart!”  A wall of water magic burst forth careening towards Mari and sending her hurling towards the platform which started to raise immediately upon making contact.

“I’m sorry for everything, Mari,  Farewell.”  Maya said turning her gaze towards Mari one last before creeping out of view.   

“Now than come at me you vile puppets,  You face High Mage, Maya Lycoria!"

Once more the sound of battle filled her ears, all she could do was trust in Maya’s strength, set aside her grief and steel herself for the final conflict to come. 

This Caligula shit, the rest of the royal family, their schemes and machination none of it mattered anymore.    There was only her and him,  the man who took everything, who keeps taking everything.  

Everything that’s happened since the Sayuri festival was all to get here,  The ending to this wretched tale was finally insight.   

Mari took the amulet she had held so dear in her hand squeezing while thoughts of her beloved Shinobu flooded her mind, her voice, her scent, her smile, the warmth of her touch.

“You where the best thing that ever happened to me,  I love you Shi,  So please watch over me as I finally bring an end this shit show.”

“You there partners?”  Mari asked and two dinstinct voices answered the call.

“I’m your devil, so please make use of me to the fullest to crush your adversary and gain the justice you seek”  Duvalie said brimming with energy and mirth like always.

“So our journey is almost at it’s end,  You remember our accord, right Piss Ant?”  Velvet said her voice morose and laced with melancholy.    “Yeah once Seijuro is dead my soul is yours,  Provided I can see Shi one last time of course”

“Your human arrogance never fails to surpass my expectations, but very well I will allow it.”  Velvet groaned.

“Velvet,  Duvalie… Thank you.”

Taking one last longing look at her amulet before stowing it away in her pocket,  Mari dried the tears from her eyes and pushed all doubt to the side.  As the platform reached it’s destination she braced  herself for her last battle.

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