Velvet Abyss

Chapter 43: Headmistress

Authors Note:  

Hey guys sorry if there's some mistakes in this chapter it was rushed out due a myriad of circumstances.   Welcome to the first half of the new character introductions for the Lisianthus Academy arc the instructors and Head mistress.    The other half Mari's classmates in Class IX will be be appearing in the near future

Anyway my dear readers, enjoy the chapter <3


Mari was weary as she fixed her clothing and made her through the portal she arrived in a different location a red door that rested at the foot of immaculate silver staircase that winded down several floors in a spiral.

I wonder if it moves, Mari thought as she peered down over the edge into a seemingly endless abyss of stairs and darkness.

She stilled her shaken hands. She could feel that her stamina and Ballum was replenishing slowly but surely now that the trial was over.  She still didn’t understand how she instinctively knew that new void incantation the other two were taught to her by Velvet, but this one it just came to her like a bolt of lighting out of the blue.

“Now’s not the time for meaningless pondering, let’s get this over with.”

Mari raised her first to door preparing to announce her arrival when a voice cut her off it was the same damn bird as before only this time perched atop the door as a figure made from black stone.

“Congratulations on passing the trial I’m impressed.”

“I didn’t do it to impress you. Now flock off, I’m not in the mood.”

“Such a poor attitude what was Master Yoshiki thinking recruiting such an uncouth student.”

“Let me in or I’ll show just how uncouth I can be.”

“Right, very well, but please mind your manners, you’ll soon be in the presence of the greatest head mistress this academy has ever known.  Weiss Lovelace herself.”

“I don’t really give a shit, feathers.”

“You will.”

The droll conversation reaching its anti climatic conclusion, Mari stepped inside the doors to reveal a magnificent sprawling office with a giant wooden table and with eight matching seats at its centre.  The view was also spectacular, offering a view of the immaculate imperial city.

At the table sat five people Yoshiki was by himself down at the end of the table grinning and looking pleased with himself

Further along the table was a young woman with long straight pink hair dressed in a black shirt, pants and thigh highs under a floor length white lab coat she was staring into space while playing with a toothpick in her mouth.

Seated opposite her was a woman wearing a floor length black hooded robe with gold chain around the neck her hair was short and a mix of green and purple her eyes where piercing like a snake they made Mari feel uneasy.

Nearest the end of the table was a tall man with hair like snow and a pale complexion his eyes were amber he was tall easily six feet tall, he was wearing a stern expression and seemed to be one of those no nonsense types.  He dressed himself in a black shirt and a red trench coat and carried a Katana bound with thick chains at his side.

And lastly at the end of the table with a cigarette in her mouth spewing smoke was a scared woman who looked to be in either her late fifties or early sixties she was quite short but held a muscular frame.

She also wore the same robe as the other woman. She starred at Mari with an expression that said you kept me waiting.

“Well, she finally arrives, too you long enough.” The smoking woman said.

“Weiss Lovelace, I presume?” Mari said, ignoring the others and making her way to the headmistress’s side.

“How’d’you here that?”

“Your little bird loves to squawk.”

“You’ve met Thales than, well, that’s unfortunate.”

“A question if I may Headmistress?”

“Sure just don’t make it stupid I hate stupid questions.”

“What the hell was up with the last trial?”

“Making me go back there and face him.”

“The Gallant Lion isn’t Seijuro Hyogo nor is it Shikishima Village it’s the manifestation of your greatest fear.”

“I’m not afraid of him.”

“Bullshit look at your hands trembling at the fought of him.”

“I’m not”

“The body doesn’t lie.” the man in red trench coat said

“Right now your nothing more than a scared little lamb.”

“You picking a fight?” Mari said charging towards the man.

“If you need a demonstration to get the point than sure count me in”

“Mari, Vali enough, sit down the both of you.”  Weiss said.

“Yes, headmistress.” Vali said.

Mari took her seat without further complaint, feeling defeated yet again the headmistress raised from her seat and starred at Mari.

“I don’t say this to demean you or make you feel worthless Mari you have unfathomable potential but you must accept the reality of your current situation.”

“I know okay, I’m..I’m sorry.”

“Now if we can all be adults here, I’ll introduce you to these unscrupulous fellows seated around.”

“Please go on, the anticipation is simply killing me.”

“You already know Yoshiki over there.”

“Hey glad you made It I had my doubts.”

“Unfortunately.” Mari sighed,

“The pink-haired girl with the distant look in her eyes is Calliope Argento are resident medic and a master of a certain kind of Magic.”

“What kind of Magic.”

“You’ll learn soon enough, she’s a specialist”

“The one rearing for a fight is Vali Redgrave, your martial arts instructor.”

“Why am I learning martial arts I thought this was a school for magic?”

“In order to fight the battles ahead, our current batch of students must be able to fight independent of their magic.”

“I can fight plenty well already I don’t need training.”

“You call that pitiful display fighting you flailed around like a blind animal devoid of skill or technique.”

“I really don’t like you.”

“Every year there’s a troublemaker, just great.”

“Enough! Bickering with a teenager act your age Vali.” Weiss shouted.

“Yes, Headmistress, forgive me.”

“Just sit down and shut up.”

“And the silent one sulking over there is Azalie Cromwell she’ll be your offensive arts teacher.”

“Hey she’s the Reaper of Luka you should be honored.” Yoshiki laughed.


A sword of dark magic raced towards Yoshiki who dodged it at the last possible second making himself look as cool as possible.

“That was a warning shot.”

“Really, I couldn’t tell.”

“I won’t miss next time.”

“You keep telling yourself that.”

“Anyway, introductions over great, I’ve got a date with a beautiful man at a cafe by the lake, can’t keep him waiting.”

“You’ll have to cancel that date I want you to show Mari around the school and guide her to her chambers.”

“No way to get Cromwell or Calliope to do it, I’m out.”

“No, you’re the one I want to do it, so do..”

Yoshiki started to pulse with an immense silver aura that spread from his body as the room shook like an earthquake had struck.

“You’re a headmistress, but I’m not your student and you can’t order me to do anything.  You need me more than I need you, remember that Lovelace.”

In a second Vali was in front of Yoshiki, his hands clasping his Katana, though Vali wasn’t giving off any Ballum, his pressure was intense.

“Another word and I’ll crush you where you stand.”

“If you can.”

“Enough you’re setting a poor example for the students, I’ll take Mari on the tour.”

Calliope placed herself between the feuding men, prompting the two to cool off almost immediately.

“Great, I’ll be back in a day or two, Have fun now, Mari.” Yoshiki said, exiting the room.

“Some things never change you’re such a pain in the ass.” Vali said returning to his seat.

“You’re projecting again Vali,  I’m out of here if you need me talk to Hinamori.”

“Never acts his age, that one.” Weiss sighed.

“Calliope, see that Mari has a warm bath and give her a uniform.”

“She reeks of blood and shit.”

“Everyone loves to throw shade around here, sorry I don’t smell like fucking roses.”

“Don’t worry we’ll get you all cleaned up, let’s go Mari.”

“Fine, whatever.” Mari sighed,

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