Velvet Abyss

Chapter 48: Class IX Part 1

Mari squinted her eyes against the harsh light of the morning sun she had slept like a rock last night and for once she hadn’t dreamed, which was a relief she was revitalized and ready for her first day of schooling.

It was a weird feeling, as she had always despised school in her former life than again she wasn’t learning magical warfare in her past life, so this time things might be a little more lively. Her room mate must be an early riser as his bed was made, and he was nowhere to be seen.

“I better get dressed than.”  

The uniform was really growing on her it was sleek and easy to move in yet felt like a proper uniform though sleeping in the same dirty rags for weeks on end will make any piece of clean clothing look immaculate and desirable.

After styling her hair and practicing her smile, Mari made a mad dash to her classroom only to realize that she had absolutely no idea where her classroom was located. So much had happened since she became a resident that she forgot to ask.  

“Oh well, I’ll just look for a teacher, I guess.”

The maddening size and constant shifting nature of the academy only added to her confusion, Mari was just about to give up hope when a familial voice squawked in her ears making her jump a little.

“You wouldn’t be lost, would you?”  

“Ah, the almighty chicken to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“You know I’m not actually a bird, right?” Thales asked.

“Do I look like I give a shit, tell me where to go.”

“Follow the main corridor than take a left atop the spiral staircase, enter the third door on the right.”

“Thanks, Polly.”

“I hope they teach you some manners and my name isn’t Polly!”  

Mari’s stamina had improved slightly, but it was still far from excellent, with a flight of stairs being enough to knock the wind out of her for a while. She arrived at the destination the faint sound of dull chatter from behind the door made her hesitate for a second and with a sigh she pushed the door open.

The room was enormous, with a black desk and a giant blackboard at the front of the room and about ten roles of desks that were raised like a sporting grandstand. Spread among the rows were seven other students. Four of them where boys and three of them where girls which including Mari made a perfectly even split.

And seated at the front of the room was the one and only Yoshiki, despite him not being a teacher.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Mari asked, approaching him.

“Oh, you’re finally here, that’s cool.” Yoshiki yawned.

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

“Well, your teachers are currently having an important meeting so they delegated the orientation and introduction duties to me, not like I’ve got anything better to do.”

“If you’re that worthless and lazy, why not just have Hina do it?”   

“Of course great Idea glad I thought of it.”

“I’m a total genius.”

“Yeah, sure, whatever I’m taking my seat.”

Yoshiki stood up and placed his arm before him and without even so much as casting an enchantment Hina burst forth from thin air, her boundless energy and infectious enthusiasm still in full force.

“Good morning everyone, I’m Hinamori or Hina for short.”

Did he just summon a girl out of thin air? Is probably what they’re thinking right about now hell even I was shocked the first time. Mari wouldn’t exactly call them friends, but Hina endured incredible pain during their fight with Mei in order to protect her.

“Okay, time is of the essence, so no long-winded introductions. Come down one at a time and right the following on the board.”

“Your name, Your age, Where you’re From and Your affinity.”

“Fine, I’ll got first.” The girl in the first row huffed she was short with sky blue hair bound into pigtails. Her eyes were a deep blue, like the sea at dusk.  

Name: Beatrice Crusch

                                                Age: 19

                                               Height: 165cm

                                               From: The Dresden Kingdom

                                               Affinity: Tide


                                                   “I never asked for your damn measurements.” Yoshiki teased.


“Guess I’m next” Drake said, strolling down to the blackboard.

Name: Drake Astrea

                                                Age: 21

                                                Height: 187cm

                                               From: The Lancaster Alliance

                                              Affinity: Char



“I hate introductions and stuff, but I guess I’ve got no choice.”

A girl with short curly blonde hair and differing colored eyes, one red and the other blue, made her way down to the board scowling at Drake.

Name: Lilith Octavia

                               Age: 20

                               Height: 178cm

                               From: The Dresden Kingdom

                               Affinity: Flare

“Great, I have to share a class with an Astrea.”  

“Sorry..” Drake murmured  

“Save it, Treasonous trash.”  

“That’s a tough act to follow, but I’ll give it a shot.” A boy with medium length white hair and tanned skin skipped down to the board. He was muscular and yet extremely short Mari wouldn’t mind some quality time with him. His most distinguishing feature was the extra set of ears on top of his head.

Name: Aeolous Nekomata

Age: 19

Height: 174cm

From Isle of Battia

Affinity: Shade

“I’ll tackle the subject before anyone asks yes, I’m a demi-human. I’m half Feris to be precise hence the cat like features.”

“My god they let vermin like you in here?”

“Disgusting ”

Lilith arose from her seat slowly walking towards Aeolus, a look of malice etched into her face.

“I’m just here to fight the kingdom like everyone else, like equals.:”

Lilith brought her hand hard across Aeolus cheek, causing the skin to turn bright red and his eyes to well up with tears. The rest of the class watched on, speechless.  

“Filthy slave, how dare you profess to be my equal, Your kind only gets to exist to serve mine.”

“Aw is the ugly freak going to cry, pathetic.”


“Look at that, you’re soiling my boots with your sickening secretions.”                   

“Take responsibility for the matter slave.”

Lilith kicked Aeolus in the testicles, causing him to drop to his knees in agonizing pain.  

“There now  this position suits you better.” Lilith laughed.

“Now then slave, lick my boot clean.”

“No.. I don’t want to do that.. Please…”

“Did it sound like I was giving you a choice?”

“Get licking.”


“Please stop…”

“A noble like me classmates with vermin like you yeah right.”

“I’ll teach a lesson you’ll never forget.”

“Flare Magic: White Scalpel”

“This magic turns my fingers into a blade of fiery light now hold still.”

“I’m going to cut your tongue out so you never make the mistake of talking back to your betters.”

“Somebody, Please Help.”

“Hey stop…” Drake said, his voice quivering.

“Void Magic Eighth Form: Inanis Greaves”

Donning the armor of her newest spell an enraged Mari leapt forward seizing her new classmate by the wrist preventing her from carrying out her barbaric intentions. Lilith looked more perplexed than incensed by Mari’s intervention.

“That’s enough, Lilith.”

“I was merely correcting his behavior.”

“The only one who needs correcting is you”

“Unhand me now.” Lilith demanded.

“Get out of here kitty, I’ll handle this..”

“Thanks" He said still crying in pain.

Now that the victim was out of harm’s way, Mari could safely release the bitch, thus resolving the situation.

“Unhand me you cur.” Lilith said swiping at Mari’s face though catching the edge of her gauntlets causing sparks to fly across the room.

“That was a close one.”

“Perhaps I’ll mark you too, demi lover.”

“You’re really pissing me off lady, you want a fight fine I’ll be all to happy to kick your teeth.”

“Flare Magic: Luster Claws”

Lilith summoned a pair of giant gauntlets with cat like claws at the end of them made from what appeared to be pure light.

“Don’t blame me when you get hurt.” Lilith smirked.

“Took the words out of my mouth, bitch.”

Right as the pair was about to dash towards each other, beginning the first of what was sure to be many blows, they both fell to ground after being struck by an immense pressure.

“I appreciate a good cat fight, but that’s enough.” Yoshiki said, yawning.

He was now standing with clenched fists he was evidently the source of the magic pressure.

“Holy shit, he’s intense.” Mari grunted.

“Such strength and with only Ballum pressure alone.”

“I might piss myself.” Mari said.

“Me too..” Lilith winced.

“Now girls on the count of three, I’m going to release you, you’ll apologize to each and return to your seats. If not, I’ll break both your legs, got it?”

“Works for me,” Mari said

“Yes, Sir.” Lilith grunted.

The pressure disappeared as quickly as it came and it reaffirmed what Mari felt back in Shikishima village Yoshiki was truly out of her league his strength was otherworldly and she was glad that he was on their side and not the enemies.

“I’m sorry for attacking you or whatever.” Lilith said, extending her hand.

“I’m not the one you should apologize too, cunt.”

Mari batted her hand away and returned to her seat without further protest.  

As Mari made her way up, her eyes met with the still trembling Aeolus and she shot him a cute little wink.

Two cool classmates, one cunt and one undecided let’s see what the other four are like.


“Now the drama’s over, next person step up, please.”

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