Velvet Abyss

Chapter 50: The Elder Sisters of Flanade (Hyogo)

The Flanade church is home to thousands of sisters, but out of those only five are selected to become an elder sister. The elders have unparalleled authority within the church standing above the bishops and only answering to the Arch Bishop himself.

These sisters are selected by a strict criteria of five points:

their physical combat ability, their magical ability, their intelligence, their beauty and their loyalty to the church and the kingdom. They are the strongest mages in the church and their personal attack dogs.

And right now the five sisters have gathered for the first time in two years under the orders of Arch Bishop Seijuro Hyogo. The Five Sisters have wildly distinct personalities and are each known by their title.

Daphne The Barbaric, Norn The Cunning, Elena The Wise, Miriam The Unyielding and Alice The Shattered.

Norn was the shortest of the five with her cherry blossom hair and lavender eyes unlike Daphne who loved the inflicting of physical harm Norn preferred to play with her victim’s mind in fact her favorite game was torturing people psychologically to where they kill themselves.

Living up to her title, she was the group’s primary strategist and has played a vital part in the Hyogo Kingdoms military success. She’s also flat as a cutting board, but no one would dare to bring that up.

Elena was tall, thick and well endowed being the eldest they often look towards her for council on all matters. She isn’t interested in torture or psychological warfare. No, her favorite hobby is sitting back and watching prisoners or those she no longer held any use for be violated to death by her pet.

She is also a master at reading people and has an unnerving knack for discerning what anyone is thinking.

Miriam The Unyielding was a behemoth of a woman with silvery hair and yellow eyes. She is the most morally decent of the sisters on the surface; she proclaims herself to be an ally of the people and a hero of justice. But she’ll crush the skulls of children or disembowel pregnant mothers for nonsensical reasons. She is highly unstable.

And last Alice The Shattered, the leader of the sisters, she is a frail, crippled girl who can’t walk so she is bound to a wheelchair. She has messy knotted purple hair with skin like porcelain. Her eyes hidden behind a black blindfold and her lips are colourless.

She was always accompanied by her attendant and protector Kojiro a imposing eight foot tall man garbed in a black coat whose face is concealed behind the same type of mask that King Rokujo Hyogo is prone to wearing only instead of a smile his mask is expressionless.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”  Seijuro said.

“You don’t answer to us, Sir.” Elena said.

“We answer to you.” Daphne added.

“Time is something we have little off, she let’s get straight to the point.” Seijuro said, dusting his hands.

“Miriam and Elena, I want you two to travel along the western half of Dresden. Enter all the small villages and towns and slaughter everyone their however you like. Have your soldiers set up camp in each conquered village.”

“Sir a question.”

“What is it, Elena?”

“Can I bring my pet to play with them?”

“You can do whatever you want as along as they’re dead.”

“Thank you” Elena Smiled.

“Norn, I need you to stay with me.”

“It would be my pleasure sir” Norn winked

“What are my orders, Tell me I get to kill people.” Daphne chirped.

“Daphne You’re going to Silvahale temple.”

“Where’s that?”

Deep in the North of Dresden at the heart of Silvahale Forest”

“Okay but why?”

“Because we believe one of the crests to be there”

“How can you be certain Sir” Elena asked.

“Setsuna has always sensed them and she’s certain.”

“That’s only logical she’s the vessel after all.” Norn smirked.

“Lastly Alice, I’ve got some loose ends for you to tie up.”

“Alice is listening”

“Find and Kill Anna Octavia”

“it Shouldn’t be too hard to find the head of a nation.”

“You can count on Alice.” Alice giggled

“Good girl” Seijuro said, ruffling her hair.

“Well then you’re dismissed.”

Though walking separate paths, the five sisters were united by their single ambition to further the goals of the Arch Bishop and by extension the Hyogo Kingdom.

They would prove to be the single greatest obstacle for Mari to overcome

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