Velvet Abyss

Chapter 7: Rising at Dawn

I was going to do everything I could to survive is this dangerous alternative world; I had spent the better part of my youth reading old fantasy novels and playing RPG’s so I was certain that there would be greater beasts than those hell-hounds waiting me out there.

If I’m being honest with myself the thought of no longer existing after a long, fulfilling life felt enticing like a fitting end to a rousing story.  No worries, no anxiety, just endless peaceful slumber.  

“So seeing how this is my first time, how does a piss ant human sign a contract with spirit?” I asked.

“Like this.” Velvet said

Velvet placed her hand on my chest, and a jolt rippled through my body. It hurt, but it was bearable.

“I am the void made flesh, within it’s domain I wield absolute authority, I bless this being with my power, they are free to use it however they choose, knowing that they will ultimately pay the price.” Velvet said.

“Do you accept the terms Mar.” Velvet said

“Is that a rhetorical question?” I asked.

“What’s rhetorical mean?” Velvet asked.

“Don’t worry about it,” I said.

“I accept your terms.” I said.

“Sublime.” Velvet said.

The pain coursing through my body heightened, and I fell to my knees crippled by the pain, though Velvet was no longer touching me I could still feel her hand pressing against my chest.  It felt a hundred of fire ants biting all over my body.

“The void is filling every fiber in your body with its power,  That’s what you’re feeling now.”  Velvet said.

“If you lose consciousness you’ll die, so try to stay awake alright.” Velvet said.                  

“Easy… for you to say.” I said.

I screamed till my lungs gave out; the pain grew so potent that I thought death would be a pleasing alternative then, just when I was ready to give the pain reseeded.  It vanished as quickly as it had come, and I gasped as my heartbeat returned to a steady rhythm.

“You survived well done, I look forward to seeing what you’ll do with my power, Human.” Velvet said.

I felt my eyes grow heavy and everything once again turned dark, when I next awoke I was in my bed, it was sunrise.  That was the most vivid dream I’ve ever had. Well, at least I know one thing for sure I’m still as weak as ever.  Non of that was real I thought, wait a second what the hell are these.

Red markings like serpents ran the length of my arms coiling around like a snake, so it wasn’t a dream then, I quickly stripped off my clothes and inspected the rest of my body.  The markings were also on my legs, stomach and back.  

That girl had marked me, oh well, thankfully enough I could hide the markings under my clothes so I wouldn’t arouse the suspicion of the nuns or the children.  Anyway, with the sun rising I ought as well try to get some more shut eye. Nobody would be awake at such an ungodly hour.

Mere moments after that train of thought left my mind, the door to my room swung open, and a wide-eyed Shinobu entered the room.  You’re shitting me.  I quickly wrapped the white sheets around me to cover the markings. I thought begrudgingly, opening my eyes.  Shinobu had a quiver full of arrows on her back and a bow in her left hand.

“Wakey, Wakey Mari, it’s morning and you know what that means.” Shinobu said.

“Don’t have a clue.” I said.

“Oh, right you wouldn’t.” Shinobu said.

“What do you want, anyway?” I said.

Shinobu threw the bow onto the bed with a dull thud. What the hell am I supposed to do with this, I’d never used a bow and arrow in my life. “it’s the first day of the new month, which means it’s time to go hunting for food for the week.”

“You’re kidding, right?” I said.

“Nope.” Shinobu said

“So you’re serious?” I said.

“Absolutely” Shinobu said.

“Why me, get Caroline to go with you.” I said.

“I wish I could however that’s not possible.” Shinobu said.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Caroline was taking care of the children far into the night and has just now got some sleep.” Shinobu said.

“Then ask one of the other sisters.” I said.

“I can’t the only other capable hunter is Sister Daphne, but she’s away visiting the Flanade church headquarters as a Representative of Shikishima.”  Shinobu said.

Come to think of it the only nun’s I’ve acquainted myself with are Shinobu and Caroline I should meet the rest of them, the children too who knows how long I’ll be in this place. Making myself familiar with the names and faces of the locals should be a top prerogative.

“You’re not really giving me a choice, are you?”

“Not unless you want to starve”

“Fine, leave me so I can get dressed.”

Shinobu nodded and closed the door as I removed my sheets and gazed once more at the markings staining my flesh. All I could do was hope that Velvet would hold up her end of the bargain.  Goddess and spirits.  Never a dull moment.

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