Velvet Abyss

Chapter 75: Tedium

The wind howled as Mirai came to a roaring halt before him was an enormous inn standing solitary in a huge empty plane. The establishment had been cultivating a seedy reputation and his mistress had gotten wind of the unscrupulous situation and had sent her beloved pet and a contingent of her garrison soldiers to investigate.

He could scarcely contain his excitement sure he was little more than a dog in human skin but in months since he had been blessed by his Mistress grace he tasted comforts and pleasures the likes of which he could never have dreamed.

A full stomach, a cozy bed and the warm arms of a princess, no a goddess he corrected himself.

The men under his command begrudgingly follow his orders, though their lack of respect isn’t surprising him being a commoner and his status as a former empire conscript.

Yet they all buckled and fell into place as their love for the princess far outweighed any sense of scathing judgment or belligerent sentiments they held. Mirai climbed down from his horse and dusted himself off.

The goddess had seen fit to grace him with new clothes an immaculate light-colored suit befitting a noble or an aristocrat, his face was clean shaven and he moved with an invigorated sense of confidence.

                                                                       “Botan! Step forward.” Mirai ordered.

A prim woman with tanned skin and brunette hair made her way through the whispering soldiers kneeling before Mirai to wait for further instruction.

                                                                          “What do you desire, Captain.”

“Information what have you uncovered?”

“At once, all is as you expected sir.”

Mirai sighed he was hoping that their suspicions were unfounded but as Lady Vanica had suspected, this inn was a front for a sex slave operation one that was taking woman, as well as little girls and boys as a young as ten and forcing them into repugnant acts.

                                                                                   “Let us end this.” Mirai grunted

“Those pigs will squeal.” Botan sneered

“Soldiers of Hyogo, we attack now!”

The soldiers rushed the inn with Mirai leading the charge they numbered fifty seven and caught them off guard so their victory was assured. The bulk of soldiers were regulars and competent with the magic but Botan was a high mage of the Arashi affinity and their ace in the hole.

Additionally all Hyogo soldiers are trained in physical combat arts so if it gets messy the advantage still fell squarely in their court, giving a signal a soldier kicked the wooden door in and the contingent stormed the building.

The odor was repulsive and causing the men to reel and gag it was as a smell Mirai was sorely acquainted with, the smell of shit, piss and blood. It was ingrained in the entire establishment seeping into every piece of timber.

Pressed against wall in the far corner of the hall was a line of woman and young boys all sizes, ages and races, several demi humans were littered among them. They were shackled to the wall by collars bound around their starved necks.

                                                                                    “Just as we feared” Mirai sighed

“Scum.” Botan jeered blocking her nose.

“Who the shit fuck are you?”

One of the rings guards demanded standing up and wiping froth from his cracked lips. Mirai stepped forward fists clenched trying to prevent his body from trembling.

“I won’t sully my tongue for a sentient piece of shit like you, kill him.” Mirai demanded.

The guard chortled before bringing his fingers to this lips and whistling as if waiting for a signal dozens of men swarmed the main hall from every direction. Armed with Cross bows, axes and blades they encircled the Hyogo contingent.

“Saving us the trouble of hunting you down, good little vermin, Men assume Delta Formation!” Mirai decreed.

The soldiers did as they were bayed and formed a formation that protected both their front and their flanks they were out numbered now they had at least double their numbers perhaps more.

Given their use of weapons it can be assumed that they’re low level magic users most probably average, still if they combine magic with their weapons they could still posse a threat.

                                                                                               “Hey Botan.”

“Yes Captain?”

                                                                                              “You know any spells that could hit em all at once?”?

                                                                                              “Yes but it will take a while to cast”

“Start casting I'll buy you the time you need.”

                                                                                             “Everyone Else Cast Tier 2 Defensive Magic now!”

The soldiers all chanted Lapis Barrier and a blue hexagonal shield appeared before them, this magic was rather weak and by itself wouldn’t defend against much but when several are cast in unison it forms a durable shield.

Frustrated by the barriers the sex traffickers went on the offensive launching all manner of attack spells of every element bombarding their defenses with relentless fury. The Hyogo soldiers were stout buying the time Botan needed to ready her spell.

“It’s ready.” Botan yelled.

                                                                            “Lower your defenses men”

“Hit em hard, Botan!”

“Aye, Aye Captain.”

“Arashi Magic: Searing Chain Lightning

Streaks of purple lighting erupted from her hands striking each of the enemies in quick succession electrifying them and burning them alive in a matter of moments all of them were among the dead and battle had ended in their overwhelming victory.

The soldiers cheered as they made their way to free the victims Mirai stared at Botan with pride she had more than earned her rank of High Mage.

“Take the victims to our camp see that their wounds are treated, and that they’re bathed and fed, for now they are under our protection.:”

                                                                                “Sir!” The soldiers shouted in unison.

                                                                               “Hold on pretty boy, we’re do ya think you’re going...”

One of the sex traffickers stumbled to his feet propping himself up against the bar counter he was burned over half of his face but was otherwise unscathed, Botan stepped in front of Mirai assuming a protective stance.

                                                  “Didn’t think I’d have to actually use her but what the hell i’m dead anyway.”

“You’re up, Clementine.”

“Finally I was dying from boredom up here”

A young woman draped in a black emerged from the wall she had dirty blonde hair and sapphires for eyes, her build was muscular yet slender and she carried a gilded rapier at her hip she moved with the poise and grace of a noble.

                                                              “She’s bad news be careful captain.” Botan said

“I know even a novice like me can tell.”

“So what do you want me to do old man?”

The old man wheezed before chuckling to himself he was surely on deaths doorstep after taking a direct hit from Botan’s lightning.

                                                                        “I want em all dead, make em suffer, especially the dark haired bitch.”

                                                                        “She’s a high mage that’ll cost double, kay”

“Do I look like I give a shit, just do it”

“Roger!” Clementine smiled.

“There’s really nothing I disdain more than weak men so all you insects can die first.”

Clementine mocked, assuming a low stance. “Blade Skill: Azure Butterfly Waltz” A flash of blue light blinded Mirai and when his vision cleared his cheek was painted with fresh blood.

All of his men had been minced to ribbons and Clementine had returned to her previous position licking the fresh blood from her stained sword. The man were butchered not even given the luxury of screaming.

Mirai had felt this fear before he had forgotten that there were beings of unfathomable strength in this world more monsters than humans. His mind was pulled back to his first encounter with the Princess she cleaved through two thousand trained soldiers like it was nothing.

Mirai was dumb but he knew enough to realize that running away wasn’t going accomplish anything, they’d just die tired. He was next to useless in combat being a lackless with minimum combat experience and Botan was strong but nowhere near enough.

                                                        “Sorry for dragging you into this mess Botan.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, you’re my captain it’s only natural i’d follow you.”

“Thanks Botan really, let’s go down swinging.

“Yes, Captain.” Botan smiled.

Mirai drew his sword it was majestic katana the blade was forged from black orichalcum the handle was crimson to signify the colors of the Hyogo royal family.

The blade cost fifty thousand Rias to be forged and the fact that the Princess would spend such an exuberant about on a lowly dog like him was something beyond his comprehension.

Botan prepared to cast her strongest spell and Mirai took the vanguard assuming a defensive stance trying to recall everything he’s observed by watching the more skilled of his fellow soldiers.

“For the honor of Princess Mei, I will fight you till my last breath.” Mirai shrieked charging Clementine.

“Your bravado is so dull, just bleed for me already.”

In a mere moment Clementine was behind Mirai everything moved in slow motion as an torturous pain surged through Mirai’s arms, to his horror he was starring at his severed arms still clutching the blade that had become his treasure.

                                         “My..My Arms!” Mirai screamed.

“How dare you do that to the captain you bitch.”

  “Arashi Magic: Roaring Thunder“

A torrent of lighting burst forth from Botan’s hand destroying the back wall of the building, Clementine didn’t even bother dodging the blast just casually stepping to side. This woman was a monster.

                                                          “What the hell are you...” Mirai winced

“You’re both gonna die so I'll tell ya.”

                                                            “Name’s Clementine The Black Lioness.”

“I’m Nero’s finest creation, An Arch mage of the shade element and an emperor blade. Most specialize in either or but i’ve mastered both do you see how inferior you are. Let’s bring this bloody theater performance to a close.”

“But first let’s create some space” Clementine cut at break neck speed slashing the room apart in less than twenty seconds they were standing outside. He hated to even entertain the thought but she might be on par with the Princess.

                                                           “I’ll let you bleed a little boy, so I’ll kill the Miss Lighting first.”

                                                           “Bye Bye Now!”

In a colourful flash and a blood curdling howl Botan’s life was snuffed out her, throat had been slit clean to the bone and her Ballum vanished as she collapsed into an empty husk.

The blood continued to gush from his fleshy stumps and Mirai felt his strength ebbing from his body, he’d soon join Botan in the afterlife his only regret was that he wasn’t able to spend more time as the Princesses pet.

Wringing out the very last drops of his fleeting strength Mirai rose to his feet for he spent the majority of his life on his knees and refused to die that way.

                                                                        “Thank you for everything, My Mistress.”

“Don’t worry I’ll send her after you, now die!”

The sound of death came careening ever closer it would all be over in a second , his life had been a short one but at least he was able to meet her and was able to experience some true bliss before the end.

                                                                          “Goodbye, Mistress.”

Mirai felt light as air as a mysterious feeling of calm fell over his entire body, struggling he open his eyes and was shocked at what he saw. He was hovering in the air clutched in the arms of miss Vanica.

                                                                “Forgive my tardiness, Sir Mirai.”

“I shall heal you immediately.”

  “Mothers Mercy”

Vanica waved her hand and his wound started to close as the bleeding came to a halt, the pain seemed to subside too, He was familiar with healing magic but this this was truly miraculous.

                                                                “Miss Vanica please save Botan!”

“I cannot I’m afraid she is already gone, sorry.”

“Right of course she is, stupid me.”

“We have to run Vanica this girls a monster.”

“Do not fear young master, the cavalry’s arrived.

“What do you mean….”

Mei quickly approached the battlefield taking her time to survey the carnage all of the dead Hyogo soldiers and Mirai who was grossly injured. Though the Princess preserved her composure her eyes were aflame with fury.

                                                                                “The Red Demon?”

“Shit you're getting me wet, let's dance."

The Princess didn’t answer the Black Lionesses call she merely took her place on the battlefield, all Mirai could do was watch from the sidelines and believe in his Mistress.

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