Velvet Abyss

Chapter 80: Nativitas Eius

Even his Mistress seemed taken aback by the sheer scope and scale of the workshop, to think that something so grandiose would rest beneath the city streets. They were quickly guided ushered into a large circular room with a pair of sterile steel slabs in it’s center.

The room was filled with a rancid odor that overwhelmed the senses it didn’t take long to deduce the source of the stench, on the left slab lay the shattered skeletal remains of a person, a young woman, maybe a teenager in by the looks off it.

“Disgusting! Care to explain bro.” Mei questioned covering her nose, he would have enjoyed such comfort but losing both arms was proving to be a chronic pain in his ass, The Prince shook his head an apologized for the foul odor while Norn answered Mistress's question without skipping a beat.

“This is a corpse after months of decay.”

“Now Norn it’s a fair question, this is a mistake.”

“Wow so you make those too big bro?”

“Well I’m only human after all.”

“Not to be morose but we’ve all killed plenty, what makes this one a mistake in particular?” Mirai chimed in quizzically.

His question appeared to catch the trio of guard as all focused their gaze towards Mirai, The Arch Bishop was the first to shatter the silence with a well timed chuc

“Setsuna’s birthday is fast forthcoming and In my foolishness I have aggrieved her, as her older brother I’m determined to take responsibility and rectify my previous misdeed.”

His shoulders slouched and his voice turned sullen his remorse seemed sincere enough but Mirai knew that every emotion could be fabricated with a skilled enough actor. They moved closer taking efforts to avoid breathing in the rancid stench.

“This is the remains of Shinobu a former Sister of Flanade who died during the massacre of Shikishima village.” Norn sang coltishly

“She was killed by a mage from the Empire named Mari Anno.”

“The Void mage daddy wanted, I really messed up on that one.”

‘In a terrible turn of fate Shinobu was our dear sisters best friend, and thus I am to blame, but no matter history will soon be rewritten.”

The pattering of footsteps marching along the cold tiles filled their ears and soon enough they were joined by another, a tall woman with disheveled turquoise hair tied into pigtails and a lethargic look in her eyes, her skin was pale as ash and her eyes shined like an azure sky. She garbed herself in a smart black lab coat to complete her image.

“I overslept again, oh well too bad.” the girl yawned.

“Late as usual, why don’t you introduce yourself to our guests.” Norn scolded.

“Yeah sure whatever, Coco Argento, Head Researcher and Flesh Forger for the Altina Workshop, Not that I expect any of you to care about that.”

“Little Red, Mr Armless, it’s a pleasure, now lets get to business.”

“You impudent mongrel, you’re addressing the Princess and her companion speak with more respect. Norn screamed.

“At ease Norn this is just the way she is, nothing to get flustered over.”

“I know you came here to see Mirai sorted but can I ask that we postpone that for a while? This task will require Miss Argento’s undivided attention and I do imagine she’ll be quite spent by the end of it.”

Mistress nodded she truly was like two beings meshed into one on one hand an unflappable composure frigid as a glacier and contradicting it the other side a searing inferno ablaze like the midday sun.

“What in Nero’s name is a Flesh Forger?”

“it’s exactly as the name implies Princess.” Norn said.

“A Taboo Craftsmen who bends flesh and blood to their will.”

Even Mistress seemed to be taken aback by the situation unfolding he supposed that the church had it’s own fair share of macabre secrets, still to think such a person existed piqued his curiosity.

“Actions speak volumes, so be silent and watch.”

“Lady Coco, whenever your read.”

“Great more work lucky me.” Coco sighed.

“Keep that tone up and I’ll tear you” Norn howled.

“Go ahead good luck finding a replacement though, we’re a dying breed “True there’s what three of your clan left and your sisters sided with our enemy.” Seijuro remarked.

“Yep me, my whore of a sister and that stubborn old bitch of a grandmother.”

“I’ll need your help Norn.” Coco snapped her fingers and a ruby colored hammer and a lengthy purple nail appeared from thin air. “If his grace wills it so be it.” Norn groaned.

Placing the nail over the chest of the doll the flesh forger started to chant in some esoteric tongue, the shattered bones vibrated violently while emitting a foul odorous black miasma which reeked of death and sulfur.

“Curse Magic: Curse of The Deathless Heart.”

Norn spoke and a sphere of darkness burst forth from hand and descended before sinking to the dolls body, as the orb vanished Coco struck the nail with her hammer over and over again until not even the head was protruding.

The bones ceased reacting and quickly started to disintegrate before vanishing entirely all the while the formless doll began developing features, smooth porcelain skin, long luscious locks of raven hair and lips like blood.

“You’re shitting me.” Mei gasped.

“This can’t be real...” Mirai exhaled.

“Simply marvelous!” Norn singed

The dolls chest raised and fell softly as it drew it’s first breaths all Mirai could do was watch stupefied as everything unfolded.

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