Velvet Abyss

Chapter 90: This is War

We wasted no time getting on the offensive Klaus, Tyrian and Lilith launched a melee assault against Frill to no avail the perverted girl was spry on her feet dancing through the slashes and flurries with her eyes closed a grin emblazoned on her face.

“Gale Magic: Agitta...”

“Not today little rabbit.”

Disappearing from her attackers Frill appeared out of thin air in front of Madoka and incapacitated the girl with a swift kick to stomach, a kick strong enough to send her flying into the far wall of the coliseum.

“You’ll pay for that bitch!” Tyrian growled

“Onyx Magic: Megalith Spikes!”

“Predictable!” Frill laughed

Once again the girl vanished from their sight before appearing in the air above Tyrian falling like heavy rain she descended upon the bewildered students. “Tyrian above you!” Lilith warned.

“Shade Magic: Umbra Ferrum!”

Heeding Aeolus command blades of darkness lunched swiftly towards Frill’s position, shocking all the students Frill casually shifted her body weaving through the onslaught of blades, using her momentum to drive the hulking Tyrian’s head into the ground cracking it in the process.

“Seven” Frill chirped

Realizing just how outclassed they were the students still standing scrambled to come up with a combat strategy but it was to no avail in less than a minute the remaining students were felled by the speed and raw power of the mysterious pervert known as Frill.

“And that makes nine, less than a minute too.”

The students that were still conscious nursed their bruises while trying to process what in the hell had just happened, What kind of bull shit was that? I’ve seen strong individuals in my time here, but that was just total bullshit, teleportation? How broken can you get, I don’t need another demonstration to know that this girl is an absolute monster, maybe’s she’s a genuine demon.

“Instructor may I be candid with my assessment?”

“That’s the point just don’t break their spirits too much okay?”

“It’s hard to deny my inner sadist, but I’ll go soft for today at least.”

“You guys are weak, weaker than the shit I took this morning.”

“Here we go again.” Vali groaned.

“No scratch that, that’s an insult to the shit, you're shittier than shittiest shit.”

“Um...what’s your point…” Beatrice inquired.

“Hmm, and what’s your name?”

Frill sauntered towards Beatrice who gave her name as request oblivious to the potential danger she’s smack in the centre of, this girl seems highly unstable so I’m just going to keep my mouth shut and hope she forgets my existence.

“Beatrice huh?”

“That’s correct.”

“Beatrice, did I give you permission to speak?”

“I don’t need your per...”

Frill slapped Beatrice twice making her cheek turn bright red and tears well up her eyes, Frill knelt in front of Beatrice who averted her gaze, the sight of seeing her in pain was clearly arousing to her, this girl is an actual psychopath, what the hell is she doing here.

“The next time you open your mouth without my express permission I’m going to use you as a Toilet.”

“Look at me when I’m talking to you.” Frill gripped Beatrice’s chin forcing her to look into her eyes

“Disrupt me again and I’ll piss down your pretty little throat right here in front of everybody, understand?”

“I said do you understand!” Frill moved to slap Beatrice again before Beatrice squeaked out a response.

“See this is exactly why you’re trash all of you, someone is harming your comrade and you’re doing nothing to stop it, not one of you have moved to shield this poor girl from me.”

“If you were in my corps I’d have your head on the spot for your cowardice.”

“This is War kids, people are coming to kill you, they won’t give you the chance to strategize or beg for your life, the only way to survive this war is power, the power to defend yourself and your comrades, the power to dominate others and the resolve to prioritize your life over another, the resolve to step onto battlefields and stain your skin, your soul with smoke, blood and death If you can’t hack it then run, cower in the streets and pray to the gods that the enemy doesn’t find you, but if you can steel yourself and look impending doom in the face in and spit in its eyes than get the hell up and come at me again.”

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