Venerable Yuan

Chapter 1,494 Zhou Yuan Becomes a God

The divine power is like a prison. When the idea that the Holy God will destroy the heavens arises, the heaven and earth react naturally. First, the source energy between the heaven and the earth begins to stir uneasily. At this moment, all the creatures in the world They were all horrified to discover that the source of energy between them and the world seemed to be experiencing some kind of isolation.

Even the saints in the heavens also found that their saintly power began to be continuously reduced.

In Cangxuan Sect, the faces of many saints headed by the four ancient deities changed drastically at this moment, and they turned pale in horror.

"It's the Holy Spirit who has completed the transformation!" A saint said with an ugly expression.

"Such power... is much more terrifying than before!" Although the Holy God before was also very scary, it was not so scary that even the face of the Holy God had not been revealed, and the entire world's beings and even the origin of heaven and earth were beginning to be difficult to control. situation.

The four ancient masters Jin Luo, Cang Yuan, Di Long, and Chi Ji looked at each other and saw the bitterness in each other's eyes. This kind of power can make people crazy with despair.

"The Holy Spirit is coming soon." Ancient Lord Jinluo sighed.

This far distance in the void is only a moment for the Holy God to exist, and when He comes to the heavens to greet the beings in the world, there is only destruction.

Cang Yuan and others cast their eyes towards the cave where the divine light lingered, with the last glimmer of hope in their eyes.

There is the final sustenance of the heavens.

The panicked creatures in the world did not wait long, because they could feel an indescribable divine power gradually descending from the distant chaotic void.

At this moment, countless creatures looked up.

Then they were horrified to see that outside the sky, a huge face with no end in sight appeared. That face stared at the heavens indifferently. Under the gaze of that gaze, countless people trembled, and even their souls There are signs of collapse.

"Are you ready?" From outside the sky, an indifferent voice came down, like thunder, resounding in every corner of the world.

As his voice fell, the saints of the heavens were suddenly shocked to discover that the source energy of heaven and earth contained in the heavens quickly disappeared at this time. In just a short moment, the heavens seemed to have become a body without origin energy. Ordinary world.

These changes directly caused fear and shock in all the beings in the world, because they were already accustomed to the existence of Origin Qi, which was the source of their strength. But now, the Origin Qi dissipated directly, which undoubtedly cut off their roots.

As a result, countless creatures cried in despair.

Outside the sky, there was laughter, followed by what seemed to be mysterious and strange whispers, falling like some kind of spell, reaching the ears of all the creatures in the world.


The whispers like a curse came down, and all the creatures in the world suddenly burst into screams, because they discovered that the origin energy in their bodies began to bite back on themselves at this time. The origin energy that they had cultivated so hard seemed to be At this time, they turned into countless insects, biting their bodies in the body.

Within the Cangxuan Sect, countless disciples were rolling on the ground in pain. Even some of the Dharma Domain and Saints had their brows furrowed and tried their best to control the raging Source Qi in their bodies. But obviously, as the mysterious whispers intensified, their control also increased. Gradually failing.

At this moment, they all felt a sense of powerlessness. Is this the power of the Holy Spirit today? It was easy to turn the source energy from their hard training into a means of attacking them.

Between the heaven and the earth, countless blood-red airflows began to rise and move toward the outside of the sky. Each of those blood-red airflows represented the energy and blood of a living being being swallowed up by the source of energy.

This scene seemed extremely tragic.

Jin Luo, Cang Yuan and other ancient elders looked up, with sadness on their faces. Countless ancestors of the heavens have persevered for so many years. Today, the heavens are finally unable to avoid the ending of being wiped out by the Holy Spirit?


And just as the beings in the world were wailing in sorrow and despair, suddenly, a sound like the collision of ancient bells and tripods rang out between the heaven and the earth, and then spread slowly throughout the heavens.

The sound of the bells and cauldrons seemed to contain a kind of miraculous power. When it spread, the mysterious whispering god from the Holy Spirit was actually offset.

At the same time, the countless blood-red air streams that originally rose into the sky and headed towards the outside of the sky seemed to be driven by something, and suddenly fell sharply, falling back into their respective bodies.

As a result, the corpse, which had been drained of flesh and blood, suddenly regenerated flesh and blood, and opened its eyes blankly again.

All the beings in the world were in panic, not knowing what had happened.

"Huh?" There seemed to be a surprised voice coming from outside the sky.

In the Cangxuan Sect, the expressions of Cang Yuan, Jin Luo and other ancient sages also changed, and immediately their eyes turned sharply towards the cave.

The divine light emanating from the cave had all converged at this time. Their eyes were fixed on the gate of the cave. There were subtle footsteps coming from the dark passage inside.

After a moment, a slender and tall figure came out of the shadows.

The sound of wind between heaven and earth seemed to have stagnated at this moment.

Cang Yuan, Jin Luo and the others' eyes stayed on that figure: "Is that...Zhou Yuan?"

That figure looked extremely familiar, it was Zhou Yuan, but he seemed to have changed greatly from before.

The first is the aura emanating from his body. Under that aura, Cang Yuan and the others feel as insignificant as ants looking up at the galaxy.

It seemed that every breath of that figure could affect their life and death.

Zhou Yuan's black hair is spread behind his back, his eyes are so profound that it makes people shake their souls. His skin is fair, and every line on it seems to contain the oldest secrets in the world.

When he walked out of the shadows and appeared between heaven and earth, the source energy of heaven and earth that had originally dissipated appeared again, and it was still in a worshiping posture.

Jin Luo and Cang Yuan all found that when facing Zhou Yuan in front of them, the Origin Qi in their bodies showed a complete surrender.

It was as if the people saw the ruling emperor.

The world was silent, no one dared to speak, they all looked at the figure with bated breath.

When Zhou Yuan walked out of the cave, his expression was extremely calm, and there was not much disturbance. He walked straight to Tuntun who was lying there outside the cave, and reached out to gently touch its scales.

Tuntun Beast Tong looked at Zhou Yuan and let out a sad cry.

Zhou Yuan's other hand rested on his chest. He could feel that there was something extra in the deepest part of his flesh and blood, and it was that something that made his body truly perfect.

That's the sacred bone.

Yaoyao is transformed by herself.

He could even clearly detect the breath that belonged to Yaoyao, flowing through his flesh and blood, becoming one with him forever.

Zhou Yuan raised his head and took a deep breath to prevent the tears from falling from his eyes.

Finally he said: "Tuntun, believe me, I will definitely let Yaoyao appear again."

After the voice fell, he turned his gaze to the huge face outside the sky. In those eyes, there was boundless coldness and murderous intent pouring out like a tide.

The temperature between the entire world suddenly dropped.

"But before that, I want to deal with the culprit first."

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Zhou Yuan stepped forward gently, and in the ripples of the void, a bright divine light came up from a distance, carrying the last hope of all the creatures in the world, and broke into the sky.

Looking at this scene, Cang Yuan, Jin Luo and the others knew that the battle that truly decided the fate of the heavens had finally arrived.

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