Venerable Yuan

Chapter 161: Chase

In a deep mountain.

On the top of the mountain, Wu Huang and Ye Ming stood. Origin Qi surged in their eyes, and they scanned the vast mountains with sharp eyes.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

There were four figures rushing towards them with their feet on the Origin Qi, and landed in front of them.

"Not found." All four said.

Wu Huang frowned and said calmly: "We also paid a lot of price before to injure Zhou Xiaoyao in exchange for injury. Our advantage is that we have cultivated Origin Qi, and our physical bodies are strong. No matter how strong we are, Injuries can gradually recover, but Zhou Xiaoyao is physically weak, and he is at his weakest now."

"Now that we have taken action, we must eliminate the roots and not give him a chance to recover, otherwise he will be a threat to us."

Ye Ming also nodded and said with a smile: "Brother Wu is right. Since you take action, you can't leave any future troubles."

"If that's the case, then I won't hold anything back."

He smiled, and then raised his dark eyes. There seemed to be whirlpools in his eyes. The world in front of him also changed at this time.

The world became gray, and the vast mountains and forests seemed to have become illusory, and clusters of light appeared in them. Those clusters of light were the light of source energy.

There were countless source beasts in the mountains and forests, so Ye Ming directly ignored these light groups and instead searched for some extremely obscure source energy fluctuations.

After a few minutes of this, he finally paused and looked towards the north. In the distance, there was a subtle source of light. The light was extremely obscure. If you didn't look carefully, you would directly ignore it.

"found it."

Ye Ming closed his eyes, and a drop of blood flowed from the corner of his eyes. Obviously, opening this secret method also caused damage to his eyes.


However, he ignored it and took the lead to shoot towards the north.

Wu Huang and others immediately followed.

At the same time, in the forest far away, a slender figure stopped for a moment, it was Yaoyao.

At this time, her pretty face was slightly pale, but there was no panic between her eyebrows, but instead she became increasingly indifferent.

"Have you been discovered..."

She whispered to herself, holding a scroll in her hand. It was the scroll that emitted light, covering her body and covering all the breath at the same time.

But I didn't expect that the other party's methods were not weak, and he still noticed her.


Suddenly, in the distance, a violent wave of Origin Qi shot down from the sky and hit Yaoyao fiercely.

Yaoyao flew out lightly and avoided the source energy bombardment. She raised her head and saw several source energy rays of light shooting towards her in the sky behind her. She could already see Wu Huang and Ye Ming. et al.

"Zhou Xiaoyao, your body is weak and you won't be able to hold on for too long. It's better to just surrender." Ye Ming's hoarse voice sounded like it was far away.

However, Yaoyao paid no attention to his voice. With a squeeze of her jade hand, another scroll appeared and she crushed it into pieces.

call out!

The light enveloped Yaoyao's body, and the space around her seemed to be distorted. Her figure disappeared directly, and the next moment, she appeared thousands of feet away.

When Wu Huang and Ye Ming saw this, their eyes froze, and they secretly said: "You can even master the source pattern of short-term teleportation, what a terrifying source pattern talent..."

They looked at each other, and the murderous intent in each other's eyes became even stronger.

"This kind of teleportation and traveling through space will put a burden on the physical body. He has no source of energy and will definitely not be able to persist for too long."

"Can't let him go!"

Origin energy surged under the two men's feet, their speed suddenly accelerated, and they chased after each other.

The group of people chased and escaped. In just half a day, they passed through countless mountains and wastelands. However, Wu Huang and Ye Ming were extremely stubborn and pursued them closely, refusing to let up at all.

And in front of her, Yaoyao's cheeks were getting paler. This rush had taken a great toll on her.

However, no one noticed that as time went by, the chill in Yaoyao's bright eyes began to grow stronger, and an ancient rune was looming between her eyebrows.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, Yaoyao seemed to have lost her patience, and her figure suddenly stopped.

"He can't hold it anymore!" Both Wu Huang and Ye Ming were overjoyed, and they quickly rushed over and landed behind Yaoyao, while the other four people also blocked the other directions.

"Have you finally accepted your fate?" Wu Huang said calmly.

Yaoyao raised her cheek, looked at Wu Huang without any emotion, and said: "Do you think you can live for so long because of your ability? It's just because I promised Zhou Yuan that you would keep him alive. Just take it.”

Wu Huang's eyes darkened and he said, "When death is imminent, do you still need to be tough?"

Yaoyao gradually pulled up her long hair, her pretty face was cold, and said: "However, I think you are too annoying, so I will not keep my promise to Zhou Yuan."

Her face was expressionless, but the ancient light pattern between her eyebrows showed faint signs of flickering.

"Something's wrong, kill him!"

Ye Ming and Wu Huang frowned and almost spoke out in unison. Immediately, they punched out without hesitation. The violent Origin Qi roared down and struck Yaoyao fiercely.

Yaoyao looked at the Origin Qi offensive that was rapidly enlarging in her eyes, her cheeks were cold, she stretched out her slender fingers and gently touched the ancient runes between her eyebrows.

Faintly, there seems to be something terrifying that is about to be unlocked.


Origin Qi whizzed in, but just when Yaoyao's fingers were still half a finger away from the center of her eyebrows, a ghostly figure suddenly shot out and hugged Yaoyao directly. In a flash of green light, in an instant, Breaking through Wu Huang's blockade.

"Stop it!" Ye Ming came to his senses first and said sternly.

The four proud men of Dongxuan Continent took action without hesitation and pounced on the green light as fast as lightning.


In the green light, there was a clear and tender laughter. The blue light flashed like a swimming fish. The movement was so ghostly that it dazzled people. The green light passed by and passed directly through the encirclement of the four people. passed.

After passing through the siege, the green light did not stop, and in a few flashes, it disappeared into the vast forest.


At this time, Wu Huang and Ye Ming's offensive had just landed on the open ground, tearing the ground apart.

Ye Ming's face was a little gloomy. He didn't expect that his wish would come true soon, but something happened again.

The speed of that blue light was so fast that even he was frightened.

"Who is that? The strength is pretty good, but the speed is too fast." Ye Ming looked at Wu Huang. In just a few breaths, he could feel the strength of the blue light. Although it was powerful, it was not able to solve the problem. range, but the opponent's speed was beyond even his reach.

Wu Huang also stared at the place where the green light disappeared with an ugly expression. After a long while, a fierce sound containing anger popped out from between his teeth.

"Damn Zuoqiu Qingyu!"

(At the beginning of the month, if you have a monthly ticket, please vote for Yuan Zun, thank you.)

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