Venerable Yuan

Chapter 5 Qi Yue, Liu Xi

"Okay, the show is over, let's all go our separate ways." Zhou Yuan tossed the jade token in his hand, and then smiled at the many boys and girls surrounding him.

After hearing this, everyone dispersed with smiles, but when they left, they looked at Zhou Yuan with a hint of surprise, because in the Great Zhou Mansion, it was already well known that Zhou Yuan had not been able to open his pulse. Therefore, many people believe that although their Highness has a noble status, he has no strength.

However, today's scene made them completely extinguish this idea.

It is true that Zhou Yuan has not yet opened his meridians, but he has another kind of power, which is the source pattern. With the source pattern, even people like Xu Lin who have opened two meridians are no match for him.

In this world, status is certainly a kind of power, but what is most easily recognized by others is undoubtedly the power cultivated through one's own efforts, because that kind of power will not change due to any change in status.

"Here, don't lose it again." Zhou Yuan threw the jade token to Su Youwei who was walking over. The breeze blew and the hospital uniform was gathered up, outlining the girl's exquisite curves, which made people think.

Su Youwei bit her red lips in embarrassment, stared at Zhou Yuan with bright eyes, and said, "Are you okay?"

Girls are attentive after all, and she could see that Zhou Yuan's palms seemed to be trembling slightly.

"Hehe, you discovered it." Zhou Yuan said with a smile, and then he raised his palm, and saw that his fist was also a little red, which was caused by the previous fierce punch.

"Without opening the pulse, my physical fitness is still a little worse." Zhou Yuan sighed. Although with the help of iron skin marks, light body marks and barbaric cow marks, the skin hardness, strength and speed were temporarily enhanced, but his body The inside was still too fragile, and the rebounding force slightly invaded his body, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

"I heard from the lecturer that some source patterns can strengthen the entire body in a short period of time. If you can practice it, you won't be hurt by the force." Su Youwei thought for a while and said.

Zhou Yuan nodded and said: "The source pattern with that kind of effect is of a very high grade."

It is rumored that there are nine levels of Origin Patterns, but Zhou Yuan's level is still at the entry level, not even the first level, so it is impossible to learn that kind of Origin Patterns in a short time.

"Then you have to work hard. For the big exam in a month, unless you can draw the first-grade origin pattern, you may not be able to rank in the top ten." Su Youwei bit her red lips with her teeth and said with some worry.

Once Zhou Yuan does not do well in the college entrance examination, it may lead to some rumors.

Zhou Yuan gently rubbed his palms and said, "Don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion."

He narrowed his eyes slightly. Now, he could only hope that his trip to the ancestral land in two days would help him solve the problem of the eight meridians not being revealed. If not, maybe he would really have to put all his energy into it. On the source pattern learning.

It's just that he can only specialize in Origin Patterns in the future, which really makes him a little unwilling.

When Su Youwei saw Zhou Yuan fell into silence, she immediately changed the subject in a considerate way, her eyes moved, and she said with a smile: "Your Highness, do you want me to apply some medicine for you?

"Forget it, if others see such a beautiful blessing, they will probably do something evil to me." Zhou Yuan joked, after all, Su Youwei is quite popular in this big Zhou mansion now.

When Su Youwei heard this, she had no choice but to roll her eyes at him angrily and said, "Since you are so timid, I won't care about you. I still have to go to the library to sort out the collection of books."

This is a casual job she found to earn some income. After all, her family background is not very good and she has a grandfather, so while maintaining her normal studies, she also finds some leisure work in the Dazhou Mansion.

Hearing this, Zhou Yuan hesitated for a moment and said: "The exam is only a month away and time is tight. I think you should spend more time on opening your pulse. If necessary, I..."

"Your Highness."

Zhou Yuan's voice was interrupted before he spoke. He looked at Su Youwei. At this time, the girl pursed her red lips slightly and stared at him seriously. Her voice was soft but had a power that could not be ignored. : "You have helped me a lot. You have brought me to this place that can change my destiny. I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart, but... you said that we are friends, right?"

Zhou Yuan was startled, and he looked at the girl in front of him. In the deepest part of the girl's sparkling eyes, there seemed to be a persistence that was difficult for others to detect. It was her way of maintaining the last dignity in her heart.

She knew that as long as she spoke, Zhou Yuan would help her lay out all the conditions she needed. However, in that case, the relationship between her and Zhou Yuan might deteriorate.

She has been carefully maintaining the relationship between the two. Zhou Yuan is His Royal Highness of the Zhou Dynasty and has a distinguished status, while she is just a commoner. The gap between their status is too big, so it is extremely easy to attract some criticism.

She wasn't afraid of that kind of criticism, but she didn't want to be underestimated by Zhou Yuan.

Therefore, after she entered the Great Zhou Mansion, she tried her best to make herself independent, and at the same time, she worked hard to practice to change the disparity in their identities.

And she was very successful. As the genius with the fastest pulse since the founding of the Great Zhou Mansion, her talent was enough for anyone to start paying attention to her. Even Zhou Yuan's father, Zhou Qing, knew her name.

"Alright alright."

Facing the girl's persistent and stubborn gaze, Zhou Yuan finally retreated and had no choice but to raise his hands in surrender and said with a wry smile: "Then I don't care."

When Su Youwei heard this, her bright eyes curved slightly, like a crescent moon. At the same time, she breathed a sigh of relief deep in her heart. She knew that if Zhou Yuan insisted, she would not be able to refuse, but in that case, it would be a little bit easier. A bit disappointed.

At least now, she knew that Zhou Yuan would choose to compromise in order to maintain her remaining self-esteem, which made her eyes flash and her heart was filled with a strange kind of gratitude.

"Your Highness, don't worry. I won't delay my training. I promise you that you will be among the best in the big exam and enter the first hospital." Su Youwei smiled brightly and confidently.

In the Great Zhou Mansion, there are more than a dozen branches, and among them, the A courtyard is naturally the strongest.

Zhou Yuan nodded, thought for a while, and suddenly took out the Juyuan Jade that he had used to bet with Xu Lin from his arms, then took Su Youwei's jade hand and placed it in her palm.

"Don't be too sentimental. It's not given to you, it's lent to you. I haven't opened my pulse yet, so I don't need it yet." Seeing that Su Youwei was about to refuse, Zhou Yuan said immediately.

Hearing what Zhou Yuan said, Su Youwei could only swallow the words that reached his mouth, and then gave him a hateful look. How could this guy talk?

"I'm leaving!" Su Youwei put away the Juyuan Jade, hummed, and passed by Zhou Yuan.

"What a arrogant person..."

Zhou Yuan looked at the girl's slender back and shook his head. Gang Yu also left. Suddenly he felt something. He raised his head and looked at a pavilion in the distance. He saw a figure in a white shirt there, standing condescendingly. He looked over, his eyes as sharp as knives.

"Qi Yue." Zhou Yuan looked at the figure in white clothes and raised his brows slightly.

That figure in white shirt is none other than Qi Yue, the eldest son of Prince Qi's Mansion.

Sensing Zhou Yuan's gaze, a smile appeared on Qi Yue's face, and then he cupped his fist at Zhou Yuan from afar.

Zhou Yuan sneered in his heart, but kept a smile on his face, nodded with a smile, and then turned around and left.

In the pavilion, Qi Yue looked at Zhou Yuan's retreating figure, his face turned playful, and said to himself: "I didn't expect that your highness would have some attainments in the Origin Pattern without knowing it..."

Behind Qi Yue, a beautiful figure walked out. It was a tall girl. She also looked delicate and beautiful, but her lips were a little thin and she looked mean. Compared to Su Youwei, she obviously lacked some flavor.

She glanced disdainfully at the direction Zhou Yuan was leaving, and snorted coldly: "After all, the Origin Pattern is just a small path. No matter how deep your attainment is, you still can't transform yourself. Your lifespan is limited, and even ordinary people can use it if you are not careful. Behead him."

Her name is Liu Xi, and her father is the Marquis of the Great Zhou Dynasty, known as Liu Hou. Naturally, he is considered a noble person. Speaking of which, there is some involvement between her and Zhou Yuan.

A few years ago, Zhou Qing noticed the growth of Prince Qi's palace and wanted to check and balance it, so he planned to put the weight on Liu Hou. Therefore, he also proposed the idea of ​​​​getting married at that time, planning to let Zhou Yuan marry Liu Xi, the daughter of Liu Hou. Dear, deepen the relationship between the two families.

Liuhou was a little hesitant about Zhou Qing's proposal. After all, the Zhou royal family was in decline at that time, and Zhou Yuan, the only successor, could not open his pulse. In addition, Liuhou was extremely fond of Liu Xi, so he went to ask The latter meant, but Liu Xi was extremely arrogant. She just thought that Zhou Yuan was a useless highness, so she refused without hesitation. She also said that the useless highness wanted to eat swan meat, which was also rumored at the time. Laughter.

When Liu Hou saw this, he used this reason to reject Zhou Qing.

Although this matter has long since passed, Liu Xi naturally still feels uncomfortable when she sees Zhou Yuan, the toad she once called him.

Hearing this, Qi Yue also smiled and nodded, saying: "In this big exam, the top-ranked students have all surrendered to me. If our Highness Zhou Yuan thinks that he can get through with this little attainment of Origin Patterns, That will only make him lose face."

At this point, he paused, narrowed his eyes and said, "But that Su Youwei's talent is indeed amazing. Her future prospects are limitless. If there is a chance, we must win over her as much as possible."

Hearing Qi Yue's words, a look of displeasure flashed across Liu Xi's cheeks, and she curled her lips and said: "She's just a cheap girl with three channels open. If she can't be won over, just find an opportunity to destroy her."

Liu Xi has a distinguished background and is quite talented. In the past, she was undoubtedly the most dazzling pearl in the Great Zhou Mansion. However, since Su Youwei appeared, many of her lights have been suppressed. Su Youwei, a commoner, was extremely unhappy.

Qi Yue could naturally hear the displeasure towards Su Youwei in the girl's voice. He smiled immediately and said nothing, just staring at Zhou Yuan's disappearing back in the distance.

"It seems that Zhou Yuan has no confidence in himself at all, so he wants to support a genius to rely on..."

"Zhou Yuan, Zhou Yuan, your Zhou family's holy dragon has really become a useless dragon."

"In this case, your Zhou family should be finished."

(The new book is released. Thank you for your support. I hope Yuan Zun can accompany you again in the next three years.

In addition, if you have any votes and likes, please throw them over! )

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