Venerable Yuan

Text Chapter 613 Jiang Taishen’s Methods


Between heaven and earth, violent Origin Qi raged, creating a storm.

The moment the two sides took action, Yaoyao and Ye Ge, who were sitting on the top of a mountain, suddenly burst out with the power of their souls. The two of them held source pattern pens, and countless dao source patterns shot out at this time.

These source patterns, like light, fell straight towards the direction where Chu Qing, Li Qingchan, Kong Sheng and other saints were, and suddenly a pillar of source energy rose from the top of the mountain where they were.

Between the light pillars, there is a light curtain that spreads rapidly, and finally connects all the peaks where the other saints are, as if forming a barrier, covering the valley in the center.

The Holy Palace has sixteen Holy Sons, but Cangxuan Sect has a slightly smaller number. Including Yaoyao, it can be counted as eleven at most. Originally, Tun Tun also counted, but because it needs to lead other disciples to clear out the Seven Colorful Treasure Land The guardian beast in it, so it can't take action at this time.

Therefore, in terms of numbers, Cangxuan Sect is slightly disadvantaged.

But the good thing is that their current goal is to protect the treasure land, not to fight with each other.

But now Yaoyao and Ye Ge quickly set up the source pattern barrier. If the other party wants to break through, the only way is to break through the barrier nodes where the saints are.

But this barrier seems to have the ability to connect. If the Holy Palace tries to concentrate its power to attack one node, the rest of the people will be able to provide source energy assistance through the barrier.

In the sky, Taishen Jiang looked at this scene and couldn't help but frown. In fact, what he wanted to see most was for Cangxuan Sect to come out to fight with them. But now Cangxuan Sect is on the defensive and clearly wants to Delay time and wait for their people to empty out the colorful treasure land.

When the time comes, they will naturally be able to escape intact.

"That Zhou Xiaoyao is really troublesome." Jiang Taishen whispered to himself. His eyes were fixed on Yaoyao's beautiful figure in the distance. How could he not see that Yaoyao was mainly in control of this mysterious barrier? , Ye Ge is just a support.

During this period of time, it was not that their Holy Palace had never fought against Cangxuan Sect, so they all knew that among this generation of Cangxuan Sect’s holy sons, there was an additional Yaoyao, whose origin energy was weak but whose spirit was extremely powerful. .

As for the trouble Yaoyao brought to them, from Jiang Taishen's point of view, he was probably no weaker than Chu Qing.

Jiang Taishen's eyes flickered, but he knew that even if the other party was really a turtle shell, they couldn't just retreat.

"No matter how hard the turtle shell is, my Holy Palace will smash you to pieces today!" Jiang Taishen's white hair was flying and he said indifferently: "Besiege all nodes and attack with all your strength!"

He knew that attacking a little would have no effect, and he could only attack in an all-out way, but fortunately, they had an advantage in the number of Holy Sons of the Holy Palace. As long as the Origin Qi attack had the advantage, they might not be able to directly break through the opponent's barrier.

Once the barrier is broken, it will be difficult for the opponent to stop them, and their people can directly attack the colorful treasure land.


As soon as his voice fell, the other Holy Sons of the Holy Palace shot out at this moment and quickly dispersed to the surroundings. The next moment, a powerful torrent of Origin Qi roared out, like a meteor streaking across the sky, overwhelming the sky. Blast away against the barrier light curtain.

boom! boom!

Suddenly the earth shook, and ripples rippled on the huge barrier light curtain.

However, Chu Qing, Li Qingchan, Kong Sheng and other saints also took action. They touched the light curtain with their hands, and a billowing source of energy surged out of their bodies, pouring all of it directly into the barrier without reservation.

The barrier light curtain became increasingly bright.

So in this world, one side is attacking crazily, the other is holding firm, and the source energy of the world is boiling at this moment.

In the distance, people from various sects were also looking at this scene.

"I thought they were going to fight directly..." said a saint from Baihua Fairy Palace.

The woman named Gong Wan smiled lightly and said: "If it weren't for Yaoyao, I'm afraid Cangxuan Sect would have to choose to fight hard, but now, it can save a lot of trouble."

"If the Holy Palace cannot break the barrier, there is nothing we can do to Cangxuan Sect. We can only watch helplessly as Cangxuan Sect clears out the colorful treasure land."

"This Yaoyao is really a treasure."

Gong Wan said, staring at the beautiful silhouette in the distance with her beautiful eyes, and then complained to Zuoqiu Qingyu and Luluo: "Such a good seedling, why didn't you bring it into our Baihua Fairy in the first place?" palace?"

Regarding her complaints, Zuoqiu Qingyu and Luluo could only give her a blank look.

"No wonder Cangxuan Sect is not afraid of the Holy Palace coming to rob it. It turns out that they have been prepared for it." Another saint said: "Looking at it from this point of view, Cangxuan Sect has a greater chance of winning in today's situation."

If the barrier cannot be broken, the people in the Holy Palace will not be able to interfere with Cangxuan Sect at all.

Gong Wanyu touched her smooth chin with her hand, pondered slightly, and said, "That's not necessarily the case..."

She raised her pretty face, stared at Jiang Taishen's figure in the distance, and said slowly: "Don't underestimate Jiang Taishen. Until the end, I'm afraid no one can tell the outcome."

The other saints in Baihua Immortal Palace also nodded lightly. The words "Jiang Taishen" put great pressure on every saint in the Holy Continent.

Between heaven and earth, countless gazes are directed towards the violent place of source energy.

And more eyes were obviously fixed on that figure with dancing white hair.

Taishen Jiang stood in the sky. He looked at the barrier that was still only ripples under the fierce bombardment of the Holy Sons of the Holy Palace, but was always stable, with a look of indifference in his eyes.

His eyes met Chu Qing through the barrier.

"Chu Qing, do you really think that with this turtle shell, I can't do anything to you?"

Chu Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, and his body gradually became tense.

Jiang Taishen smiled faintly, and saw the blood-red beads tied with two strands of hair on both sides of his face slowly falling off, and the next moment, they suddenly turned into blood and shot out.


The blood-red beads rotated crazily and collided with the barrier light curtain. The blood light filled the air and gradually corroded a small hole in the barrier.

At the same time, two blood-red beads suddenly shot out from the hole.

call out!

The blood-red light beads penetrated the barrier and fell directly at an extremely fast speed, and the place where they landed was Zhao Zhu who was guarding the valley!

"Zhao Zhu, be careful!" Chu Qing shouted.

Zhao Zhu's expression suddenly changed at this moment, the origin energy in his body burst out, and his figure retreated violently.

However, the two blood-red light beads were too fast. A flicker blocked Zhao Zhu's forward and retreat routes, and then, the light beads began to rotate and gradually expanded.

So, among the countless shocking gazes, only two figures were seen, slowly walking out of the light bead, one after the other, blocking all Zhao Zhu's escape routes.

There was an uproar between heaven and earth.

Because they discovered that those two figures were the two holy sons of the Holy Palace!

Taishen Jiang actually penetrated the barrier forcefully and sent the two holy sons of their holy palace inside.

In the distance, the expressions of Luluo and Zuoqiu Qingyu became solemn at this moment. They knew that when these two saints broke into the barrier, the situation would undoubtedly become extremely unfavorable for Cangxuan Sect. .

In the sky, Taishen Jiang gently twisted his neck. He looked at Chu Qing and said with a faint smile: "Although your barrier saves you a lot of trouble, it also restrains your hands and feet... .”

"Chu Qing, I'm sorry, this time, our Holy Palace won."

(Watching a LOL game today, my scalp went numb when ig won, and when RNG lost, my scalp went numb.)

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