Venerable Yuan

Text Chapter 710 Hometown

"The place where lightning strikes..."

Zhou Yuan looked at Gu Zong and others leaving in embarrassment, but his expression was surprisingly solemn. He murmured and repeated the clues about the Cangxuan Holy Seal that Gu Zong said before.

"This is really troublesome..."

He couldn't help but sigh. He possessed three holy patterns. Once the Cangxuan Holy Seal really fell into the hands of others, he would definitely be able to sense the existence of the holy patterns.

At that time, no matter who got the Cangxuan Holy Seal, the first thought would definitely be to complete the Cangxuan Holy Seal, so his holy pattern here would definitely be taken back.

With his current strength, how can he compete with that kind of existence?

There was a delicate fragrance coming from beside him, Yaoyao landed next to Zhou Yuan, and said softly: "This Cang Xuantian, I'm afraid the sky is about to change."

Once the Cangxuan Holy Seal appears, the shock it will cause is unimaginable. Whether it is the Holy Palace, Cangxuan Sect or other giant sects, they will definitely fight for it with all their strength.

The battle that broke out was far from the previous game between the Holy Palace and the Cangxuan Sect disciples.

That is truly devastating.

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath. Because he had just calmed down Dawu, he could have been more relaxed in the future, but he didn't expect that such a big thing would happen in a blink of an eye.

Of course, if he didn't possess the Three Saint Patterns, he actually wouldn't want to pay too much attention to the Cangxuan Saint Seal, because it was not accessible to him at this level.

But unfortunately there is no if.

"What should I do?" Zhou Yuan had a headache.

"In any case, we have to pay attention to the clues about the location of the Cangxuan Holy Seal. If possible, it is best to find it first, at least to gain a head start. We would rather give this thing to the Cangxuan Sect than to give it away. We cannot fall into the hands of the Holy Palace." Yaoyao said with her red lips slightly parted.

Once Palace Master Shengyuan obtains the Cangxuan Holy Seal, then he will become the God of Cangxuan Heaven. No one in this world will be able to check and balance him. At that time, Palace Master Shengyuan will definitely not let go. Zhou Yuan with three holy patterns.

Coupled with some previous grievances, the Master of Shengyuan Palace is more likely to directly kill Zhou Yuan, and even the Zhou Dynasty may be implicated.

And if the Cangxuan Holy Seal falls into the hands of the Cangxuan Sect, Zhou Yuan will at least have a way out.

Zhou Yuan pondered for a moment and said: "But it is not easy to find clues. The place where the lightning the place where the thunder struck down? This kind of clues are too broad, let alone other continents, even this small vast continent , I don’t know how many people meet this condition.”

He thought for a while, then the figure jumped down and came to Zhou Qing.

At this time, Wei Canglan, Black Poison King and others around him bowed respectfully to Zhou Yuan, their eyes full of awe. The scene where Zhou Yuan had forced back so many powerful people in the Divine Palace Realm had given them too much. of shock.

You know, there are so many powerful people in the Divine Palace Realm who are enough to destroy the country, but they still suffer losses in the hands of Zhou Yuan, which shows what kind of terrifying power Zhou Yuan controls now.

Now Zhou Yuan is already the most powerful supporter of the Zhou Dynasty.

As long as Zhou Yuan is still there, the empire of Great Zhou will be stable forever.

Zhou Qing looked at Zhou Yuan's young face and sighed. The young man who ran away from home had unknowingly become enough to become his backing.

This made him both happy and proud.

"Yuan'er, those people won't leave with hatred and destroy everywhere, right?" Zhou Qing glanced at the direction Gu Zong and the others left before and asked with some worry.

Now that Dazhou has just taken control of Dawu, the situation is still unstable. If those powerful people in the Shenfu realm cause trouble, it will cause great turmoil.

"I'm sorry they don't have the guts." Zhou Yuan smiled. Although he caused Gu Zong and others to bleed, they should also be self-aware. If they retaliate randomly, it will not be solved by using the divine medicine. Something happened.

Seeing Zhou Yuan's calm demeanor, Zhou Qing let go of his worries.

"Father, there is something I would like to ask your help for." Zhou Yuan said with a smile.

"Oh?" Zhou Qing was a little surprised, then smiled and said: "It's rare that you still need to find your father, so if you have anything to do, just tell me."

Zhou Yuan smiled and said: "I would like to ask my father to help me check out all the places where thunder has landed on this vast continent."

"Where does the thunder land?" Zhou Qing was stunned for a moment, frowned and thought for a moment, then said: "It should be quite a few. After all, although this is not common, it is not too rare."

"Is there anything special?"

Zhou Qing muttered: "I'll let someone go investigate."

At this time, the Black Poison King on the side suddenly walked out, showed a flattering smile to Zhou Yuan, and said: "Your Highness, as for the place where lightning strikes, I know one, and it should be considered extremely special."


The Black Poison King smiled and said: "I wonder if Your Highness still remembers the place where we met me?" Zhou Yuan was startled, and then his eyes suddenly brightened: "You mean... Black Abyss?!"

When he left the capital of Great Zhou, the first place he went to experience was the Black Abyss on the border of Great Zhou!

Yaoyao jumped down with Tuntun in her arms, a look of surprise appeared on her beautiful face, she whispered: "Do you still remember the Zhan Puppet Sect?"

Zhou Yuan nodded, how could he not remember that his silver shadow was obtained there.

"Then do you still remember the photos we saw in the underground palace of the Zhanpuppet Sect?"

Zhou Yuan's heart was shocked, and the memory of the past was brought up at this moment.

"The genius of the Holy Clan died here, declaring this place to be a place of sin and deserving of holy punishment. All living beings within 80,000 miles will be destroyed."

In the photos of the underground palace, the ruthless voice brought thunder and punishment, destroying all the sects that existed in the black abyss in ancient times.

At that time, Zhou Yuan was deeply shocked. It was also where he learned about the existence of the Saint Clan for the first time.

Over the years, he also learned from some ancient books of the Cangxuan Sect that in ancient times, most of the Cangxuan Heaven was still controlled by the Saints. However, later, with countless battles, the Cangxuan Ancestor stood out and finally won the Cangxuan Heaven. The Holy Seal became God, forcing the Holy Clan to withdraw from Cang Xuantian.

The destructive thunder punishment in the black abyss should have occurred before Patriarch Cangxuan obtained the Holy Seal.

Therefore, that once sinful land can really be regarded as a place struck by lightning.

Yaoyao looked at Zhou Yuan with bright eyes and said softly: "That is a very magical place."

Zhou Yuan nodded, it was indeed very strange. It was originally a place where the holy power of the saint clan was rampant. Normally, many of today's most powerful people would not want to touch or remember that place.

This is a blind spot of vision.

So, when Patriarch Cangxuan died, would he do the opposite and deliberately hide the Cangxuan Holy Seal in the so-called place of sin?

Thinking like this, Zhou Yuan's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up, because he felt that this might really be possible!

Zhou Yuan looked at Yaoyao, and they both saw the look of surprise in the other's eyes.

"It seems that we have to investigate the black abyss again..."

This made Zhou Yuan couldn't help but sigh. When he stepped out of the Great Zhou Mansion, the first place he went to for training was the Black Abyss. He never expected that many years later, he would return to his old place.

It seems like a reincarnation.

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