Venerable Yuan

Chapter 829: The Heart of the Oblivion Beast

Chapter 829? The beast’s heart is destroyed by the sky

In the divine palace, there is a bright light gushing out, and tens of millions of source energy stars roar out, like a torrent, constantly colliding with the barrier between the fifth and sixth divine palaces.


Under this collision, the divine palace also shook.

Immediately afterwards, subtle cracks appeared on the barrier. The cracks spread rapidly. After dozens of breaths, the barrier was densely covered. After Zhou Yuan's polishing during this period, the barrier of the Divine Mansion was already extremely weak.


Therefore, when the Source Qi impact came again, the barrier that had hindered Zhou Yuan for a long time finally broke apart at this time.

The door to the sixth level of the Divine Mansion is wide open!

The torrent formed by tens of millions of source energy stars poured directly into the sixth level of the divine palace. In this level of divine palace, there were mysterious and pure substances spilled, which came into contact with the torrent of origin energy, and then merged quickly.

Boom boom!

Under this fusion, the torrent of Origin Qi began to surge at an astonishing speed, like a huge wave, sweeping through the sixth level of the Divine Palace, and countless Origin Qi stars continued to condense out...

A majestic sense of power also surged out, eventually spreading to his limbs.

Outside, Zhou Yuan slowly opened his eyes. At this time, extremely powerful Origin Qi fluctuations surged around him, and the momentum was also extremely shocking.

He felt the majestic Origin Qi surging within the Divine Palace, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

Because according to his perception, the number of Origin Qi stars in the Divine Mansion has skyrocketed to four million!

It has truly reached a source energy accumulation of 15 million!

If he activates the wind spirit pattern again, his source energy will reach a terrifying level of 18 million!

"Eighteen million..."

Zhou Yuan's heart was in turmoil. With this kind of knowledge, if he fought with Chen Beifeng again, Zhou Yuan would be absolutely sure to suppress him in one move.

"As the layers of the divine palace are penetrated higher, it seems that the increase in source energy is stronger!" Zhou Yuan's eyes flickered. He remembered that when he opened the fifth level of the divine palace, the increase in source energy was only three million, and This time, the sixth level of the divine palace was opened, but the increase was even stronger.

And now Zhou Yuan still has three levels of divine palace that he has not yet opened. If he can completely open it, then his Origin Qi foundation will be enhanced by at least ten million!

That is to say, even if Zhou Yuan does not use any external objects, when he gets through the Nine Divine Palaces, his Origin Qi foundation may even exceed 30 million!

Thirty million yuan of origin energy!

Zhou Yuanguang couldn't help but click his tongue at the thought of such a level of knowledge. Although he didn't know what Lu Xiao's knowledge was like after he got through the Nine Divine Palaces, he guessed that it was only around 20 million at most.

And Lu Xiao was still the Shangjiu Palace among the nine divine palaces that had been opened.

Obviously, this is the huge advantage brought to Zhou Yuan by the Chaos Divine Mansion and the World-Suppressing Heavenly Dragon Qi.

Zhou Yuan let out a long sigh of relief.

And just when Zhou Yuan was rejoicing at the surge in his Origin Qi, his body suddenly trembled, and a black light shot out from his body and floated in front of him.

"Tian Yuan Brush?!"

When Zhou Yuan saw the Tianyuan Brush appearing uncontrollably, he was stunned for a moment. Then he suddenly saw that the sixth ancient source pattern on the mottled brush seemed to be blooming slightly at this moment.

"Is the sixth source pattern about to awaken?!"

Zhou Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then lost his composure and was ecstatic again. You must know that the evolution of Tianyuan Bi has been stuck at the sixth source pattern for a long time. No matter how hard he cultivated, the sixth source pattern has never been fully awakened. signs.

Zhou Yuan had been having a headache for a long time, but he didn't expect that the Tianyuan Pen would finally make some moves today!

Could it be that today, we really want a double happiness? !

Zhou Yuan looked at the Tianyuan Brush with burning eyes. The sixth ancient source pattern on the pen was blooming with light, and there were faint mysterious fluctuations. However, when the ancient source pattern still had the last gap, , Tianyuan Brush suddenly trembled violently, and then the sixth ancient source pattern quickly dimmed.

The Tianyuan pen also dropped slowly, and the light converged.

Zhou Yuan looked at this scene with some confusion and murmured: "Awakening failed?"

"how so?"

Zhou Yuan held the Tianyuan Brush with a disappointed look on his face and frowned. In the previous scene, the Tianyuan Brush clearly wanted to awaken the sixth pattern, but failed at the last moment.

"Why do I always feel like something is missing from this awakening?" Zhou Yuan said to himself.

The awakening of the five ancient source patterns in the past did not seem to be as difficult as this time.

Zhou Yuan felt an extreme headache. He held the Tianyuan Brush and said with a bitter smile: "Tianyuan Brush, Tianyuan Brush, how on earth are you going to awaken the sixth pattern?"

He was murmuring in a low voice, but when he finished speaking, the Tianyuan pen in his hand started to buzz and vibrate, and then it slowly rose up in Zhou Yuan's somewhat shocked eyes, and his white hair trembled. Trembling across the void, it turned into words.


"Heavenly Annihilation Beast Heart?!"

Zhou Yuan stared at those four words closely, and then said with burning eyes: "You mean, you need the so-called Heavenly Oblivion Beast Heart to awaken the sixth pattern?!"

After the Tianyuan pen finished writing these four words, it fell quietly into Zhou Yuan's palm again, without any movement.

Zhou Yuan's eyes were shining with light. Tian Yuan Bi was at the level of a holy treasure at its peak, so he naturally possessed extremely high spirituality. However, he was in a severely damaged state in the past, so it was difficult to communicate with Zhou Yuan. But now with Zhou Yuan's Yuan unceasingly cultivated and restored some spirituality, so he took the initiative to remind me this time.

After all, if it hadn't taken the initiative to point it out, Zhou Yuan wouldn't have guessed even if he thought about it, that the Tianyuan Bi's awakening of the sixth pattern would actually require the so-called Heavenly Annihilation Beast Heart.

"Brother, you should have told me earlier!" Zhou Yuan shook his head. If he had known that he needed this thing, he would have searched for it with all his strength. There was no need to waste so long time.

The so-called Heavenly Annihilation Beast's heart should be the heart of the Heavenly Annihilation Beast, right?

But what kind of source beast is the Sky Annihilation Beast? Which rank does it rank in?

Zhou Yuan pondered for a moment, then put the Tianyuan Pen into his body, stood up, and turned into a stream of light and galloped away in the direction of the fire domain exit.

No matter what the hidden beast was that day, now that he had a clue, it was naturally impossible for Zhou Yuan to give up.

Once the Tianyuan Pen awakens the sixth pattern, not to mention the mystery of the sixth pattern itself, the Tianyuan Pen itself will undergo a great transformation and become a true top-grade Tianyuan soldier!

And source weapons of this level are second only to many holy treasures that can destroy the world.

If Zhou Yuan can master it before the arrival of the Chief Pavilion Master, then his confidence will undoubtedly become greater when fighting against Lu Xiao.

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